
"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

author:Purely personal

The plot of "Ode to Joy" David and Ye Zhenzhen is really not good-looking, I don't feel sweet when I see them in love, there is no sense of CP, like two brothers living together, and more importantly, this love is so much that Ye Zhenzhen's whole family is on the move, because the parents of the Davy family who are demons calculate the Ye family separately, although the couple is very unhappy, but one thing is the same, that is, they both want to use the Ye family and suck the Ye family, which can't help but remind people of He Minhong, and suddenly found that in fact, Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong are very similar!

"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

It is true that Qi Mu is a bad person, he mainly wants to find a free nanny to help him take good care of his Alzheimer's mother, and He Minhong's family is well-off, his parents will not hold back, and his parents have no competent relatives, plus He Minhong's own head is not very clear, and the strategy is not difficult. Later, He Minhong was indeed fooled, he loved to death, and broke up with the 22nd floor, and his parents went into battle together, but He Minhong's brain was caught by the door, and he was stunned to treat kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, and finally his parents were disheartened, coupled with economic factors, until He Minhong met a good boss and slowly sobered up.

"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

Some people may say that how can such He Minhong be like Ye Zhenzhen? She and Ye Zhenzhen are completely two extremes, Ye Zhenzhen's love affair has the support of most people, the little sisters on the 22nd floor support, Ye Zhenzhen's parents support, Ye Zhenzhen herself is still very rational and sober, David is not a villain like Qi Mu, but their situation is very similar! Qi Mu, who has a poor character, can't take care of his own mother to find a He Minhong to suck blood, and David with a good character can't deal with his mother and throw it to his father-in-law, He Minhong is in love and tosses his parents, and Ye Zhenzhen is in love and tosses his parents and brothers, isn't it? David's mother is so difficult that I want people to ask, does this love have to be talked about?

"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

David's mother is really thick-skinned, she obviously has a small treasury, and David and Ye Zhenzhen are just boyfriend and girlfriend relationships, so she has always wanted Ye Zhenzhen's family to pay off her debts, and she can't sell miserably in front of her son, so she saw that she and Ye Zhenzhen's father climbed relatives in front of customers and asked each other to make guarantees, harassed Ye Zhenzhen five times, and let her little wolf dog call and set up a set and went to Ye Zhenzhen's place of work and apartment to squat, the former was set up by Ye Zhenzhen, and the latter was solved by Ye Zhenzhen's cousin.

"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

What's the difference between Ye Zhenzhen's love and He Minhong? It's not that Ye Zhenzhen must abandon David, it's just that although she said that she wouldn't let her parents be wronged for David's mother, in fact, Ye Zhenzhen's parents and brothers have paid too much energy for this relationship, and they have to send someone to pay attention to David's mother at all times. But David didn't recruit his own mother at all, although he refused to help his mother be a demon, but he didn't have the courage to suppress it, and would only hide behind the old Ye family, and Ye Zhenzhen was even more at ease to let her parents and cousins come forward.

"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!
"Ode to Joy 5" does this love have to be talked about? Ye Zhenzhen is a thick version of He Minhong!

Therefore, although the situation of Ye Zhenzhen and He Minhong is two extremes, they are similar in nature, but one is a confused love brain, and the other is a sober love brain, and Ye Zhenzhen's parents have a strong family foundation, but if Ye Zhenzhen's family background is not so thick, her parents are like He Minhong's parents, and it is really not enough for David's parents to toss!