
Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

author:Inspector Flower

"The spring breeze and the south bank of the green river", the footsteps of spring are quietly coming, bringing vibrant greenery and colorful wild vegetables. In this season, many friends will choose to go to the countryside to dig wild vegetables and feel the gifts of nature. However, there are many varieties of wild vegetables, and how to identify and cook them has become a major problem. Today, let's step into the world of these six wild vegetables and discover their delicious secrets.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

1. Dandelion - the spring appointment of the golden-flowered lily

Dandelion, also known as goldenrod and mother-in-law, is a perennial herbaceous plant in the family Asteraceae. It is distributed all over the country, with a wide variety of varieties and different forms. Some are prostrate on the ground, while others can grow up to half a meter tall. At the turn of spring and summer, it is the best time to pick dandelions.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Dandelion not only has the medicinal value of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and dissipating knots, but also is a delicious wild vegetable. After boiling water, you can taste its unique bitter and sweet taste, as if the fresh breath of nature flows between your lips and teeth.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

2. Ma Lantou - the green delicacy in the forest

Malan head is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Maran in the family Asteraceae. It is distributed in the western, central, southern and eastern regions of China, and often grows at the edge of forests, grasses, streambanks and roadsides. Spring is the best season to pick Malan head, which is tender and delicious and nutritious.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Ma Lantou, which can be used as a whole herb, has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, eliminating food accumulation, facilitating urination, dispersing stasis and stopping bleeding. In home-cooked practice, cold dressing after boiling water is the best way to retain its original flavor, which is fresh and refreshing, and has an endless aftertaste.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

3. Wild onion - the spicy taste of the mountains

Wild onion is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Allium in the lily family. It is found in Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hubei, Yunnan and Tibet in China, and mostly grows on hillsides or grasslands. Every year in the second lunar month, spring returns to the earth, and wild onions also usher in its peak growth season.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Wild onions have a special spicy flavor and are a popular food condiment. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and phosphorus, and has the effect of increasing appetite and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Cold salad and omelette are the most common recipes in home cooking, and the spicy flavor of wild onions complements the fresh aroma of the eggs, which will whet your appetite.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

4. Purslane - the green treasure of the field

Purslane is a tenacious plant, which is distributed in all parts of northern and southern China, and mostly grows in vegetable gardens, farmland, roadsides and other places. Its stems lie flat and its leaves are thick and tinentate, making it one of the common weeds in the field. However, it is also a delicious wild vegetable, with young stems and leaves that can be eaten as a vegetable, giving it a sour and refreshing taste.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Purslane not only has the medicinal value of clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving dampness and reducing swelling, but also is a nutritious green vegetable. Blanched purslane is a very refreshing cold dish, and the sour taste can instantly stimulate the vitality of the taste buds, making people feel the freshness and beauty of spring.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

5. Peppermint - the aromatic choice for a cool summer

Peppermint is an aromatic plant of the genus Peppermint in the Lamiaceae family, and its whole plant exudes a fresh aroma. It is mostly born in mountains and wetlands and rivers, and is an aromatic crop with special economic value. Late spring and early summer are the best times to pick mint, when the mint leaves are tender and green and fragrant.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Peppermint is not only a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effects of dispelling wind and dissipating heat, clearing the head, and improving the throat, but also a delicious ingredient. Cold salad, mint soaked in water, mint porridge, etc. are all common ways to eat at home. Chillmint retains its original fresh aroma and taste to cool off on a hot summer day, mint soaked in water refreshes the mind and relieves fatigue, and mint porridge is a delicious breakfast option.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Sixth, the thorny old buds - the delicacies of the Northeast

The thorny old bud is the young bud of the Liaodong Aralia, also known as the spiny dragon bud or thorny bud. It is mainly found in the northeastern region of China, such as Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, among others. Thorny sprouts prefer to grow in ravines, sunny slopes, fertile soil, moist or semi-shady environments, such as mixed wood forests, broad-leaved forests, etc. Due to its unique taste and nutritional value, the spiny sprouts are known as the "king of wild vegetables".

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

Thorny sprouts are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and a variety of minerals and vitamins. The root bark and bark can also be used as medicine, which has a certain effect on the treatment of edema, constipation, diabetes, stomach cramps and other diseases.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

In the usual practice, the sprouts can be blanched in boiling water, then coated in egg starch paste and fried until golden brown and eaten. At this time, the sprouts are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and they can also be stir-fried or stewed with meat to make soups, and the cold salad platter can also show off its delicious charm. In addition, you can also salte the blanched prickly old buds and save them for the winter to enjoy slowly.

Recently, I saw these six kinds of wild vegetables on the side of the road, so I quickly picked them and ate them!

These 6 kinds of wild vegetables have their own characteristics, some clear heat and detoxify, some are spicy and appetizing, and some are rich in nutrients. Walk into the world of nature, feel these delicious tastes, and let us cherish the gifts of nature even more!

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