
Cherish water resources and protect the water of life

author:Educational and cultural exchanges

——Huiji District Xincheng Road Primary School "Love Water Source and Save Water" theme flag-raising course

Water is the source of life and the basic material condition for the development of human society. With water, the world is full of life. In the long river of human civilization, water is the source of life and the cornerstone of human civilization. This year, 22 March marks the 32nd World Water Day. In order to establish the students' idea that "saving water is glorious, wasting water is shameful", and develop the good habit of "saving every drop of water, starting from me, starting from now", Xincheng Road Primary School in Huiji District launched a flag-raising course with the theme of "Caring for Water Sources and Saving Water" on March 18.

Take care of water and save water

Cherish water resources and protect the water of life

The national flag was raised, the national anthem was played, all the teachers paid attention to the salute, and the Young Pioneers saluted. In the sound of the loud national anthem, the bright five-star red flag was slowly raised, and then all the teachers and students sang the motherland in chorus.

Cherish water resources and protect the water of life

The students of the 52nd Squadron brought a poem recitation "If I Were a Drop of Water".

Cherish water resources and protect the water of life

Mr. Han, the counselor of the 52nd Squadron, gave a speech entitled "Cherish Water Resources, Protect the Water of Life!", Mr. Han first talked about the importance of water from the impact of water on human life, agriculture, industry, etc., and then through a series of worrying and worrying data, let the students understand the current situation of the serious shortage of water resources on the earth, and finally advocated that the teachers and students of the school start from every little thing around them and cherish every drop of water!

Cherish water resources and protect the water of life

Zhang Tingyu, the representative of the Young Pioneers of the 52nd Squadron, gave a speech on the theme of "Starting from Saving a Drop of Water", telling how to save water from the bits and pieces of life as a student. Afterwards, Mr. Han, an assistant member of the 52nd Squadron, led everyone to solemnly swear an oath together.

Through this flag-raising course, students understand that water is the source of life and a precious resource inseparable from human survival, and we must take action for the future of the earth and the future of mankind. Cherish water resources and protect the water of life.

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