
He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

author:Teacher He Jie, an old urchin

"Silent Night"

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

Session A: Poems on board books, introducing ancient poems

1. Introduce three pieces of information


Children, there was a survey that asked Chinese which ancient poem is the most familiar? Do you know? This is "Silent Night Thoughts".


This poem is amazing, every sentence can be read by everyone, but it is very profound, some big brothers, big sisters, and even big doctors and big professors are studying it, why?


The author of this poem is so famous, he is Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty, and people call him "poet immortal". His poetry is romantic, extraordinary, beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

2. Memorize as a group

Let's recite this poem together!

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

3. Encouragement (children/poets, poets)

Encourage the children: Children, you are so good!

Encourage poets and poets: Why didn't the teacher teach you all about it? Because this poem is so easy to understand, the whole poem is 20 words, and every word can be understood, and it is connected into four sentences, and the sentences can be read clearly

A poem, a classic.

Encourage children to read it again and complete the introduction of the opening chapter.

Session B: Explain ancient poems

1. What time

(1) Children, when was this poem written?


(2) From the title "Silent Night Thoughts" "Night", we know that this poem is written at night, in addition to the night revealed in the title, where else can we see the night in the poem?

Moon, frost

Summary: There is "night" in the title, "moon" in the poem, and "frost" on the ground.

(3) Follow-up question: What is the "month" of the season?

The teacher reminds you: Children, in this poem, there is a word that we have learned in the previous text, remember? We have learned "autumn frost falls" before, and the season of frost is autumn, so this poem is written about the "moon" of autumn. (Review old knowledge, old knowledge leads to new knowledge)

Teacher's guidance: "Suspected to be frost on the ground" We know that this "month" is the "month" of autumn, and it is best to miss it in this season.

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

2. What location

(1) Where was the poem written?

In front of the floor.

(2) What does the poet think of the place where he misses the moon?

The poet misses his homeland very much.

(3) At this moment, is the poet not in his hometown?


Conclusion: He is not in his hometown, so he misses his hometown very much. Therefore, if a person is not in his homeland, we can say: he is in another country. It can be seen that the antonym of hometown is other/foreign.

Insert a background introduction

Li Bai was 26 years old when he wrote this poem, and he was living in a hotel in Yangzhou at the time. Seeing the bright moon hanging high on the autumn night, he missed his hometown very much, it is said that he was sick again at that time, and he was wandering away at a young age, and when he saw the moon, he missed his hometown even more. (Guided by the teacher, not translated sentence by sentence, and not destroying the original beauty of the poem)

3. What is the reason?

Question: Children, why does the poet suddenly miss his hometown on such a night?

Students are free to answer.

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

This question is quite ambitious, so let's break it down:

(1) What did the poet Li Bai see on this night?

Bright moon (head up), moonlight (head down).

(2) What did the psalmist have in mind? Read the second sentence

"Suspicious" is the frost of the earth. (Focus on understanding "suspicious")

"Doubt" is a kind of doubt and imagination of the poet.


Children, it is late autumn (the 15th day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar), and there is already autumn frost on the night of late autumn, and the frost is heavy in late autumn at night. At this time, Li Bai saw the moonlight sprinkled on the ground, but he used the moonlight as autumn frost again, which shows that the autumn frost is thicker at this time, and the autumn night is cooler.

The poet is alone in a foreign country, and his thoughts are deeper.

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

Advance (teacher's line):

Version A (Guaranteed Teaching)

Children, the poet Li Bai knew that it was moonlight, but he wrote autumn frost, and it was obviously the poet's imagination, but he wrote "doubtful", which shows that what he sees in his eyes and what he thinks in his heart is different from ours.

Version B (Difficulty Increase)

In fact, children, in the future, you will find that Li Bai often uses such "suspicion" to assert directly, for example: "The flying stream goes straight down 3,000 feet, and it is suspected that the Milky Way falls for nine days"; and suspicious Yaotai mirror, flying in the green clouds", it can be seen that Li Bai is really different from us, and there is a different world in his heart.

(3) What did the psalmist do? Read three or four verses.

Look up, look down

(Grade-1 Teachings) Excuse me: Do you think poets are cute?


He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

Foreshadowing: Where is the cuteness?

1. "Raise your head and look at the bright moon" related development

① “口头百字”(诗人与月交流)

Under the moonlight, so many people walked around without feeling, only the poet looked up at the moon and thought to himself, the poet might want to talk to the moonlight, who did he want to talk to in the moonlight?

Chang'e, Jade Rabbit, Moon Palace Immortal

(2) Expansion of ancient poems (according to the academic situation):

I dare not raise my voice, for fear of frightening the people in heaven.

Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and the shadow becomes a trio. (Read only, don't talk, feel)

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

2. "Bow your head and miss your hometown" related development

(1) Take advantage of the situation and ask: Why does Li Bai think about his hometown when he looks down, and not about anything else?

Teacher's guidance: Think about it, Li Bai thinks of his hometown when he looks at the moon, so at this time he must find that the people in his hometown can't see "me", but he will definitely be able to see the moon, because the end of the world is at this time.

(2) "I" see the moon and think about my hometown, who is the hometown people who see the moon and think?

"I" / Li Bai

(3) What do I see when I see the moon?

Family, because of the moon and thinking about people.

He Jie|1 (II) "Silent Night Thoughts" learns to use the unique teaching methods of the lower years to interpret classic poems

Session C: Feel the classics

1. Questions

Before class, we said that this poem is the one we are most familiar with, why is it so classic?

2. Guidance:

(1) Moon: "Moon" appears in this poem, but is "moon" visible to everyone?


(2) Missing: Does everyone have "missing"?


(3) Poetry: That's why everyone loves this poem.

This is the "moon" that everyone can see, everyone has thoughts, everyone loves this poem, I don't know when the moon has become a representative of longing, and Li Bai's poem is indispensable.

Finally, read the poems related to "Moon" with the children and feel the classics of "Moon".

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