
Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

author:Shuwen Yue Reading Club
Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

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In 2001, 18-year-old Yan Xuejing signed up for the two-person transfer competition held by Zhao Benshan in Jinan with enthusiasm. She and her dance partners impressed all the judges with their wonderful performances, the dance moves were smart and expressive, and the stage charm made it impossible to take your eyes off.

Yan Xuejing stood out among many contestants, and with her unremitting efforts, she finally won the championship of this competition.

This game turned Yan Xuejing's life upside down, and her talent and love for the duo deeply moved Zhao Benshan. Zhao Benshan, as a master of this art, decided to take Yan Xuejing as an apprentice and teach her the two-person transfer skills he had accumulated over the years.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

Under the guidance of Zhao Benshan, Yan Xuejing's stage performance ability has been greatly improved. In her performance, she not only perfectly showed the traditional charm of the two-person turn, but also skillfully integrated modern pop elements, which was deeply loved by the audience.

In order to make Yan Xuejing stand out in the film and television industry, Zhao Benshan deliberately adapted the popular comedy "Liu Laogen" starring him, and added a new role called "Shan Xing", which was played by Yan Xuejing.

Since the TV series was broadcast, Yan Xuejing's wonderful acting skills have been well received by the audience. The role she played as "Shan Xing" was loved by the public, making her a household name overnight.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

With the all-round support of Zhao Benshan, Yan Xuejing quickly grew into a popular idol. She appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and saw the lights in the audience like an ocean, and she was so excited that she burst into tears.

At this moment, she completed her transformation from a little girl unknown to a household name, a gorgeous and dazzling transformation.

With the growth of age and experience, Yan Xuejing gradually formed her own independent thinking, and was no longer satisfied with following Zhao Benshan's footsteps. She hopes to have more room for development, instead of playing a supporting role in Zhao Benshan's troupe forever.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

Subsequently, with Zhao Benshan's consent, she began to take on some performances in other places in private. However, as time passed, the route Zhao Benshan arranged for her could no longer satisfy her growing ambitions.

As a result, she began to play freely, often leaving in the middle of the performances that Zhao Benshan was preparing to complete more attractive performances elsewhere in order to earn higher pay.

Zhao Benshan has been dissatisfied with Yan Xuejing's unorganized and undisciplined style many times, and he criticized Yan Xuejing's disloyalty and injustice in front of her teacher, and accused her of lacking gratitude to her teacher.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

Zhao Benshan felt very uncomfortable in his heart, he cultivated Yan Xuejing as his own daughter, but he didn't expect her to be an ungrateful person.

Eventually, the situation reached the point of no return. Zhao Benshan was preparing to take the entire troupe to rehearse for the main event, however, he learned that Yan Xuejing had taken leave to participate in a performance with a higher salary.

This blatant betrayal made Zhao Benshan unbearable, and he announced in public that he would sever the master-apprentice relationship with Yan Xuejing.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

And the straw that finally crushed the camel was at Yuexian's funeral in 2021. When everyone was sending off the last ride in front of the funeral home, Yan Xuejing wantonly carried out live streaming regardless of the occasion, which made everyone shocked and disgusted by this behavior of ignoring the deceased and disrespecting the living.

This is also one of the reasons why Zhao Benshan is completely dead to her.

After leaving from Zhao Benshan, Yan Xuejing became the focus of the entertainment industry for a while. She starred in many TV series one after another, became famous, and became an unmatched star at that time.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

However, the good times did not last long, and after Zhao Benshan's shade disappeared, her career soon reached its peak, and then began to decline.

She realized that her acting skills and popularity could only lead her to the peak for a short time, so she chose to obtain more resources through marriage. She chose to marry Lin Yue, a wealthy man who was nearly 20 years older than herself, and used this marriage to quickly develop her career.

However, due to the lack of affection, the marriage lasted only 3 years and ended in divorce.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

The second husband Ma Mingdong is her old friend. Unlike her ex-husband, the relationship between the two has always been very close. At the beginning, between career and relationship, she chose Lin Yue.

Now back to Ma Mingdong, she found that his resources were running out. In this marriage, she lived very comfortably, shopping and traveling as she pleased.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the emotional estrangement led to a breakup again.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

After many failures, Yan Xuejing's career fell into a trough. She was unwilling to be forgotten by the circle, so she tried to do some side hustles through live broadcasting. However, the low-quality live broadcast room did not bring her much popularity, and her life became dull and lost its former glory.

When she faced the mirror alone, she couldn't help but think back to the wrong choices she made when she was younger.

Although she has experienced setbacks on the road to the entertainment industry, Yan Xuejing is now living a happy life. She lives in a sunny villa with her son, daughter-in-law, and grandson, and the family relationship is harmonious and happy.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

She will carefully accompany her grandson to grow up, live a simple life, and enjoy the happiness of being with her family. The success of her career is no longer the focus of life, and the warmth of her family is her greatest satisfaction.

Perhaps, she has realized that the cost of competing for fame and fortune in the entertainment industry is too great. Fame and fortune can't keep their sincerity after all, and their beloved family is the most precious sustenance in life.

The wrong choice she made made forced her to reflect and repent. What you once pursued blindly doesn't really matter.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

We can't be absolutely judgmental about her. It is quite normal for a person to have a bright side and a dark side. Her decadence in the entertainment industry may make her start over.

No matter what lifestyle she chooses in the future, we sincerely hope that she can find the meaning of life and continue to create more moving works.

Occam's Straight Men of Steel Reason warns us that over-reading can make us lose our objectivity. What we can do is to send sincere encouragement and support, and believe that she will move through these past and live a more wonderful life.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

Yan Xuejing's life is like a roller coaster, full of twists and turns and surprises. When she was 18 years old, she was still an unknown little girl, but with her enthusiasm and hard work, under the discovery and cultivation of Master Zhao Benshan, she quickly grew into a well-known star.

Under Zhao Benshan, she received unimaginable opportunities and support, which could have been a solid foundation for her career. However, the expansion of ambition and vanity caused her to drift away and eventually lose the protection of her mentor.

Perhaps it was the overly smooth environment that shaped her arrogant personality, and her failed marriage and declining career were the punishment she deserved for disobeying her mentor and being short-sighted.

Zhao Benshan once made Yan Xuejing popular with his own hands, but why didn't the two of them get along?

Every newcomer in the entertainment industry should be deeply vigilant and reflective, and experience the pain of prosperity and decline.

We don't know how many mistakes Yan Xuejing will repeat and how many peaks and loops will be turned. But as long as she is still in the entertainment industry, we have expectations. Because her story represents too many young actors who have suffered similar fates, she deserves high hopes.

Finally, let's pray for Yan Xuejing together! I look forward to her continuing to bring more excellent works to everyone, so that we can experience the deep touching in these works.

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