
Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

author:Emotional Healing Machine

February 15, Chengdu Qingyang Palace. A tourist took change that other tourists had thrown on the ground to make a wish, and was caught by the Taoist chief and asked him to hand it over and return it on the spot. Under the continuous "output" of the Taoist chief, the man was forced to hand over the money, but after returning it, the Taoist still refused to give up. The video also sparked heated public opinion.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

In major scenic spots on the mainland, the trevi fountain is a common facility, and tourists usually toss coins to make wishes, hoping to bring them. However, in recent years, the phenomenon of some tourists taking money from the wishing fountain has attracted widespread attention. This act not only raises moral controversy, but also involves legal issues.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

1. Moral controversy

1. Respect for public property

The coins in the Trevi Fountain are the result of the wishes thrown by the tourists, and these coins are symbolic to a certain extent. Tourists taking money from the trevi fountain can be seen as an infringement on public property and disrespect for others' contributions. This kind of behavior can easily lead to the abuse of public property and damage the overall environment of the scenic spot.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

2. Damage to social morality

Taking the money from the wishing fountain is a sign of lack of social morality. This kind of behavior is easy to bring bad examples to other tourists and affect the social atmosphere. A civilized and harmonious social environment needs to be maintained together, and tourists taking the money from the trevi fountain is undoubtedly an act of destroying this environment.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

3. Affect the image of the scenic spot

Tourists taking the money from the trevi fountain may cause damage to the image of the scenic spot. Tourists are the main consumers of scenic spots, and their behavior directly affects the reputation of scenic spots. If it becomes a common phenomenon for tourists to take money from the trevi fountain, the scenic spot may need to be better managed, which will affect the experience of tourists.

2. Legal issues

1. Suspicion of theft

According to Article 264 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, a person who steals public or private property and the amount involved in a relatively large amount shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, short-term detention or controlled release, and if the amount involved is huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years. Tourists take the money from the trevi fountain, and if the amount is large, they may be suspected of theft.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

2. Destruction of public facilities

According to Article 23 of the Mainland's Law on Administrative Penalties for Public Security, a person who intentionally destroys a public facility but is not sufficient for criminal punishment shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may also be fined not more than 500 yuan; Tourists taking money from the Trevi Fountain may cause damage to the Trevi Fountain facilities, which constitutes vandalism of public facilities.

3. Violating the regulations of the scenic spot

Many scenic spots clearly state in their regulations that tourists are prohibited from taking money from the trevi pool. Tourists who violate the regulations of the scenic spot may face penalties such as fines and inclusion in the blacklist of the scenic spot.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

3. Countermeasures

1. Strengthen publicity and education

Scenic spots should strengthen publicity and education to improve the moral quality and legal awareness of tourists. By setting up billboards and holding themed activities, visitors can understand the meaning of the trevi fountain and the dangers of taking the money from the trevi fountain.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

2. Strengthen on-site management

The scenic spot should increase staff, strengthen the inspection around the trevi pool, and stop tourists from taking the money from the trevi fountain in a timely manner. At the same time, the staff should guide tourists to throw coins in a civilized manner and maintain the order of the scenic spot.

3. Improve laws and regulations

In response to the phenomenon of tourists taking money from the wishing pool, the relevant departments should improve the relevant laws and regulations, clarify the punishment measures, and increase the crackdown on this behavior. At the same time, strengthen law enforcement to ensure the implementation of laws and regulations.

Tourists stealing money from the wishing fountain were reprimanded by the Taoist chief, which caused heated public opinion

The phenomenon of tourists taking money from the trevi fountain involves both moral and legal issues. We should work together from both moral and legal aspects to strengthen the prevention and crackdown on such behaviors, and jointly maintain the order and image of scenic spots. At the same time, tourists themselves should also improve their moral quality and legal awareness, visit in a civilized manner, and create a better tourism environment.

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