
How long can eggs last in the refrigerator? Don't eat them after this time, it's best to throw them away as soon as possible

author:Yu Hui

At a family dinner, an elderly person shared her doubts: "My grandson always reminds me not to eat eggs that have been in the fridge for too long, he says it will make you sick. But when I was a child, eggs were often left out for a long time and still edible, is it really that serious?" was a question that aroused the interest of everyone present, and perhaps in the lives of each of us, such questions were not uncommon. With the enhancement of food safety awareness, we have begun to pay more and more attention to the details of daily diet, and eggs, as one of the most common and basic ingredients, have a shelf life and food safety that every family needs to face.

How long can eggs last in the refrigerator? Don't eat them after this time, it's best to throw them away as soon as possible

So, how long can eggs be kept in the refrigerator? After this period, is there really a health risk after eating? Today, we will uncover this seemingly simple but curious puzzle together, and lead everyone into the world of science, explore the secret of egg preservation, and ensure that our diet is healthy and safe. Let's start from the small details of daily life, re-examine and understand what we think of as "common sense", and look at every seemingly inconspicuous life choice with a scientific eye.

How long can eggs last in the refrigerator? Don't eat them after this time, it's best to throw them away as soon as possible

How to store eggs correctly: quality is in the details

In daily life, eggs are a common and nutritious food, and the correct way to preserve them is essential to maintain their freshness and nutritional value. Proper storage methods can effectively extend the edible life of eggs and reduce food waste.

Keep it cold and fresh: the best environment to keep your eggs

Eggs should be stored in the refrigerator at an ideal temperature range of 1 to 5 degrees Celsius. Low temperature can slow down the activity of microorganisms inside the eggs and prolong the storage time. The humidity inside the refrigerator should also be moderate, too humidity will promote bacterial growth, and too dry will allow the water in the eggs to evaporate, causing the egg whites and yolks to shrink. In addition, it is best to store eggs in a more stable position inside the refrigerator to avoid temperature fluctuations caused by frequent opening and closing at the door.

Pay attention to the packaging: protect the eggs from contamination

It is best to keep eggs in their original packaging or use a breathable container when preserving, which will prevent the eggs from absorbing the odor of other foods in the refrigerator and reduce cross-contamination of bacteria. Proper packaging also protects the natural protective layer on the eggshell, further extending the freshness of the egg.

How long can eggs last in the refrigerator? Don't eat them after this time, it's best to throw them away as soon as possible

The hidden risks of consuming expired eggs

Although eggs are a nutritious food, after the expiration date, their internal structure will change, which can easily breed bacteria and mold, increasing the risk of health problems after consumption.

Bacterial growth: a hidden danger of food poisoning

After the egg exceeds the shelf life, the air chamber in the shell expands, and the air permeability of the eggshell increases, which can easily lead to bacterial invasion. Salmonella, in particular, is a common foodborne pathogen that multiplies inside eggs and may not be completely killed even after cooking, causing food poisoning.

Decline in nutritional value: It's not just a change in taste

With the extension of storage time, the protein in eggs will gradually decompose, and the nutritional value will decrease. Expired eggs also have less vitamins and minerals and no longer have the original health benefits.

In order to ensure food safety, consumers are advised to choose reputable merchants when buying eggs and pay attention to the shelf life of eggs. When storing, do not put eggs together with foods with strong odors, as the eggshells are porous and may absorb surrounding odors. Also, avoid changing the storage temperature of the eggs frequently, as fluctuations in temperature can accelerate the spoilage of the eggs.

If eggs show signs of odor, discoloration, or deterioration during storage, they should be discarded immediately, even if they have not exceeded the recommended storage time, to avoid the risk of food poisoning.

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