
The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

author:Xianyang anti-drug pioneer

There are a large number of surnames in China, with a long history, and there have always been hundreds of surnames. However, the "100 family surnames" that people often say do not refer to 100 surnames, but the general term and general term of Chinese surnames. The name of "100 schools" indicates a large number and covers a wide range of meanings. For example, the well-known Song version of "Hundred Family Names" originally collected a total of 411 surnames, and later added to 504. To this day, there are 5,662 surnames found in literature in China.

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The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

Among these surnames, Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu, and Chen rank in the top five, accounting for 30.8% of the total number of registered people in the country. Among them, the surname "Wang" is the most common surname in China, with about 101.5 million people. This is followed by the surname "Li", with about 100.9 million people. The surname "Zhang" is a close second, with about 95.4 million people. The surnames "Liu" and "Chen" are about 72.1 million and 63.3 million, respectively.

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?
The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?
The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The top five compound surnames in terms of population are Ouyang, Shangguan, Huangfu, Linghu, and Zhuge respectively.

Among them, "Ouyang" is the most compound surname in the mainland, with 910,000 people, ranking first among all compound surnames, ranking 169 in the country, and none of the other compound surnames are on the top 200 list.

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

If the population is more than 300,000, the unit of population is "10,000", and there is no decimal point.

If the population is less than 300,000, because the competition is too fierce, although "10,000" is still used as the unit of population, the population number is marked with a decimal point, and there are many surnames with the same number of thousands of people after the decimal point.

It is conceivable that the further you go, the more fierce the competition in the rankings, even if a big family has an extra doll, it is very competitive.

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

China was the first country to have a surname, with a history of more than 5,000 years. In the long river of historical development, Chinese surnames have developed and evolved, continued to be inherited, and formed a cultural system with rich connotations, transcending historical time and space, and crossing geographical boundaries. Therefore, Chinese surnames have become a unique perspective and micro window for inheriting civilization, interpreting history, and seeing through society.

The latest ranking of China's 100 surnames, what is your surname?

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