
I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it bloom, I saw it wither. Just for the time when I met once a year, I met, I liked it, I left, and I couldn't stay

author:Read thirteen

Seeing it sprout,

Seeing it grow new buds,

Seeing it bloom,

Behold, it withered.

Just for a once-a-year encounter,




Can't keep the passage of time,

The spring sorrow that can't be driven away,

The smoke clouds of the past that can't be hidden,

Bit by bit.

But in the end, it was in my heart that remained

Those who can give you a little comfort in the ups and downs of the past.

The flowers bloom on the mo, you can slowly return!#愿时光能在缓缓# #前路花开亦灿灿# #每日诗行分享# #风风雨雨是四季# #流年缓缓而过# #我与春风皆过客# #心弦诗语分享#

I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it bloom, I saw it wither. Just for the time when I met once a year, I met, I liked it, I left, and I couldn't stay
I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it bloom, I saw it wither. Just for the time when I met once a year, I met, I liked it, I left, and I couldn't stay
I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it bloom, I saw it wither. Just for the time when I met once a year, I met, I liked it, I left, and I couldn't stay
I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it sprout, I saw it bloom, I saw it wither. Just for the time when I met once a year, I met, I liked it, I left, and I couldn't stay

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