
Taiwan trivia you don't know

author:Bananas are busy

You are interested in Chinese trivia - Taiwan chapter

Taiwan Province, abbreviated as "Taiwan", is a provincial-level administrative region of the People's Republic of China.

Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

1. Taiwanese beef instant noodles really have beef in them! And the beef is very big!

Taiwan trivia you don't know

2. Taiwanese buses are stopped at the beckon, not every station stops, you have to swipe the card after getting on the bus, and you need to ring the bell in advance to get off.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

3. "The Girl of Alishan", the lyricist is from Sichuan, and the composer is from Zhejiang.

4. In Taiwan, "Qili Xiang" means "chicken butt", and after liking this song for so many years, I suddenly felt a little overwhelmed

Taiwan trivia you don't know

5. Taiwanese people feel that a thing is delicious or not, not based on the taste of this thing, but by whether this thing is expensive or not, for example, they will think that pineapples are delicious, and they will always say by the way: "Pineapples are very expensive".

Taiwan trivia you don't know

6. The average income of the people of Taiwan is basically the same as that of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and generally higher than that of the second- and third-tier cities in the mainland.

7. Books in Taiwan are different from those in the mainland, which are mainly read from left to right, but in Taiwan, they are arranged in vertical editions from right to left and from top to bottom

8. In Taiwan, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, not only mooncakes are eaten to admire the bright moon, but also barbecued meat is gathered together, which should be the credit of barbecue sauce advertisements decades ago.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

9. After buying in Taiwan, everyone remember to take the invoice, because it is possible to win the lottery on the invoice in Taiwan, about October every year, the Taiwan government will conduct a lottery, and the highest is nearly NT$10 million!

10. There are many convenience stores in Taiwan, and most of the daily life problems of Taiwanese people can be solved in convenience stores, such as three meals a day, water and electricity bills, paying fines, concert tickets, etc.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

11. The air quality in Taiwan Province is very average, and the biggest source of pollution is motorcycles

Taiwan trivia you don't know

12. It is not possible to fly directly from Xiamen to Taiwan, but to fly around the route to Taipei Airport, because there are many no-fly zones between the two, and you have to go around.

13. The naming of streets in Taiwan Province is also very special, and most of them are named after the provinces of inland provinces and cities. For example, Luoyang Road, Datong Road, Nanchang Road, etc.

14. The subway in Taiwan Province is also very distinctive, for example, the MRT station will arrange commemorative medals, there are different colors of ink, different lines correspond to different colors, and they have set up women-only night carriages for their safety.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

15. Taiwan's dumplings are neither sold on a plate or catty, but on a sale, so when eating dumplings in Taiwan, don't say how many catties of dumplings you want, but say how many dumplings you want.

16. Taiwan's classic snack "pineapple crisp" is actually made with winter melon, and no one is named pineapple crisp.

17. In Taiwan, there are many items that are called differently from the mainland, we often say "autumn clothes" and "autumn pants", Taiwanese people call them "sanitary clothes" and "sanitary pants", and what we call peanuts are called "potatoes" in Taiwan

18. In Taiwan, remember not to wrap zongzi and give it to others, because the other party will wrap some zongzi during the funeral, and if you give zongzi, it will be misunderstood by others.

Taiwan trivia you don't know
Taiwan trivia you don't know

19. The most populous city in Taiwan is New Taipei City, not Taipei City, as it is known.

20. Taiwanese schools will carry out a compulsory course on home economics, which will teach children how to cook.

21. No matter what topic Taiwanese talk about, most of them will bring the phrase "we are Taiwan".

Taiwan trivia you don't know

22. The term "regular holiday" in Taiwanese actually refers to the holidays of every Saturday and Sunday.

23. Taiwanese people like to eat sweets, and there are very few chili peppers in the diet, and the boss in Taiwan asks you if you want to be spicy, medium spicy or small spicy, even if you want to be spicy, it will not taste particularly spicy, so it is not very friendly to people who love spicy food in Taiwan.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

24. Although Taipei is the capital of Taiwan Province, its area code is not 01, but 02. It is said that Taiwan Province once left the area code 01 to Nanjing, so it was not used, and it can also be said that Nanjing is only a spiritual provincial capital of Taiwan Province.

25. In 1948, Taiwan Province used the identity of Taiwan Province of China to participate in the National Games (held in Shanghai at that time) for the first time, and won many championships, becoming the most beautiful boy in the Games.

26. The "Doraemon" that we used to watch when we were children was also imported to the mainland from Taiwan Province.

27. Some holidays in Taiwan Province are set on different dates than those in the mainland, such as Teacher's Day on September 28, Father's Day on August 8, and Children's Day on April 4.

Taiwan trivia you don't know

28. Doctors and lawyers are the most respected professions in Taiwan, as long as the children of any family are admitted to the medical major or the lawyer major, whether it is a first-class university or not, it is a very glorious thing for the family.

29. Elementary school students in Taiwan only have one full-day class per week in the first and second grades, and the other four days are half-day classes.

30. The streets and buildings in Taiwan look relatively old, but the inside of the buildings is indeed very prosperous, and Taiwanese architecture does not pay much attention to the appearance, but pays attention to the interior.

What other cold knowledge about the treasure island Taiwan that the homework doesn't know, welcome to leave a message to add~

Taiwan trivia you don't know

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