
Sensory cognition: fast vs. slow

author:Wenlin Ink Writers

Wenlin Ink Writers

Sensory cognition: fast vs. slow

▲Time is ruthless, and life is priceless and proud

Fast and slow are people's feelings about time. In fact, time is constant, and it doesn't matter how fast or slow it is. So, why do people have a sense of speed and slowness?

Fast and slow are comparative. Without comparison, people don't have a sense of speed or slowness. Imagine that if we were always spinning fast, we wouldn't feel slow, and conversely, if we were always in an extremely slow state, we wouldn't feel fast. That is to say, the feeling of being fast and slow is closely related to the environment in which people live. In other words, it is only when you have experienced two states, fast and extremely slow, that you can distinguish between fast and slow.

1. I feel very fast when the dynamic cap is reached

The Earth has to rotate both itself and the Sun. Therefore, dynamics are the norm in nature and human society. However, there are also different degrees of division of dynamics. Micro-movement is the lower limit, and people can't feel fast, and dramatic movement is the upper limit, so people can feel fast. Therefore, when the dynamics reach the upper limit, it can be called fast.

When does the energy accumulate to a critical point and is about to explode, it is the upper limit of the dynamic. It can be seen that quantitative change is the starting point of fast, and qualitative change is the end point of fast. So, under what circumstances can people feel fast?

First, in the age of the Internet, it feels fast. Yesterday's news is still fresh in my mind, but today it is long gone. Some articles or videos are viewed for a day or two, and then no one cares about them. The information is overwhelming, dizzying, and the update speed is so fast!

Second, in the busy work, feel fast. The previous task has just been completed and has not yet been savored, and the next task has been issued, so I immediately think about what to do. The leader is in a hurry, and what is not done during the day will be done overtime at night. All work tasks have a time limit, and they cannot be completed unless they are grasped quickly; all work tasks have targets, and those who fail to meet the standards must be held accountable.

Third, unconsciously, I feel fast. Many old people often say that when they closed their eyes, it was yesterday, that is, when they were in their prime, and when they opened their eyes, they were already old and their temples were like frost. Hustle and bustle turned into idleness, and the able-bodied became infirm. Life is like a dream, and it is a hundred years in the blink of an eye.

2. When the static lower limit is static, it feels very slow

Static is also a kind of dynamic, but people can't feel the movement, that is, it is slow. Static is also divided to varying degrees. Tranquility is the upper limit, and people can't feel slow, and silence is the lower limit, so people can feel slow.

When does the static energy reach the lower limit? When the kinetic energy is completely released and there is no remaining, it is the static lower limit. It can be seen from this that the contraction is the starting point of slowness, and the amount of nothingness is the end of slowness. So, under what circumstances can people feel slow?

For one, when I wait to grow up, I feel very slow. When I was a child, I was very envious of the busy days of adults, and I longed for myself to grow up faster, and how good it would be to be as busy as adults!

Second, when picking up people and waiting, it feels very slow. There are friends from afar, and they are happy. Relatives, friends or guests who come from afar often need to be picked up at the station or airport. Pick-up needs to arrive early, otherwise it will be rude. Since you are going early, you naturally have to wait. And the waiting time often feels slow.

Third, when there is nothing to do, it feels very slow. When a person does not read, study, or work, goes out to play, or entertains at home, cooks, or cleans his room. I didn't do anything, I didn't even bother to eat, and I just lay flat at home. This kind of person feels that time flies very slowly. Fortunately, now I have a computer and a mobile phone as company, so it is not so boring.

People who have just retired suddenly feel at a loss when they are idle, and every day passes very slowly. Gradually, I began to find something to do, and I rushed to cook and clean the room with my wife. There is an old professor who lives in the front building of my house, and in order to rush to cook, he gets up at 3 o'clock in the morning almost every day to cook. As long as it's convenient for me to order or drink water, I can see him cooking.

In addition to finding things to do, he also joined the ranks of physical exercise and leisure and entertainment. Whether it is physical exercise or leisure and entertainment, some people are as obsessed with punctuation as they are on time, or even working overtime, which is busier than going to work.

3. The basic balance between fast and slow

Throughout a person's life, they can't always work or live in a fast-paced way, being busy and tired to death, nor can they always work or live in a slow pace, eating all day long, and doing nothing. Therefore, a balanced approach should be used to correct the imbalance between fast and slow, busy and idle.

First, it is necessary to combine work and rest. All work requires work, and all work requires energy. However, man's own energy is limited, and it is not possible to use it infinitely. Otherwise, you can run out of energy and kill yourself. Just as when the arrow is full, the bow breaks, and when the piano is tight, the string breaks. If people work too much, they will damage their physical fitness and lose their ability to do sustainably. Therefore, it is necessary to stop to relieve fatigue, replenish energy, and facilitate the resumption of the fight. There are quite a few elite backbones who die young, all of which are due to overwork.

Second, it is necessary to arrange time reasonably. Human life is finite, whereas time is unlimited. If we want to prolong our limited lives, we must manage our time wisely. Human life is accumulated in days. The time of each day is constant, and 24 hours belong to everyone. More time is spent on leisure and entertainment, and less time is spent on work and study. The key is how to allocate your time wisely and not waste it for no reason and not overuse it.

The most correct choice: First, allocate time according to the needs of the body. The direction of assignment is: food affairs, health affairs, environmental affairs, entertainment affairs, leisure affairs, and self-cultivation affairs. Second, allocate time according to the mission. Directions of assignment: study affairs, work affairs, social affairs, and family affairs. The length of life and the success or failure of your career depend on whether your allocation of time is reasonable, scientific and effective.

Third, we must put an end to wasting time. The biggest feature of time is fairness. For everyone, it's no more and no less. Human life is measured in time, and one day is one day less. For man, the infinity of time and the finitude of life are an insoluble contradiction.

A waste of time is a waste of life. The "Song of Tomorrow" of the ancients has the warning saying, "Tomorrow is tomorrow, tomorrow is so much, I am waiting for tomorrow, everything will come to fruition"; Chairman Mao had the urgent demand of "10,000 years is too long, seize the day"; and Mr. Lu Xun had the mission of "hurry up and do it". From ancient times to the present, there are always people who leave the regret of "not finishing things" when they die.

Neither regrets nor complaints. The only right choice is to make the most of your precious time, do as many meaningful and valuable things as possible, and don't waste them for no reason. Therefore, it is necessary to plan your life reasonably, grasp your destiny safely, learn to balance the speed of time, the busyness and leisure of work, and promote the troika of physical health, family harmony and career development. For this reason, we are the winners in life. (This article was written on February 10~14, 2024)

[Author's statement: This article is my original creation, all rights reserved.] Welcome to reprint, please indicate the source. The picture comes from the Internet. 】

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