
The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

The following article comes from a distant Aoki, and the author is a Aoki

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If a country does not have enough military spending, but wants to maximize the combat effectiveness of its own army at the minimum cost, then which country's army should it learn from?

That's right, China, and especially the Chinese Army.

In the same way, the army built by military spending, China's combat effectiveness is the absolute first, which is the golden sign played in the Korean War.

This is very attractive for African countries that do not have enough military spending.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

What is even more coincidental is that China is a very pro-African country, and since the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has made China-Africa friendship a national policy, and it has adhered to it for more than 70 years, and many generations of leaders have never wavered.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

In the last decade, China's national strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and the so-called Chinese economic miracle has been achieved as a poor country, which has made China a myth in Africa.

Every African country fantasizes about becoming the next China.

In the past, they admired Europe and the United States, but the experience of Europe and the United States relying on pirates to rob their fortunes cannot be replicated and cannot be learned, but China's rise is replicable and can be learned and imitated, so now they worship China even more.

To imitate China in all aspects, the army must of course learn from it, and this is China's most well-known signboard.

When it comes to African armies, many people may have the impression that they are fighting in slippers, holding guns in psychedelic style, and leaving the trajectory of bullets to fate.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

But that was before, and now, the armies of many African countries have become like this.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

I just can't see the face clearly, so look at this Chinese-style kick step and guess which country this army belongs to?

If you don't think this back feature is obvious, then I'll show you another video.

Would you believe me if I said that the people fighting in the GIF below were foreign soldiers in the Chinese People's Liberation Army?

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

Very similar, but if you look closely, there are subtle differences.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

Tanzania, the African disciple of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, used to be an army with very poor combat effectiveness, which is the same as the African army in your impression.

But after training by the Chinese People's Liberation Army, they were reborn.

Completely Sinicization, from tactics to equipment, from training regulations to internal affairs, all copied from China and copied as a whole.

The army in Tanzania sang before eating and recited during breaks

Three disciplines and eight points of attention, when you wake up, you have to fold the quilt.

No one knows why they fold quilts in Africa, but they insist on folding their quilts into tofu cubes every day.

The Chinese instructor said that according to the regulations, the more the quilt is folded like tofu, the stronger the combat effectiveness of the army, whether in China or Africa, stacking tofu blocks every day can effectively increase combat effectiveness.

You don't need to understand why you're doing it, you just do it.

Whether this theory is useful or not will soon be verified by actual combat.

In 1979, Uganda, which thought it was strong and had a chance of victory, brazenly invaded impoverished Tanzania and completely occupied a province of Tanzania in a short period of time.

However, Tanzania, reformed by Chinese instructors, quickly counterattacked, completely wiped out the Ugandan army in just four months, occupied its capital, overthrew the rule of the tyrant Amin, and incidentally eliminated an armored division from Libya that came to support Uganda.

In this battle, the two sides dispatched a total of 200,000 troops, which was a great battle in Africa, and the combat effectiveness of the Tanzanian army far exceeded the expectations of African countries.

Practice has proven that stacking tofu blocks is very useful for increasing the combat effectiveness of the army, although everyone does not know why.

Soon, the newly established Ugandan government also began to send people to study at Chinese military academies to learn from the experience of the PLA.

And then then there were other countries.

Everyone knows that Africa is constantly in turmoil and often fights wars, and the combat effectiveness of all Chinese armies will obviously soar and fight the other side.

And the side that was beaten up will soon send people to study in China.

In this way, the traces of the Chinese army are all over Africa, and at a glance it seems that they are all PLA troops.

In 2016, war broke out between North and South Sudan over several oil fields.

As a result, the war turned into a civil war in the Chinese military academy.

Almost all of the North Sudanese generals graduated from the National Defense University of China, and almost all the South Sudanese generals graduated from the Shijiazhuang Army Command College.

Before the war, the generals of North and South Sudan negotiated, one side claimed that he was a cadre who graduated from the Shijiazhuang Army Command College, and the other side said that he graduated from the National Defense University of China, and the school was much better than yours.

The Chinese side mediated in this battle, but it did not prevent the two sides from fighting.

After the outbreak of the war in Sudan, both the National Defense University and the Shijiazhuang Army Command College paid close attention, and some people jokingly called it a confrontational defense of the cadets of both sides.

