
How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?

author:On the Heart Hall
How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?
How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?

Did you know that at the same level of intelligence, optimistic people are always more likely to succeed than pessimistic people.


Because optimistic people and pessimistic people look at problems differently in the following two ways.

First: Optimistic people blame the method for the error, while the pessimistic person blames the error on the ability.

For example:

What would you think if you expected to score 90 on the test, but you only scored 60 points?

An optimistic person will think that there is something wrong with his learning method, so he will try to improve his method through some means. For example, adjust your routine, improve the way you take notes, ask your teacher for advice, etc.

Pessimistic people, on the other hand, blame their mistakes on themselves. He will feel stupid, have a poor memory, and feel like he can't do it. As a result, they fall into negativity and have no behavioral improvement other than self-blame.

How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?

Second: Optimistic people always find a way to accomplish their goals, while pessimistic people give up easily.

Optimistic people do it beforehand to see the benefits of accomplishing it.

If he wants to learn to play basketball, he will first think of the scene where the person who plays basketball is adored by many beautiful women. If he wants to open a physical store, he will first think of the crowds in the store and the appearance of making a lot of money. As a result, he will work harder and more energetically, and even if he encounters difficulties, he will become more and more frustrated in order to achieve the beautiful goals imagined in his heart.

And pessimistic people do things first, and see the difficulties and disadvantages of this matter first.

If you want to learn to play basketball, the first thing that comes to mind is how embarrassing it will be if you don't play well, and you may not only work hard but also get injured when training. If he wants to open a store, the first thing he thinks about is what to do if he loses, can he afford it?

Under the influence of these pessimistic attitudes, even if he does not encounter difficulties, he may not be able to persevere, let alone after encountering difficulties, he will most likely choose to give up.

How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?

So, how can one go from pessimism to optimism?

We might as well make an interesting analogy between playing games and life, if you really understand this analogy, you can understand the meaning of life better.

If life is a game, everyone has a different role to play in the game.

We compare whether you drive a 100,000 car or a 1 million car in your life to whether the mounts of the characters in the game are ordinary monsters or mythical beasts. Then compare whether you wear brand-name clothes or ordinary clothes in your life, whether you eat delicacies from the mountains and seas or coarse tea and light rice, and compare it to whether the characters in the game are holding the best equipment or ordinary equipment. Then compare the difficulties you encounter in life to the boss in the game.

During the game, everyone will get their own equipment and challenge their own difficulties. Perhaps some people are particularly well equipped, and some are very weakly equipped. Some people encounter bosses that are difficult to fight, and some people don't encounter big bosses at all, but these don't matter, the most important thing is how our game experience is.

When you fight monsters, are you having fun? Are those friends who play games with you able to establish a friendship that lives and dies together?When you defeat the boss, are you happy from the heart?

The most important thing is that we will be able to choose our favorite equipment, practice the skills we want, and enjoy the game to the fullest.

After all, everyone's game has an end day, but when the game ends, the most important thing is not to see how luxurious the equipment you are wearing, nor how much gold you have earned in the game, but whether you feel happy during the game.

That is to say, if life is a game, and all the titles, equipment, and gold coins you get at the end of the game are floating clouds, and the biggest meaning of this game to you is the feeling and experience during the game.

After understanding this truth, we can be optimistic about the difficulties and challenges in life. It doesn't matter if you lose or lose, it's just that the equipment you wear at the end of the game is a little worse. As long as we have fun and work hard in the process of the game, this game will not be played in vain.

How does an optimistic person differ from a pessimistic person's way of thinking, and how do you become optimistic?

When we encounter some difficulties, we always feel that this is a hurdle that we can't overcome. For example, when you first look for a job, you feel like you won't be able to pass the interview. When I gave a speech on stage for the first time, I was so nervous that my mind was blank and I couldn't speak. But looking back many years later, we will find that there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome.

In fact, the most important thing is not what we encounter, but our perception of it, and it is our mentality that determines the happiness of life.

An optimistic person, who can maintain a positive attitude even after a heavy blow, is able to see the setbacks that others cannot bear as an opportunity and a driving force for growth, and learn enough from them to transform into a stronger person.

And a pessimistic person, even if he encounters great good fortune, he will not be blessed to enjoy it. Because he feared that the good fortune in the present moment would be fleeting, he was worried and uneasy.

Therefore, a person's attitude towards the world is more important than what the world itself is.

In conclusion, optimists are good at finding ways, while pessimists are prone to questioning their abilities. Optimists always see the benefits of things first and actively achieve their goals. Pessimists, on the other hand, tend to see the bad and tend to abandon their goals. By doing things with a playful attitude, we can maintain an optimistic mindset, which will lead to joy in adversity and hope for the future.

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