
Game + cultural tourism Huifeng Wanyun is coming

Source: China Tourism News

Game + cultural tourism Huifeng Wanyun is coming

Tourists visit Huangshan Photo by reporter Chen Chen

Zhu Wenwen

Many classic elements of cultural tourism in the Huangshan Scenic Area are presented one by one in the game "Tianya Mingyue Knife", allowing players to achieve a dream "encounter" with the scenic spot in the game; Xuancheng Taohuatan and Jingting Mountain reproduce the 3D animation series "Glory of Kings: Chapter of Glory Broken Moon", leading players to follow the footsteps of the game character "Li Bai" and enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers......

In recent years, Anhui has accelerated the pace of digital transformation of the cultural and tourism industry, taking games as an important carrier of cultural communication and tourism promotion, and actively exploring a new model of "game + cultural tourism" cross-border linkage cooperation, while broadening cultural and tourism communication channels and helping tourist attractions to further enhance their popularity and influence, while providing tourists with a more diversified and personalized new tourism experience.

A new window to show the scenery of Huangshan Mountain

"The wonders of the turquoise stone are strange stories, and the wind bones of Yishan are in Bianliang. The fresh chill rolls the rivers and lakes, and the feet creak in the snow. In December last year, the Huangshan Scenic Area joined hands with the mobile game "Tianya Mingyue Knife" to launch a new game school "Changsheng Sword School", which quickly detonated the platform. In the game scene, the scenic scenery of Huangshan Mountain, "Dream Brush Flowers", as well as classic natural features such as strange pines, strange stones, sea of clouds, and winter snow, are presented one by one in the "Immortal Sword School" sect, so that gamers can experience the magnificent scenery of Huangshan in an all-round way, and successfully help the scenic spot open a convenient channel to reach young consumers.

As a benchmark for the integration of "game + cultural tourism", the Huangshan Scenic Area also combines winter snow, strange pine landscapes and game character creativity to recreate, and innovatively launches the special effects of the theme of Huangshan scenery. At the same time, digging deep into the cultural connotation of Huangshan, exploring the expression of youth, skillfully decorating the turquoise stone of Huangshan through the simple and exquisite enamel process, and making a series of character accessories such as the welcome pine, the monkey watching the sea, and the lotus peak, not only let the beauty of Huangshan Zhongyu stay on the sideburns of the game characters, but also make the dream space created by the game have more connections with the real world, bursting out of the huge potential and market value of cultural and tourism integration.

"Moving the natural landscape and intangible cultural heritage into the game through digital technology is a new attempt to break through the limitations of time and space and publicize cultural and tourism resources to the outside world, and it is also an important practice for the scenic spot to explore the integrated industrialization development of 'game + cultural tourism'. According to the relevant person in charge of the Information Center of the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee, this cross-border linkage not only brings gamers a better aesthetic and immersive experience, realizes the "out of the circle" and "breaks the circle" of cultural tourism promotion, but also further deepens the integration of culture and tourism in the scenic spot, highlights the charm of Huifeng and Anhui, and attracts more young people to understand and fall in love with Huangshan.

The cross-border linkage between Huangshan Scenic Area and "Tianya Mingyue Knife" is a vivid epitome of Huangshan City's exploration of "game + cultural tourism". According to the relevant person in charge of the Huangshan Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, the next step will be to accelerate the integration of game culture and tourism, vigorously support the integration of Huangshan landscape and Huizhou culture into game products, and enhance the communication and influence of Huangshan. At the same time, it is encouraged to use games to drive city marketing, and enhance the linkage attraction of Huangshan tourism through offline events and scenic spot tickets, online game virtual skin scene cooperation and publicity.

A new position to tell the story of rice paper

"The Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun to send me love", "I don't get tired of seeing each other, only Jingting Mountain" ...... The poet immortal Li Bai sent his love for the landscape, visited Xuancheng many times, and left immortal poems such as "Gift to Wang Lun" and "Sitting Alone on Jingting Mountain". For thousands of years, the thick poetry culture has been sown in all corners of Xuancheng and rooted in people's genes. Entering the new era, how to use the "language of youth" to tell the story of Xuancheng cultural tourism is the direction that the local government continues to explore.

In January this year, Xuancheng Cultural Tourism joined hands with the 3D animation series "Glory of Kings: Chapter of Glory Broken Moon" to open the linkage of online and offline scenes, with the character Li Bai in the play as a link, integrating the natural landscape of Xuancheng and Li Bai's poetry culture into the plot, promoting the deep integration of local history and humanities and game IP, and through the way that young people like to see, let Li Bai's poetic Xuancheng come from the thousand-year-old history and shine brightly.

