
A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

Original | Pregnancy

When I saw the headline, I thought it was incredible.

The pregnant mother vomited dimly when she was pregnant, and someone didn't feel it at all when she was 8 months pregnant?

Here's what the news is about.

Ms. Li, a 25-year-old woman from Changsha, Hunan Province, was rushed to the hospital because of sudden heavy bleeding and abdominal pain.

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

(Image source: @潇湘晨报)

After going to the hospital, the results were shocking, Ms. Li was 8 months pregnant.

But she herself didn't even notice she was pregnant.

Because she came to the "big aunt" every month, she didn't think about pregnancy at all.

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

Ms. Li, who was rushed to the hospital, was also diagnosed with the extremely dangerous "placenta previa" and gave birth to a child early.

Why do I still have my period when I am pregnant?

The doctor explained that this was caused by placenta previa, which may cause irregular bleeding during the migration of the placenta and look like menstruation.

Many netizens watched the news and called it incredible:

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

"I don't believe it, won't my belly be big?

"I really envy those who are pregnant and know what is going on and give birth. ”

"Can't you feel your belly as big as 8 months?"

"I couldn't vomit at 4 weeks pregnant, and those who didn't know they were pregnant didn't have morning sickness. ”

When it comes to pregnancy, everyone's symptoms are different.

But this kind of thing of not knowing pregnancy until birth, although it sounds enviable, is actually quite dangerous.

For example, the placenta previa mentioned above, this is a high-risk pregnancy.

Therefore, pregnant mothers should also remind that pregnancy has signals, and pregnant mothers must pay careful attention to the symptoms of the body.

Catch the signs of pregnancy in time and have prenatal check-ups on time is responsible for yourself and your baby.

"I didn't know I was pregnant until the baby was moving in my belly"

It's hard to believe that you don't know about pregnancy until you're in labor.

But such a thing is true, and the news has reported a lot of it.

Ms. Zhao from Jiangsu did not know that she was pregnant until she sought medical attention for abdominal pain.

The cause of abdominal pain is that the contractions are coming and the baby is about to be born.

Because of irregular menstruation, she didn't care if she didn't have menstruation.

Because of her fat body and intrauterine adhesions, she never thought she would get pregnant.

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

On social platforms, many netizens also shared their experiences:

"My neighbor, who is obese and has irregular menstruation, only knew that he had a baby until he was about to give birth. ”

"I have a slightly chubby female colleague who was only 6 months pregnant before she knew she was going to be a mother. ”

"I didn't know until I was 4 months pregnant, I thought I was fat and my period was normal, and the doctor said it was pregnancy bleeding. ”

"We have one in my hometown, not to mention that I have something in my belly, and I gave birth to a baby. ”

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

After reading the experience of these mothers, many netizens are envious, I am pregnant and have morning sickness to the point that I want to die, but some people have no symptoms.

But envy is envy, such a pregnancy is very dangerous.

To conceive a healthy baby and ensure the safety of the mother, it must be inseparable from the escort of the prenatal doctor.

These symptoms of the body are telling you

You're pregnant!

Mothers, what are the first symptoms of pregnancy?

When my mother was pregnant at the time, I knew I was pregnant just because my aunt came a day late.

Because my menstrual cycle is very accurate, it will only be advanced and never postponed.

In fact, as long as you look closely, most mothers are pregnant with symptoms, and there are still not many cases like the ones mentioned above.

Menstruation for a long time, an enlarged belly, and a drowsy spirit are all symptoms of pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers have solicited the topic of the first symptoms of pregnancy with mothers before, and many mothers have given answers:

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

"Dreaming about pregnancy and then getting up to get a pregnancy test is actually true. ”

"The eldest aunt found out without coming. ”

"I'm sleepy every day, I'm sleepy when I walk on the road, and I'm especially sleepy at noon, the kind that I can't wait to sleep on the ground. ”

"Always hungry and always wanting to eat. ”

"My chest was swollen for more than 20 days, during which I was sleepy, nauseous, and urinated frequently every day, thinking that I had not tested my pregnancy once, and after a week, I always thought that I was really pregnant after a pregnancy test. ”

"My relatives have always been very punctual, and suddenly they were late. ”

The arrival of the little angel will definitely send a signal, and it depends on whether the mothers can catch it.

Today, the pregnant mother will sort out the initial symptoms of pregnancy:

First: menstruation does not come as scheduled

For mothers who have a very accurate menstrual cycle, this is a very direct signal, if the menstrual cycle has been very accurate, and suddenly it is delayed, it may be pregnant.

So it's a good habit to keep track of your menstrual cycle.

Second: nausea and nausea

About a quarter of pregnant mothers' first reaction after pregnancy is nausea and nausea, because hormonal changes can make mothers very sensitive to smells.

A 25-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with menstrual cramps but gave birth to a child: 8 months pregnant, no symptoms at all?

Third: breast tenderness

Breast tissue is very sensitive to hormones, so the breasts will be the first to receive the signal of hormonal changes after pregnancy.

Most of the time, it is normal to have a feeling of breast tenderness after two weeks of pregnancy, and the breasts will also become fuller.

Fourth: Sudden frequent urination

Blood levels increase after pregnancy, and the kidneys produce extra fluid, which can cause many mothers to experience frequent urination during the first trimester.

If you suddenly find that you run to the toilet more often, you may be pregnant.

Fifth: low back pain, uterine cramps

Pregnancy can cause a lot of unexpected physical discomfort, the most obvious of which is low back pain, at the time I thought it was the wrong sitting posture, until the menstrual period did not come to understand that it was pregnant.

Mild uterine cramps and low back pain are also symptoms of the first trimester.

Sixth: abnormal bleeding

Implantation bleeding may occur in the first trimester, which occurs about 6-12 days after conception, not all pregnant mothers will have bed bleeding, but it is also one of the symptoms of early pregnancy.

Implantation bleeding is not very heavy, and the color is different from menstruation, which is pink or brown.

If there is slight bleeding accompanied by other symptoms, it may be pregnant.

Seventh: physical and mental deterioration

Tiredness is one of the symptoms of early pregnancy, even if the daily routine has not changed, it is very sleepy, and I just want to sleep day by day.

Unexplained fatigue can be a sign of pregnancy.

Eighth: Tastes change

Sudden craving for sour, spicy food, or a strong aversion to the food you once loved, and a sudden change in taste is also a symptom of the first trimester.

Okay, that's it.

I hope that young pregnant women can receive the signal of the arrival of the baby, go to the hospital in time for examination, and a safe and healthy pregnancy is responsible for themselves and their babies!

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