
Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

Author: The main creative group Fireworks March

My colleague's son, Yangyang, is in the fourth grade, and his study habits and grades are very good, and he is often praised by teachers.

Colleagues have never shown anxiety and worry about their children's learning, which is the envy of several of us mothers.

Later, a colleague shared her experience that since the child entered kindergarten, her family paid special attention to the three hours after the child came home from school.

In the morning, the adults go to work, the children go to school, and her family, like most families, is busy.

Only the three hours after school are the time for parents and children to communicate deeply, learn and play, and colleagues call it the "golden three hours".

She believes that the amount of time children spend after school is the same, but the amount of content filled in during this time varies greatly.

In order to maintain the situation of "mother's love and filial piety", some parents hand over their children to tutoring classes;

Some parents are tired from the day and just want to relax and relax by watching videos and playing games on the sofa;

Some parents choose to give up short-term happiness and take the time to learn about their children's school life, help their children develop good habits, and empower their children's future.

Perhaps, there is no difference in one or two days, but after a year or two, the gap between children and children is widened.

My colleague's words made me wake up.

It turns out that how children spend 3 hours after school is related to their future development.

Whether or not a child can benefit a lifetime, the key is the dedication and guidance of parents in the "golden three hours".

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

Communicative time at the table

Parents are busy cooking after work and have no time to chat with their children, so eating at the dinner table naturally becomes the best choice for parent-child communication.

The dining table is supposed to be a place for families to enjoy a good meal, but some parents especially like to turn it into a place to educate their children.

A famous host once shared in an interview that the moment she feared the most when she was a child was the time around the dinner table.

Whenever her father sat down, he would turn on the "discipline" mode for her, pointing out that she was not doing well here and not doing well there.

In such an atmosphere, Dong Qing often eats with tears in her eyes, and her heart is full of helplessness and grievances.

She even admitted that the most gratifying moment for her was when her father went on a business trip.

Because then she can escape the oppressive atmosphere for a while and have a few days of relaxation.

Meals are a beautiful and enjoyable thing, but if children subconsciously associate "eating" with "being trained", no matter how beautiful the meal is, it will become tasteless.

Moreover, this negative emotion will gradually penetrate into the child's personality and become an indelible shadow in their growth.

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

There was a news before, in Danyang, Jiangsu, there was a 10-year-old boy who was reprimanded by his father at the dinner table because of his poor academic performance, and chose to run away from home at ten o'clock in the middle of the night.

When the police asked him why he ran away from home, the child's answer left many parents in deep thought.

"He thinks I can't do this or that, and he often compares me with other people's children, he doesn't like me, then I'll leave!"

Indeed, the dinner table should be a place for family members to share warmth and happiness, and it really should not be a place for serious interrogation.

There was a father who usually asked his children at the dinner table:

"Is anything good happening at school?"

"What did you do today?"

"Did you get anything out of today?"

"Is there anything you need help with Daddy?"

The four simple questions make children feel loved and supported, and also let parents understand their children's growth status, making the parent-child relationship more harmonious.

When the child is reluctant to speak, parents can first say something easy at work to liven up the atmosphere and mobilize the child's desire to share.

When children open up the conversation, parents should guide them correctly and in a timely manner, and never criticize or criticize harshly.

Effective communication is one that is not emotional, gentle, and firm.

In this way, children will trust their parents more and share more with them.

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

Duration of study

"If you don't do your homework, your mother is kind and filial, and when you do your homework, the chickens fly and the dogs jump. ”

This is a true portrayal of many families, and it has not uncommon for parents to get sick and hospitalized because they accompany their children to do their homework.

In fact, whether it is studying or writing homework, you need to cultivate good habits from an early age.

If good habits are not established, it will not only cause distress to children, but also great stress for parents.

There are three steps parents can follow when accompanying their children with their homework:

1. Take care of chores 5 minutes before writing homework

Sometimes, children are not focused on their homework because of distractions from their surroundings, such as the sound of the TV, conversations with others, or being attracted to toys on the table.

It could also be that they have unmet needs, such as frequent water, snacks, and toilet breaking.

Therefore, parents should create a quiet learning environment for their children before they start doing their homework.