"Under the wave of integration of culture and tourism, the integration and expansion of game IP and cultural tourism is undoubtedly the trend of the times. In the view of Fu Guangwu, director of the Xuancheng City Culture and Tourism Bureau, the cross-border hand-in-hand of "game + cultural tourism" not only shortens the distance between Xuancheng cultural tourism and young people, captures the market with the pop culture symbols they are keen on, but also further promotes the main theme of traditional Chinese culture, so that the "landscape painting scroll on Xuan paper" - Xuancheng culture has always maintained strong vitality and innovation.

Online game IP links cultural tourism to "play" new tricks, and offline tourist attractions take advantage of the opportunity to "attract tourists" to promote development. It is understood that in order to make full use of the advantages of the high dissemination, high retention and high popularity of the "Glory of Kings" game, so that the scenic spot can catch the traffic express, Xuancheng Cultural Tourism also released information to call out the national "Glory of Kings" game fans and launched a series of preferential travel activities. "The use of game IP for cross-border linkage not only effectively improves the passenger flow of the scenic spot and enriches the tourism experience of tourists, but also strengthens the sense of identity and belonging of gamers to the scenic spot, and helps Xuancheng cultural tourism to reach a higher level of popularity and influence in the country. Fu Guangwu said.

In the next step, the Xuancheng Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism will continue to deepen the "game + cultural tourism", actively disseminate traditional culture and carry out cross-border tourism marketing through emerging carrier forms such as games and animation, and show the beauty of the poetic Xuancheng landscape and humanistic rhyme with a younger way of expression, so as to further stimulate the enthusiasm of young people to travel and consume in Xuancheng.

A new paradigm for the dissemination of heritage culture

In recent years, as Generation Z has become the main consumer group, the "younger" transformation of the tourism industry is getting faster and faster. Tourist attractions in Anhui have conformed to the communication rules of the digital era, creatively done a good job in cultural tourism marketing, opened a new digital scene marketing model of "game + cultural tourism", continuously enriched the "new content" of cultural tourism products, built new digital scenes of cultural tourism, and promoted new consumption of cultural tourism.

As a world cultural heritage, Xidi and Hongcun are the two most representative ancient villages in southern Anhui, which are famous for their idyllic scenery, well-preserved village forms, exquisite Hui style dwellings and colorful historical and cultural connotations. In April last year, Xidi and Hongcun teamed up with the 3D adventure-themed turn-based strategy game "Honkai: Star Dome Railway" to carry out a series of interesting activities such as "Star Dome Imaging Hall" offline, moving the game scene into reality through immersive space creation, and simultaneously setting the game plot, allowing players to enjoy the scenic spot in role-playing and feel the unique charm of Hui architecture. "Through the integration and collision of online game virtual scenes and offline Huizhou architecture, tourists have obtained more novel interactive experiences on the one hand, and on the other hand, they have also enhanced their awareness and inheritance of Huizhou culture, driving the proportion of young tourists in the scenic spot to continue to rise. The relevant person in charge of Yixian Huihuang Tourism Development (Group) Co., Ltd. said.

Not only that, Xidi Scenic Area also uses the "League of Legends" e-sports event to attract young people and "drain" the cultural tourism market. By integrating the game with the local five black culture and autumn culture, designing and creating event trophies with unique local characteristics, producing offline autumn scenes with the theme of "League of Legends", and creating a League of Legends City Hero Championship themed homestay check-in point, Huizhou culture and e-sports can coexist and create an event atmosphere with Huizhou cultural characteristics.

Based on the convergence point rooted in traditional culture, the two sides not only co-create topics and two-way drainage in the content of the activity, but also launch tricks for players to continue to experience inside and outside the game. "In order to allow players to have an in-depth understanding of Huangshan, taste its freehand landscape style, and experience profound cultural connotations, we have also launched offline exclusive luxury activity packages, covering multiple categories such as tickets, accommodation, and cableways in the Huangshan Scenic Area, so as to promote the conversion of online 'tourists' into offline travelers and promote the growth of cultural tourism consumption in the scenic spots. The relevant person in charge of the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee said.

Some industry players believe that the relationship between cultural tourism and the game industry is one of mutual integration and mutual promotion. Combining game elements, creativity and technology with the cultural tourism industry can create a richer, interesting and interactive cultural tourism experience, enhance tourists' sense of participation and integration, and at the same time open up new ideas and methods for cultural tourism marketing and publicity, and further expand the market and audience of the cultural tourism industry. When the collision between the cultural tourism industry and the game industry shoots out wonderful sparks, it will surely boost Anhui's cultural and tourism economy to a new level.

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