North Sudan is stronger economically, better equipped, and more powerful on paper, but this battle was rash and rash, and it was ambushed by South Sudan and suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, South Sudan won this battle, the Shijiazhuang Army Command College won, and the National Defense University lost face, and everyone was laughing about it for a while.

Later, someone changed the incident into a cartoon and it went viral.

Winning on the battlefield is winning, losing is losing, although it is a war fought by North and South Sudan, but others just laugh and talk about it, what can you do, this face is logically difficult to get back, everyone knows that the graduates of the National Defense University lost.

But after all, there are people at the National Defense University, and there are other ways to save face.

In 2017, China's National Defense University was reorganized, merging the Shijiazhuang Army Command College and several other universities to form a new one

National Defense University of China.

The brand of the Shijiazhuang Army Command College was directly removed and replaced with the brand of the National Defense University.

Then, there will be no such thing in the world as the so-called graduates of the Shijiazhuang Army Command College defeating the graduates of the National Defense University.

It's normal for the graduates of the National Defense University to defeat the graduates of the National Defense University, isn't it, what else is there to say.

From this incident, we can also see how large the proportion of Africans who come to China for military study abroad.

Since Africa mainly needs the army, the proportion of African students accepted by the Shijiazhuang Army Command College is actually very high.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

In chaotic Africa, the military is the first rigid need for self-protection, and many high-level officials are from the military.

Therefore, since 1957, Shijiazhuang has trained 5 presidents, 8 defense ministers, more than 100 commanders, and thousands of middle and senior generals for Africa.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

Because it is very fashionable to go to Shijiazhuang for training, so at present, in many African countries, if you want to be promoted to a senior general, you must have a resume of studying abroad in Shijiazhuang.

And at the gatherings of some high-ranking generals, a few words of Shijiazhuang pop up from time to time, which is a very cool way to show off.

According to the locals, this is the most direct and effective way to identify the military level of a general.

It is even more fashionable to talk about Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of guerrilla warfare, after all, the president also comes from the army.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

Today, Africa has become more and more Chinese.

In 2019, at the 25th anniversary military parade in Rwanda, Chinese instructors were invited to Rwanda four months in advance for special training of the troops, requiring the parade to be exactly the same as China's.

What does it mean to be exactly the same?

Even the slogans shouted at the parade ceremony are in Chinese, which is exactly the same, so as to restore the Chinese military parade in an authentic way.

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

West Point Military Academy is a prestigious military temple in the world, but for today's Africa, the new military temple is the Shijiazhuang Army Command College.

Well, now it's called the National Defense University of China.

Finally, let's take a look at the new generation of African armies, which have long been reborn, and don't use the image in your memory to measure the combat effectiveness of today's African armies.

Except for the different skin color, everything else is similar, and it will be difficult to tell which country it is for a while.

West Point is not bad, but the one taught at West Point is not suitable for Africa, because your African army can't get the heavy equipment that matches the West Point system.

Moreover, even if the original team of the West Point Military Academy and the Chinese Military Academy were bombarded, the Korean War had long proved that China would definitely win in the field of the army.

Therefore, it is a matter of time before the African army as a whole becomes Chinese, and the Chinese African army will easily defeat the non-Chinese African army.

If you don't want to lose, you can only be sinicized.

In fact, decades later, it has indeed become like this, with a large number of African armies imitating the Chinese People's Liberation Army, from the three disciplines and eight points of attention to the imitation of tofu blocks.

In the military sphere, China's influence in Africa is far greater than that of the West, even though the West has colonized Africa for hundreds of years.

Not because the West is not strong, but because the West's set does not help Africa and cannot enhance Africa's strength.

If Africa wants to become stronger, it can only learn from China.

The myth of the invincibility of the Chinese Army was laid down in the Korean War in 1953.

In the economic field, we have already established a reputation for the Chinese miracle in the international community, but we are still far from being economically invincible.

When we win the Korean War again in the economic field, the whole of Africa will directly fall to China economically.

If China can counterattack the West economically, then Africa can only be sinicized as long as it wants to become rich.

The so-called Westernization or sinicization is generally referred to as international influence.

(This article only represents the author's point of view and does not represent the position of this number)

The number of PLAs in Africa is increasing

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