And let the child prepare: the table is tidy, no toys are left, and the physical needs are met in advance, such as drinking water and going to the toilet;

If you're hungry, you can start with a snack.

Once you start doing your homework, stay focused and don't leave your seat.

2. Guide your child to sort their homework

Parents can ask their children:

What homework are there tonight?

Which assignments are easier to write?

Which assignments are more difficult to write?

Make a list of each day's assignments and work with your child to decide on the order in which to write them.

When writing an assignment, tick each item you complete, and then move on to the next one.

Doing so can help your child develop the habit of studying in a planned and organized manner.

As the difficulty of learning increases and the number of learning tasks increases, the ability of a child to develop a study plan will add a lot to his learning.

3. Help your child master the method of examination

Nowadays, children are a little lacking in inspection ability, and most children think that everything is fine after writing homework, and they can just leave the task of inspection to their parents or teachers.

Actually, the inspection is very important. If you master the inspection method, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

You can help your child try the following:

Check item by item: Check whether everything has been completed one by one according to the homework list or the teacher's requirements to ensure that there are no omissions.

Formatting check: Assignments are not only about the content, but also about formatting. Check whether the font is neat and whether the writing is standardized, especially for math homework, to see whether the formulas and symbols are written correctly.

Logic check: For topics that require logical reasoning, you should check whether your reasoning process is coherent, whether the logic is rigorous, and whether there are any contradictions.

Review of ideas: For difficult problems, you can review the ideas to see if you really understand the problem and whether the method of solving the problem is appropriate.

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

Reading time

Sukhomlinsky said: "A child who does not read is a poor student. ”

On the contrary, children who love to read will not have a bad future.

Because every book a child reads is like a solid stepping stone, helping them to continue to climb the peak of knowledge;

The wisdom contained in the book will be deeply integrated into the bone marrow of children and become a part of their lives.

Most parents are well aware of the importance of reading, but children don't seem to be enthusiastic about books, and even forced reading is difficult to achieve.

In fact, every child has the potential to love reading, and the key lies in how parents guide them.

1. Stimulate enthusiasm for reading and discover the charm of reading

Why are children less enthusiastic about reading?

The reason is that parents often choose books for their children based on their own understanding or the recommendation of others, but ignore their children's interests and preferences, which makes it difficult for them to engage in them.

To develop children's reading habits, the first task is to stimulate their interest in reading.

Parents can start with their children's interests and choose some books that they like to read.

There is no need to rush to expose them to esoteric classics, and there is no need to limit the type of reading, which can cover many fields such as science, history, and fiction.

Starting with a simple story, gradually guide children to understand the deep meaning behind the story, explore the growth trajectory of the characters, and let them feel a different kind of happiness and satisfaction in the journey of reading.

2. Parents set an example and accompany their children to grow together

Reading is not something that children will gladly accept just a word of instruction from their parents.

But if parents lead by example and pick up a book and read quietly, children will be happy to imitate it.

A father named Zheng Xianghuai insists on reading at home at 8 p.m. every night with his two sons.

The sons have developed a good habit of reading every night, and they don't need their parents' ears to ask for their orders at all.

The words and deeds of parents at home often become a template for their children's future growth.

3. Share the reading experience and accumulate knowledge wealth

Each book contains different stories and knowledge, which are valuable assets on the path of a child's development.

Parents can guide their children to record their insights and gains in the process of reading in a timely manner.

At the same time, parents can also share their reading experience and experience with their children, and deepen each other's understanding and memory through communication.

Reading time before bed is a ritual of coexistence of warmth and quality.

It can not only envelop the family in an atmosphere of love, but also effectively improve children's learning ability and stimulate their love and pursuit of knowledge.

Parents do this 3 hours after returning home from school, and the child benefits for a lifetime

These three periods after children return home from school should have the dual functions of leisure and relaxation and knowledge acquisition.

During these three hours, children can enjoy entertainment and pastime, while also integrating elements of learning and reading.

This arrangement not only helps children form good living habits, but also creates a warm and happy time for the family.

More importantly, through such time together, both parents and children can grow together and become better in each other's company.

Take advantage of the first month of school to make efficient use of the "golden three hours" after school, and over time, children will be reborn.