
Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

Author: Liang Xiaoli


Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

When Chinese detective Li Changyu saw Tsui Hark for the first time, he asked, "Have you ever killed someone?" Tsui Hark was shocked, and then said cautiously: "I said no, do you have a way to see it?"

In 2013, detective Li Changyu, who has solved countless bizarre cases, was a guest on Luyu talk show with Tsui Hark and Carina Lau. Since the audience and guests were quite curious about solving the case, Li Changyu analyzed the faces of the two on the spot.

Li Changyu pointed at Tsui Hark and said: "Look at his left and right faces, they are also asymmetrical, he is a very fierce person." Originally, it was just to liven up the atmosphere, but who knew that Li Changyu's words in the next second instantly made Carina Lau and Tsui Hark nervous.

Li Changyu asked with a serious face: "Have you ever killed someone?" According to the logic of a normal person, when asked such a ridiculous question, he would definitely give a negative answer on the spot. But Carina Lau said: "I have killed people in the play." And Tsui Hark's reaction was even more intriguing, he cautiously said: "If I say I haven't killed anyone, do you believe it?"

Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

Li Changyu didn't say anything, and immediately took out the polygraph paper he carried with him and tested the two of them. When Tsui Hark saw it, his eyes wandered and he was a little panicked. Li Changyu asked: "Which one do you want to test first?" Obviously, Tsui Hark sat closest to Li Changyu, but he decisively pointed to Carina Lau next to him: "She will test first." ”

Carina Lau was also very interested, and immediately got up and exchanged places with Tsui Hark. Li Changyu asked Carina Lau an emotional question: "Is your marriage very happy?" Carina Lau replied: "It's okay." After testing Carina Lau, it was Tsui Hark's turn.

Tsui Hark also did not exchange places with Carina Lau. At this time, the atmosphere of the scene reached a new climax, and the audience stared with bated breath, waiting for the truth to be revealed on this piece of paper.

The director and staff of the show also stopped their work and stared at Li Changyu intently. Li Changyu gently spread out the polygraph paper on the table, and then looked at Tsui Hark: "Mr. Tsui Hark, now let's see what the truth is, right?"

At this critical juncture, when everyone thought that the truth was about to be revealed, Li Changyu suddenly changed the topic, and he asked Tsui Hark lightly: "Have you eaten today?" Tsui Hark was stunned by this sudden question, and he was stunned for a moment.

Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

It wasn't until Li Changyu said, "You should answer faster!" that Tsui Hark reacted, and then laughed. The audience also laughed, and the tense atmosphere instantly became relaxed. At this time, Li Changyu explained: "This test paper is not accurate at all, and it is just taken out to liven up the atmosphere." ”

But Tsui Hark asked curiously: "Just by the face of a person, can you guess whether he has killed someone?" Li Changyu said: "Detectives have their own intuition, but the most important thing to solve the case is to pay attention to evidence." Many people feel very strange about Tsui Hark's abnormal performance in the show.

But there are also many people who say that all this is just the effect of the show. Doing a show with Li Changyu is probably the most panicked and gaffe moment in Tsui Hark's life.

However, this is also an anomaly that Tsui Hark deliberately showed in order to increase the effect of the show. As a director, he is the best at figuring out people's hearts and acting.

——End of this article——

Li Changyu's mind-reading skills are too powerful, and a sentence makes Tsui Hark break the defense

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