
Unemployment is a retribution, and I have to believe in cause and effect

author:Sister dragged with temperament

Hello everyone, I'm a temperamental drag sister.

Seashore went to work, the kids went to school, the house was empty, and suddenly I was the only one left.

After losing my job, I have been hiding in the house, pale and haggard, not eating and sleeping well, but my weight has steadily increased, and I said that I was startled.

After a month of painful internal friction, I finally accepted the fact that "I am unemployed", and I bravely walked out of the house for the first time.

The bright sun of early spring shone on me, warm, and I couldn't help but feel like I was reborn after breaking the ice.

Looking at the comfortable retired old people singing, dancing, playing the piano, or playing chess in the park, I suddenly had an idea:

Unemployment is a retribution, and I have to believe in cause and effect

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1. Your family has cause and effect

I once read such a passage:

"The purpose of our busyness is to enjoy life, to satisfy our families, and to become selfless.

In reality, many people are often busy coming and going, not only not enjoying life, but also neglecting their family members and becoming selfish. ”

I remember that when I was interviewed for optimization, the HR supervisor asked me about my family situation, and when I learned that my son Ozawa was going to junior high school this year, she said to me earnestly:

"Spend time with your children, it's an important stage, and you can't make up for it after that!

At my age, you will understand that family is the most important thing, and my son is so busy with work, neglected discipline, and obsessed with video games, no one can take care of it, and he never leaves his hand.

In this year's college entrance examination, it is estimated that it will be difficult to be admitted to a good university. ”

At the time, I only thought it was an excuse for her to dissuade me, but after nearly a month of being alone with my children at home, I did find that there was a big problem:

His handwriting is scribbled, he scribbles a lot, and he is even a math subject, which I have never noticed!

In the past, the children were only with us in the evenings, and the rest of the time was either school or a small table, and we often worked overtime and picked up late.

I still remember when I first went to kindergarten, every time I was the first to send and the last to pick up, he would say to me with tears in his eyes every night: Mom, can you pick me up early tomorrow?

Yet we break our trust in Him every time.

I think back to the longest time I spent alone with my child was when the epidemic locked down the city in 22, but at that time, I was busy working from home and had no time to take care of him.

At that time, electronic devices had to be used for online classes, and no one watched them, so he actually learned a lot of games without a teacher, and often skipped to play games during online classes.

When I finished my work at night, finished cooking, finished eating, brushed the dishes, and checked my homework, I found that he hadn't listened to classes or done his homework at all.

Because Seashore was suddenly locked up in Langfang on a business trip at that time, I was the only one in everything, I was very short-tempered, and I was impatient when teaching, and I often roared late at night.

It was also during that time that Ozawa's grades fell directly from the top three in the class to the top ten, and he still made slow progress in the past two years.

During this period of unemployment, although I collapsed, I still stabilized my emotions in front of him, watched him write, and tutored him in his homework.

At the end of the holiday, his scribbled handwriting was really clear and neat, and he never scribbled it again, and the first quiz at the beginning of the school year, the worst math, actually got a full score.

I don't know if it's due to my company, but it's better to take care of your own children than to be at the small dinner table.

So, really, it's true, everyone's family has a cause and effect.

All neglected companionship will become regrets for you and your family in the future.

Unemployment is a retribution, and I have to believe in cause and effect

2. Your career has cause and effect

After losing my job, I understand the profound meaning of this sentence more clearly:

There are only two kinds of people in the workplace, one is the protagonist and the other is the dragon.

Heart-piercing, but also realistic.

After I got married, I moved to Seashore and had two of the longest jobs I've ever had.

It is a great honor that both companies are among the top ten best enterprises in the local area, and the first company has made me full of honor and respect.

The only thing that has always made me regret is that the company has a single holiday, I have to travel a lot, and the business trip is long, so when I have to go on a business trip again, my suppressed emotions completely exploded, and I proposed to resign.

In my first job, I asked to leave several times, but I was persuaded by my direct supervisor at the time, and finally this time, he saw that I was really determined to go, so he signed the application for approval.

Less than a month after I left the company, I joined a second company, which is now being laid off.

Even though I have left, I can't bear to say that this company is not, because the treatment at that time was so good.

Not only weekends, but also regular travel for employees every year, hospitals for physical examinations for employees, nutritionists and fitness coaches, yoga instructors for overweight people to supervise diet and physical exercise, healthy weight loss, and various snacks for afternoon tea.

If you are not in a good state of work, the HR supervisor will arrange special talk and psychological counseling, not to mention the gifts and creative activities of various subsections, all the good things you can imagine are reflected in this company.

You can imagine the joy I felt at the beginning of joining this company, but when I entered a new field, I made one of the biggest taboos in the workplace: I was sharp.

In the previous company, I led the team, I was the protagonist in everything, the direct leader appreciated me and trusted me, and I had the final say in many things.

And the second company, the treatment is so good, so the middle level is extremely stable, and there are people who have not left for many years.

And the people gathered are doctors, masters, and college students who graduated from various famous universities, 985, 211 abound, such a person I suddenly mixed in, and many things directly raised objections, with an attitude that is even better than theirs.

They were polite at first, and then the direct leaders began to find fault with all kinds of faults, often working overtime until late at night.

But because the work treatment is so good, I suddenly woke up and began to do low-lying small, but it was too late, love can be love at first sight, and the workplace can also be tired at first sight.

In the past six years, I have experienced a profound experience, I don't teach you what should be taught, I don't call you what I should hold, everything is my own exploration, and I have been running for six years.

In this case, you must be slower and less prosperous than people in the same period, so when there is an opportunity to lay off employees, the first thing to bear the brunt of is not to lay off you? Who else is you?

3. Your health has cause and effect

When people are young, they always walk non-stop, for cars and houses, and gamble with their lives.

But as I grew older and less energetic than before, I became more and more clear:

Gambling your body on the future is the stupidest investment in life.

Because the wood is overburned, not carbon, but ash.

In November, the company organized a physical examination, which was also suspended for three years due to the epidemic.

When I got the results back, I was shocked: I had mild fatty liver, was overweight, and had a third-degree thyroid nodule!

I think of so many years, I have been fighting wits and courage with the little leader, in order to satisfy her and customers, I have been anxious many times, depressed, and worked overtime all night.

I don't have time to exercise, and I don't have time to pay attention to my health, even if I feel uncomfortable, I can carry it on my own.

Now that the building is tilted, the little leader has directly abandoned me, the customer has not even said goodbye, and I have neglected my health for those who have neglected my health, is this cause worth it? Is this fruit worth it? Why is it all this?

I once heard a saying: "In this world, there are no ifs, only cause and effect." ”

Everything in the world is interlinked.

A happy family hides dedication and companionship, a successful career hides forbearance and hard work, and a healthy body hides consciousness and self-discipline.

The choices in the first half of your life hide the state of your life in the second half of your life.

When people reach middle age, they encourage you together.

Unemployment is a retribution, and I have to believe in cause and effect




Sister drags temperament: Hello everyone, I am Sister Drag, born in the 80s, I have had a dream of being a writer since I was a child, and my articles have been published many times during school, but because of the interweaving of work and life, this dream has been missed by me.

At the end of January 2024, unfortunately caught up with the company's layoffs, it was my turn, and I suddenly became free, so that I had more time to think about my life, who I am, what I want, how I want to live, and the growth and experience of these years, I want to put it into words, tell you, and also use it as a review of my life.

Maybe self-media writing is the first step for me to save myself from being unemployed, and I would like to encourage you who are temporarily at a low point!

Unemployment is a retribution, and I have to believe in cause and effect

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