
Why do people drive with a hand out?

author:One Reading

When driving on the road, some cars seem to "grow hands". Some people put their arms on the window, leaving a small part of their elbows or palms exposed, while others just stick most of their hands out of the window. Many people are puzzled by this, some time ago, the topic of "why do you want to reach out when driving" appeared on the hot search. In addition to being used for uncivilized driving behaviors such as flicking cigarette ash and throwing garbage, will there be any other purpose for the outstretched hand while driving?

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Source: Screenshot of the TV series "Hurricane" Why do you want to stretch out your hand when driving? As early as the 50s of the last century, there were records of the act of sticking your hand out of the car. Founded in the United States in 1955, Sports Cars Illustrated (later renamed Car and Driver) is one of the world's leading automotive magazines that is still active today, and on one of its 1955 covers, the driver can be seen putting his hand on the outside of the car.

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Source: References[1] There is no shortage of similar operations in car advertising. For example, the Ford Thunderbird, which has been popular in the United States for decades and has undergone many facelifts, was first put into production in 1954 and remodeled for the first time in 1958. In the 1958 advertisement, the driver can also be seen sticking his hand out of the car.

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Source: Reference[3] The intention of "reaching out" in car advertisements may be mainly to create a positive image of the brand as free, relaxed and comfortable with the stretched body posture of the people in the car. And for ordinary people, "reaching out" may also be for comfort. The first is the comfort of the wind. Some people put their hands out of the car, perhaps to experience the comfort of the wind. The theory of embodied cognition holds that the human brain and body are not two systems, but one. Yada Fetterman, a psychologist and an expert in the field of embodiment at the University of Essex, said that when people resist the resistance or push brought by the wind, the body posture of resistance will also affect people's feelings and emotions, thus breeding resistance. Conversely, when people actively enjoy the presence of the wind with their bodies, positive body posture may also activate positive psychological feelings.

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Source: Screenshot of the Korean drama "The Inheritors" (top), screenshot of the Phoenix Legend MV "Free Flight" (bottom) Of course, the wind doesn't always bring pleasure. For example, Felix Salman, a pharmacologist at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, believes that the dry, hot and dry Charaf wind carries more positively charged ions than normal winds, which may prompt the body to secrete excess serotonin, which can cause allergies and emotional agitation. At the same time, these ions also stimulate the body's adrenaline secretion, causing people to go into a state of listlessness after being extremely excited. In addition, in addition to the comfort brought by the wind, some people put their hands out of the car to reduce physical discomfort, such as sweaty hands, sore hands and other negative experiences that often accompany driving. Look at the sweaty hands first. Primary hyperhidrosis is a common disease in thoracic surgery, which is a functional disease of excessive secretion of exocrine glands on the body surface, and the clinical manifestations are mainly palmar sweating, which can be induced or aggravated in the case of heat, excitement, tension and other conditions, affecting the patient's life, study, work and social interaction.

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Treatment of hand hyperhidrosis|Source: Picture Worm Creative For drivers, excessive hand sweat not only reduces hand comfort, but also may cause slippage when holding the steering wheel, and frequent hand sweat affects driving safety. For example, on May 13, 2017, a truck rollover accident occurred on the Pingru Expressway in Hunan Province, and after investigation, it was found that the accident was caused by the driver wiping the sweat of his hands with paper while driving. Therefore, in addition to wearing gloves and wearing sweat-absorbing steering wheel covers, some drivers choose to put their hands out of the window to accelerate the air flow through the wind and promote the evaporation of sweat on their hands. In addition, keeping your hands out of the car window may also be an attempt to relieve discomfort in your hand muscles and allow your long-standing dangling arm to rest against the window. When the driver's limbs are maintained in a position for a long time, the contraction of the corresponding group of muscle groups for a long time will excessively consume energy, produce a large amount of metabolic waste accumulation, and cause problems such as muscle soreness, numbness, and poor activity. At the same time, because the vehicle maintains a state of vibration for a long time during driving, although the short-term, harmless frequency vibration that the body can tolerate can make people feel comfortable, but the long-lasting, excessively high vibration will cause the driver's limb joint muscular system to be in a state of spasmodic contraction for a long time, which further damages the physical comfort. Sitting in the car and unable to greatly adjust the state of the waist and legs, you can only change the hand movements, stretch and move the hands around, and relieve the discomfort of the lower hands. The car window is close to the hand, which can not only ventilate, but also play a role in leaning, which has naturally become a "convenient" choice for some people. Having said that, it is not excluded that some people put their hands out of the window in order to "concave shape" with a one-handed driving attitude, after all, film and television dramas have indeed created a "cool" image of one-handed driving. For example, in the movie "Initial D", one of the classic actions of the racing driver Fujiwara Takumi played by Jay Chou is to hold the steering wheel with one hand and put the other hand on the window;

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Source: Screenshot of the movie "Initial D" (top), screenshot of the Korean drama "The Inheritors" (bottom) However, film and television dramas are only for viewing and cannot be imitated and learned at will. Article 77 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China also clearly stipulates that "while a motor vehicle is moving, it shall not interfere with driving, shall not extend any part of its body out of the vehicle, and shall not jump out of the vehicle". Therefore, don't "put yourself in danger", not only the "risk" of stretching your hand out of the car, but also the "risk" of driving with one hand. How dangerous is driving with one hand? "Risk" lies in the act of driving with one hand itself, but also in the driving distractions associated with driving with one hand. Let's look at the action of one-handed driving itself, researchers from the School of Automobile of Chang'an University said in the article "Research on Distracted Driving Early Warning Methods Based on Body Movements" that if the driver holds the steering wheel with one hand for a long time, it is easy to be in a hurry, make mistakes or cannot effectively deal with the incident in an emergency, resulting in traffic accidents. In addition, when the driver has a distracted driving behavior, the strength of the steering wheel is weakened and the grip strength is reduced, which will also lead to unstable steering and affect the normal route driving. And the more risk of "driving with one hand" is precisely "distracted driving". Driving distraction is a phenomenon in which attention is directed to activities that are not related to normal driving, resulting in a decrease in the ability to drive and operate. Statistically, a lot of distracted driving behaviors can be accompanied by one-handed driving. For example, researchers from Beijing Jiaotong University have observed and counted the daily driving behavior of dangerous goods drivers, and through 360 hours of observation, the results show that the most likely distracted driving tasks of dangerous goods vehicle drivers are to look at or touch the mobile phone screen (29.8%), make phone calls (24.2%), send messages (16.1%), and drink water (10.7%).

