
"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

author:Global Sharp Eye

On a cold winter day, Xiao Yang came out of the company, and a cold wind rushed towards him, and he hurriedly put on his hat.

On the way home, Xiao Yang suddenly felt a tingling pain in his head, and he couldn't help but reach out to touch it, but he touched some small raised red dots. (Editor: Lubei)

"What's going on?" Xiao Yang was a little flustered as he began to think back to the origin of the hat.

He bought this hat at a small shop a few years ago, and at that time he thought it was cheap and warm, so he has been wearing it all the time.

"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

But Xiao Yang suddenly realized that he never seemed to have cleaned the hat. "Is it because of this?" Xiao Yang muttered in his heart.

He quickly took off his hat and looked closely, and found that the inner lining of the hat was already a little yellow, and there was a bad smell. "This hat really can't be worn anymore. ”

Xiao Yang made up his mind and decided to wash it well when he went home, and went to buy a new hat by the way.

He secretly congratulated himself that he had discovered the problem in time, and also reminded himself to pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of his personal belongings in the future.

As winter deepens and temperatures gradually drop, hats have become an indispensable fashion item on the streets.

However, hats aren't just for warmth and decoration, they're also about our health.

In this seemingly ordinary everyday object, there are many hidden health risks that we may overlook.

So, why can't some hats be worn, and how do we choose the right one to protect our health?


Have you ever pulled out a hat from the cabinet that you wore last year and put it on your head, without thinking that it might have accumulated a lot of dust and germs?

These seemingly insignificant dirts can pose a serious threat to our health.

Bacterial growth

The surface and interior of a hat that has not been washed for a long time can become a breeding ground for bacteria and viruses.

When we wear such hats, these bacteria and viruses may come into contact with our scalp and cause various head skin problems, such as scalp itching, red rashes, hair loss, etc.

These problems not only affect our appearance, but can also have a negative impact on our mental health, such as triggering emotional problems such as anxiety and depression.

More seriously, if we have a wound or break on our scalp, these bacteria and viruses can also enter our body and cause more serious health problems such as infection, inflammation, etc. Therefore, it is crucial to wash the hat regularly.

How do I wash my hat?

First of all, we can choose the right cleaning agent according to the material and color of the hat.

For dark or fade-prone hats, choose a neutral or weakly acidic cleaner, and for light-colored or fade-resistant hats, choose a cleaner with a strong detergency.

Secondly, during the cleaning process, we should be careful not to rub or wring out the hat so as not to damage its shape and material.

"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

Finally, when drying the hat, it should be avoided from direct sunlight and baking at high temperatures to avoid the hat being deformed or shrinking.

In addition to regular washing, we should also develop good habits of use.

For example, before wearing a hat, you can wipe your scalp and hair with a clean, damp cloth to reduce dirt and oil on your scalp.

After removing the hat, it can be left to dry in a ventilated and dry place to dry for a period of time to remove moisture and odors from the inside.


To keep warm and stylish, some hats are made of thick materials and have an airtight design.

However, wearing such a hat for a long time can cause the moisture in our head to not be able to dissipate, creating a damp environment on the surface of the scalp.

This environment is very conducive to the growth and multiplication of harmful bacteria, which in turn can lead to scalp problems.

"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

Health Problems:

Wearing an airtight hat for a long time can cause the temperature of the head to rise, causing the blood vessels in the head to dilate and blood circulation to increase.

This can aggravate the condition for some people who suffer from conditions such as high blood pressure, migraines, etc.

In addition, the high temperature and high humidity environment can also easily cause problems such as skin allergies and inflammation in the head.

Therefore, when choosing a hat, we should pay attention to its breathability.

Tips for picking:

Some hats made of lightweight materials with ventilation holes are effective in keeping our heads dry and comfortable.

In addition, when choosing a hat, we can also consider whether its lining material is skin-friendly, moisture-absorbing, and perspiration-wicking, so as to better protect our head health.

In addition to choosing the right hat, we should also allow the head to breathe in at the right time.

For example, when the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, you can take off your hat in time to let your head adapt to the temperature change;

After wearing the hat for a long time, you can also give your head a proper rest to avoid being in a high temperature and humidity environment for a long time.


A hat that is too tight will compress our head and affect the blood circulation in the head, which can cause headaches, dizziness and other uncomfortable sensations.

Wearing a hat that is too tight for a long time can also lead to problems such as indentations and breakage on our scalp, which can lead to more serious skin diseases on the head.

How to choose the right hat?

Everyone's head shape and size are different, so we should choose the right hat size for ourselves according to our actual situation.

Try on a hat when you buy it to see if it's comfortable, too tight or too loose. If the hat is too tight or too loose, it should be adjusted or replaced in time.

"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

In addition, we should also pay attention to the material and elasticity of the hat. Some hats with better elasticity can adapt to different people's head shapes without causing excessive pressure on the head.

Some hats made of stiffer materials may cause discomfort to the head and even cause skin problems.

In addition to choosing the right hat, we should also avoid wearing the same hat for a long time.

Wearing the same hat for a long time will increase the humidity and temperature of the head, which can easily lead to bacterial growth and skin problems.

Therefore, we should change the hat at the right time to allow the head to relax and rest.

At the same time, when wearing a hat, we can also massage the head appropriately to promote blood circulation in the head and relieve fatigue in the head.

"When people wear three hats, their bodies are uneasy", don't wear these three hats in winter, it may hurt your body

In short, although the hat is a small item in our daily life, it is closely related to our health.

Choose the right hat, wash it regularly, and let your head breathe at the right time...... These seemingly small details can bring unexpected benefits to our health.

At the same time, I also hope that everyone can share this knowledge with the people around them, so that we can pay attention to the health of the head, pay attention to the details of life, and pay attention to our own physical health.


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