
From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

Although housing prices have fallen in the past two years, the overall housing prices in the mainland are still high, and in the past two years, residents' incomes have been affected, and the problem of high housing prices has become more and more serious, and the impact on residents' daily lives is gradually expanding. For the people of the mainland, the house is not only a simple living space, but also a symbol of home, carrying profound cultural feelings. Since ancient times, the traditional concepts of "having a house to have a home" and "starting a family before starting a business" have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Nowadays, the house plays multiple roles in the city, and it is related to the love, marriage, children's education and welfare of young people, and it has become an important part of the family's wealth. It can be said that the status of houses in modern society has far surpassed the past and has become an indispensable part of people's lives.

From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

In response to the housing problem, the mainland government has been reforming the real estate sector and has introduced a series of policies. Since the first housing reform in 1998, the mainland has completely abolished the system of housing allocation and started the reform of housing commercialization in an all-round way. With the deepening of reform, the construction of commercial housing has been accelerating, which has effectively alleviated people's housing demand.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in 1998, the sales area of commercial housing was only 122 million square meters, and by 2020, the sales area of commercial housing in the country has jumped to 1.761 billion square meters. In other words, in the past 22 years, the annual sales area of commercial housing in mainland China has increased by more than ten times. However, after the housing reform, urbanization accelerated, and more and more rural people poured into the cities, creating a huge demand for housing, which is also the reason for the continuous rise in housing prices.

Over the past 20 years, the real estate industry has ushered in a golden age of development. Both developers and home buyers have reaped handsome returns on this wave of rising home prices. However, this has also made the housing price problem more serious and the impact on residents' lives is deepening. Therefore, how to effectively solve the housing problem and balance the relationship between housing prices and residents' income has become an important issue to be solved urgently.

From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

In other words, although house prices have fallen in recent years, their levels remain high. The current bailout measures are not aimed at pushing up house prices, but rather at stabilizing the market so that house prices fluctuate reasonably under the natural regulation of supply and demand. However, in the face of high housing prices, the current regulatory and rescue policies are still unable to solve the housing problem of low-income groups. Therefore, the introduction of the second housing reform policy is particularly important and urgent.

The second housing reform, a reform of far-reaching significance, aims to alleviate the housing difficulties of the general public. Faced with the current reality of high housing prices and huge pressure to buy a home, many families feel that owning a home of their own is out of reach. In this context, the second housing reform came into being, and through a series of innovative policies, it lit up the light of hope for these families to live and work in peace and contentment. In an exclusive interview with the People's Daily, the Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development clearly pointed out:

It is necessary to fully implement the long-term mechanism of the real estate market, strengthen the main responsibility of the city, adapt measures to local conditions, and take multiple measures at the same time to ensure the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

The second housing reform policy focuses on the high housing price environment, providing diversified housing solutions for groups who cannot afford to buy a house. Among them, the policies of shared property rights, low-rent housing, public rental housing and the same rights for rental and sale have their own characteristics, which together constitute the policy system of the second housing reform. Among them, co-ownership affordable housing has attracted much attention.

From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

Co-ownership affordable housing is a unique model of housing ownership that allows a home to have two or more property owners. This means that low- and middle-income families with housing difficulties can jointly own the property rights with the government in proportion to their capital contributions. Due to the low price of land transfer, the price of co-ownership houses is relatively affordable. Buyers do not need to pay rent for the corresponding property for 5 years after the purchase of the property, and after 5 years, if the buyer chooses not to buy the remaining property, the government will charge the rent according to the standard of low-cost housing. This policy not only lowers the threshold for buying a house and allows more families to own their own homes, but also provides the government with flexible management tools to ensure the rational allocation and efficient use of housing resources.

In other words, the secondary housing reform policy provides a more diverse housing choice for the general public through a series of innovative measures. These policies not only help alleviate housing pressure and improve people's living standards, but also serve as an important force for promoting the harmonious and stable development of society.

The policy of equal rights for renting and selling is undoubtedly a powerful tool to solve the housing problem. Renting, although it can solve the temporary housing needs, for a long time, renters cannot enjoy the same rights and interests as buyers, so that renting can only meet the most basic living needs, and it is also the main reason why many people choose to buy a house. According to statistics, as of 2023, 240 million people in mainland China have chosen to live in rented houses. If the policy of equal rights for rental and sale can be fully promoted, the gap between renting and buying will gradually narrow. If the huge group of renters in the mainland can obtain the same rights and interests as home buyers, it will greatly ease their housing pressure and make them no longer obsessed with buying houses.

From 2024, there will be new changes in the property market policy, and no one will pay attention to it

Conclusion: The second housing reform aims to solve the housing problem of families who cannot afford to buy a house under high housing prices. If policies such as the same rights for rental and sale and co-ownership can be successfully implemented, it will have a profound impact on the current housing prices. With the continuous promotion of regulatory policies and secondary housing reform, the problem of high housing prices is expected to be gradually solved. Therefore, those who do not own a home yet can rest easy and no longer worry about the sharp increase in housing prices. In the past two years, houses have not been easy to sell, and many cities have begun to acquire commercial housing on a large scale for use as talent apartments, public rental housing and co-ownership housing, which is good news for everyone who buys a house.

Discussion topic: After the implementation of the policy of equal rights for rent and sale, do you prefer to buy or rent?

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