Why do people drive with a hand out?

Statistical results of different distracted driving tasks|Source: Reference[10] And one-handed driving, which is accompanied by "distracted driving", is naturally accompanied by risks. For example, researchers from the George Institute for International Health at the University of Sydney, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety and the University of Western Australia's Injury Research Centre have tested the safety of drivers performing distracted driving subtasks through natural driving experiments, and the results show that drivers who use mobile phones in the first 10 minutes before a crash are four times more likely to be involved in a car accident, and whether they are handheld or speakerphone, they are associated with an increased risk of car accidents. In addition to reducing the driver's danger perception ability, according to the summary of researchers from the Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and the School of Psychology of Shaanxi Normal University, the danger of "distracted driving" also lies in the occupation of drivers' cognitive resources and affecting the identification and detection of their targets. For example, Strayer and Johnston from the University of Utah have studied the impact of telephone calls on simulated driving, and have shown that listening to the radio and simply repeating the words they hear while holding the phone do not affect the performance of simulated driving. However, in the case of vocabulary-generating tasks and free conversation over the phone, distracted tasks can have a significant impact on driving, and drivers will be blinded by changes in the sudden appearance of simulated traffic lights. To put it simply, one-handed driving, which accompanies "distracted driving", can not only cause the driver to "lose sight of the danger", but also cause the driver to "turn a blind eye" to the danger. Of course, if you just wait for a traffic light, adjust your body posture for a short time and rest your arms against the car window, this behavior is understandable, after all, driving is really tiring. The driver has been in a fixed working posture and a stressful psychological state for a long time, with a high degree of concentration, a high degree of tension in the visual organs, and an overload on the working parts of the human body, which will produce musculoskeletal damage, neurosis, stomach pain, hemorrhoids, dry and sore eyes and other diseases. For example, as early as the end of the last century, the mainland conducted a detailed investigation on the occupational discomfort of motor vehicle drivers, and among the 996 motor vehicle drivers surveyed, the incidence of musculoskeletal injuries was 87.1%.

Why do people drive with a hand out?

The relationship between vehicle models and musculoskeletal injuries|Source: Reference[14] Drowsy driving is related to driving safety, and the mainland has also issued relevant regulations to avoid driver fatigue driving. For example, Article 62 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law clearly stipulates that a motor vehicle shall not be driven continuously for more than 4 hours without stopping for a rest or stopping for a rest period of less than 20 minutes. So it's still the same sentence, there are thousands of roads, safety first, when you really feel tired, it's better to pull over and rest. References:[1]AceGear.Collectible Car Magazine Cover!Sports Cars Illustrated in the 50s[2]Zeng Junfu. (2007). American Big Bird - Ford Classic Retro Sports Car - Thunderbird.Contemporary Automobile (07), 104-105. [3] Shanghai Turing Information Technology Co., Ltd.40-60s Automobile Advertising Awards[4]Birds and Curiosity.How does the wind blow into our lives and change our mood?[5]Tu Yuanrong & Liu Yanguo. (2021). Clinical guidelines for the minimally invasive treatment of hyperhidrosis in China (2021 edition).Clinical Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in China (10), 1133-1139. [6] Hunan Highway Police. The old driver drove on the highway and overturned because of the ...... [7] Zhu Zegang. (2010). Drivers should pay special attention to the prevention of shock sickness.Driving Park(02),96. [8] Zhang Fan, Gu Mingfang & Wang Peicheng. (2018). Research on distracted driving early warning method based on body action.Practical Technology of Automobile(21),199-202. [9] Ma Yong, Fu Rui, Yuan Yu & Zhou Xiaotong. (2014). Rating of driving distraction tasks based on the degree of influence of driver distraction.Traffic Information and Safety(05),47-51+57. [10] Li Jinpeng. (2020). Master's thesis on safety risk analysis of distracted driving based on simulator, Beijing Jiaotong University. [11] McEvoy, S. P., Stevenson, M. R., McCartt, A. T., Woodward, M., Haworth, C., Palamara, P., & Cercarelli, R. (2005). Role of mobile phones in motor vehicle crashes resulting in hospital attendance: a case-crossover study. Bmj, 331(7514), 428. [12] Zhao Aoxue, Zhuang Xiangling & Ma Guojie. (2020). Changes in Driver's Blindness in Traffic Scenarios and Its Implications.Journal of Applied Psychology(02),129-139. [13] Strayer, D. L., & Johnston, W. A. (2001). Driven to distraction: Dual-task studies of simulated driving and conversing on a cellular telephone. Psychological science, 12(6), 462-466[14]张秀fen,张晓琴,汉玉,任秀菊,杨泽 & 孙伟. (1993). Ergonomics study of occupational discomfort of motor vehicle drivers. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Human-Machine-Environmental Systems Engineering (pp.170-175). [15] National Laws and Regulations Database, Regulations on the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China Author: Big Cake Editor: Chen Yanni Duty Editor: Min Min