
On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

author:Hot and sour noodles say entertainment

When the hustle and bustle of the city gradually moved away, when the reinforced concrete forest was replaced by rolling mountains, Li Yapeng's wife Hai Ha Jinxi took her daughter Xia Xia and embarked on a journey back to her parents' home. This time, the destination is the Daliang Mountain, which is hidden deep in the hinterland of Sichuan and has a strong Yi culture. As the Spring Festival approaches, this homecoming is not only a simple family reunion, but also a cultural and emotional exchange across time and space.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

Daliang Mountain, this ancient land, has given birth to the Yi culture that has been passed down from generation to generation. Hai Ha Jinxi, as a daughter who walked out of Daliang Mountain, is now returning to her hometown with her small family, which is far more than an ordinary family visit. In her body, the blood of the Yi nationality flows, carrying the hopes and dreams of the Yi people. And her return is undoubtedly the most affectionate confession to this land.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

With the arrival of Hae Ha Jinxi and Xia Xia, the older generation in the family has a long-lost smile on their faces. They sat together, talked in Yi, and shared the details of each other's lives. Although Xia Xia could not fully understand these complex words, she felt warmth and love from the expressions and tones of her family. This kind of intergenerational exchange not only deepened Xia Xia's identification with her family and national culture, but also injected rich spiritual nourishment into her growth.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

During the family dinner, the table was filled with delicacies with Yi characteristics: bitter buckwheat baba, tuotuo meat, sauerkraut soup...... Each dish is rich in history and culture. Hae Ha Jinxi tasted these familiar flavors while telling Xia Xia the stories behind these delicacies. In this way, she hopes that her daughter can understand and respect her own national culture while enjoying the food.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

After dinner, the young people of the family began to sing. They sang solo, duet, or chorus, expressing their love for life and their vision for the future with their singing. Hai Ha Jinxi also joined them, singing one Yi folk song after another with her clear and soulful voice. Although Xia Xia still doesn't understand the meaning of the lyrics, she is deeply attracted by her mother's singing, as if she sees a world full of mystery and beauty.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

This trip to Daliang Mountain was an unforgettable experience for Hai Ha Jinxi and Xia Xia. They not only enjoyed the warmth of family and the companionship of family affection, but also received a profound cultural education invisibly. For Daliangshan, their arrival also brought a new hope and vitality. This hope and vitality not only comes from the growth and progress of Xia Xia's generation of young people, but also from the persistence and inheritance of traditional culture by the whole family.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

In today's society, with the acceleration of globalization and the acceleration of modernization, many traditional cultures are in danger of disappearing. However, in the ancient land of Daliang Mountain, the Yi people have adhered to traditional culture in their own way and passed it on from generation to generation. This perseverance and inheritance is not only the respect for ancestors and the memory of history, but also the expectation of the future and the love of life.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

Hai Ha Jinxi took Xia Xia back to Daliang Mountain for the New Year, which is not only a simple family reunion, but also a return and inheritance of culture. Their arrival has injected new vitality and hope into this land, and also made more people see the value and significance of traditional culture in modern society. And this return and inheritance is one of the most needed forces of our time.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

In the days to come, we look forward to more young people like Hai Ha Jinxi returning to their hometowns, returning to traditional culture to trace their roots, absorb wisdom, and inherit culture. Because only in this way can our culture continue and develop, and our society can be more harmonious and progressive. And all this is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of each and every one of us.

On the morning of February 16, the wife of the famous actor Li Yapeng came with the latest news!

Hai Ha Jinxi took her daughter Xia Xia back to Daliang Mountain for the New Year, which is a far-reaching journey. It not only made Xia Xia feel the warmth of the family and the charm of national culture, but also brought a new hope and vitality to Daliangshan. And this hope and vitality is one of the most precious treasures of our time. Let's cherish it, inherit it, develop it, and work hard to build a better future!

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