
#雍正到底是不是篡位?#他是弑君后篡位. On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to go from the tenth to the tenth of the first month

author:Zhao Mingming unraveled the true story of "Dream of Red Mansions" (Stone Story).

#雍正到底是不是篡位? #

He was a usurper after killing the king.

On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first lunar month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to be sick from cold and sweating for six days from the tenth to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and that he would recuperate and fast, and announced that he would stop reading and reciting the recital for these six days. So he began to imprison Emperor Kangxi on the 12th day of the 11th month of the lunar month, and began to implement a murderous usurpation plan.

The second prince of the Kangxi Dynasty's secret prince was the fourteenth prince Yinzhen. When the fourth took advantage of Emperor Kangxi to let him write the Diamond Sutra, he saw that the successor in the Manchu and Mongolian edicts that Emperor Kangxi had written was Yinzhen, the fourteenth prince of the Northwest General, so he began to plan how to usurp the throne, and first took the negotiation and threat to let Emperor Kangxi pass the throne to him, and the fourth child, who had been rejected five times, decided to implement the second plan.

Next article

How did he kill his own emperor and Emperor Kangxi?

Why did he hate his father so much?

Who was involved in his usurpation of the throne?

#雍正到底是不是篡位?#他是弑君后篡位. On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to go from the tenth to the tenth of the first month
#雍正到底是不是篡位?#他是弑君后篡位. On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to go from the tenth to the tenth of the first month
#雍正到底是不是篡位?#他是弑君后篡位. On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to go from the tenth to the tenth of the first month
#雍正到底是不是篡位?#他是弑君后篡位. On the seventh day of November 1722, the Kangxi Emperor was hunting and had a wind chill. On the ninth day of the first month, he announced to the four close ministers around him that he was going to go from the tenth to the tenth of the first month

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