
Infuriating: Li Tie demanded that potential players must sign contracts with him, so as to collect benefits and seriously damage the employment environment

Infuriating: Li Tie demanded that potential players must sign contracts with him, so as to collect benefits and seriously damage the employment environment

Li Tie's bribery case opened in public today, and it has become the first hot topic in the green circle. Many media people have come down to update the issues and insiders they know. Among them, Yuan Jia talked about Li Tie, as the coach of the national team, and the problem of eating and taking cards has been concerned by many green fans. Of course, the wrists in this are indeed more common and widely known.

According to Yuan Jia, Li Tie requires players with strength and talent to sign a contract with his own brokerage team. If you don't sign a contract and don't cooperate, then you won't have a chance to play for the national team. This is bound to be a huge blow to the young players, and being able to enter the national team is not only their personal dream, but also the glory and glory of serving the country, and it is also the guarantee of better contracts and transfer capital in the future.

Infuriating: Li Tie demanded that potential players must sign contracts with him, so as to collect benefits and seriously damage the employment environment

If you can't get into the national team, then these things can basically only be utopian and impossible. Therefore, this move is very lethal. Many of the players were forced to sign with his agent team and were restricted.

Of course, Li Tie is not a "great benevolent", a brokerage company established only to support so many young players, and cooperating with his company will inevitably have to pay costs. It is reported that after signing his company, they will operate the next salary increase and promotion to the national team. If before joining their company, the salary of the team members is 3 million, and the salary is increased to 5 million with their help, then the extra 2 million will be given to them, which is the benefit fee.

Infuriating: Li Tie demanded that potential players must sign contracts with him, so as to collect benefits and seriously damage the employment environment

Therefore, on the whole, Li Tie's damage to the environment of the national football team is extremely serious, and the chaos of the talent selection mechanism makes it even more difficult for the national football team, which already lacks reliable talents. Those who have a certain level and talent, seeing such a problem, will inevitably lose the motivation for progress, and the next development will naturally be more unavailable.

Infuriating: Li Tie demanded that potential players must sign contracts with him, so as to collect benefits and seriously damage the employment environment

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