
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

author:Jointek overseas financial and tax experts
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

Jointaway Group

Fun tea time

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

—Staff Afternoon Tea—

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

In March, the spring flowers are blooming, facing the vigorous and energetic time, the March birthday tea party of the employees of Jointe Group is coming as scheduled, let us wish them the most sincere blessings: Long Xing Lang, the future is bright.

The scene of the tea party

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

The afternoon tea menu is varied: delicious and delicate cakes, crispy and fragrant biscuits, tender and juicy fried chicken, salty and fragrant pizzas, sweet and savory fruits, etc......

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

The years are in a hurry, and I steal half a day of leisure. Come and enjoy a colorful afternoon tea feast together!

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

A sweet birthday cake, a birthday song, a birthday greeting, a birthday gift. The birthday stars made wishes, blew out candles together, and cut cakes together.

The full sense of ceremony is filled with joy and warmth, and also contains the company's most sincere care and blessings.

In the game, everyone laughed and actively participated in the activities, and the relaxed atmosphere made everyone happy, and the laughter constantly echoed in the air, as if all the stress and fatigue were thrown out of the clouds.

Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!
Saturday の Happiness Imprint, Junde March Birthday Tea Party is coming!

In a burst of laughter, the March birthday tea party ended successfully, with the same joy and unchanged warmth. Once again, I wish you all this month's birthday stars, happy birthday, let us work together to forge ahead towards a better tomorrow.