
Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

author:Days don't count

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Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true
Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

Text|Days don't count

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Although several days have passed since the Spring Festival Gala of the Chinese New Year's Eve, the popularity of Nigmat has not decreased but increased, and no one expected that the scene of Xiao Ni playing Liu Qian's magic trick would become a "classic" of this year's Spring Festival Gala.

The picture of Xiao Ni pursing his lips at that time has also become a hot search these days, and netizens have said that they didn't laugh at anything else at this year's Spring Festival Gala, but they almost didn't laugh when they saw Xiao Ni's "nervous and embarrassing" close-up.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

No one thought that Xiao Ni still had such a funny "talent", this is really a typical case of "mistakes make classics", and Xiao Ni also said after the end of the game that he was sweating at that time.

He half-jokingly said that his "job" might not be guaranteed, and even thought of his extremely dark "future", and this time reflects the importance of friends.

In the live broadcast at that time, Xiao Sa's "smashing" also played a very important role in retrieving it, because he also knew that no matter who could cover up the close-up at that time.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

It's better to ridicule generously, but it can have a surprising effect, and it turns out that Xiaosa's idea is completely correct, but more importantly, the enthusiasm and generosity of the national audience and friends.

The Spring Festival Gala is such a grand and important live broadcast program, it is almost impossible to make no mistakes at all, if you can turn things around on top of your mistakes, it will inevitably fill in a heavy stroke on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

And on the same night, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau also exerted its funny ability, using a screenshot of Xiao Ni's pursed lips to popularize the law, and also wrote: If there is an expression of continuous pursing of the lips during the interrogation, it must be in a state of tension and lying.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

And Xiao Ni also left a message under his picture and text, jokingly saying when this matter will pass, and later Xiao Ni posted @CCTV Literature and Art, I want to ask how many times the Spring Festival Gala will be replayed.

Hahaha, Xiao Ni's implication is naturally like a joke to ask how many times he will be "whipped", and then some netizens left a message to Xiao Ni: Brother, why don't you laugh, do you not like to laugh by nature?

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ni also replied to the message of netizens, and he said helplessly that he had not laughed for three days, and such an answer directly made the comment area laugh, and Xiao Ni also topped the hot search again.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

In fact, in the host's review after the Spring Festival Gala, Xiao Sa said that Xiao Ni's emojis will be widely used by netizens, and this stalk may have to continue until the Spring Festival Gala next year.

Xiao Sa also said that in fact, Liu Qian considered several people when choosing his magic partner at that time, but at that time Liu Qian said that as long as it was not Xiao Sa, it would be fine, because Xiao Sa was too noisy.

But no one thought that Liu Qian had calculated everything, and he still hadn't counted God after all, and even during the live broadcast, he didn't realize that the biggest flaw in his magic was by his side.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

After the Spring Festival Gala, Liu Qian also half-jokingly said that next time he would choose Xiao Sa as a partner, haha, although Xiao Ni's mistake made a classic, Liu Qian said that he still couldn't stand it.

Fortunately, the results of all this are developing in a good direction, and no one has been criticized by netizens because of this small "flaw".

At this time, I realized that what Zhao Benshan said back then was a wise saying, and Zhao Benshan said that the Spring Festival Gala actually made everyone happy, as long as he didn't leave this central theme, then how to act was right.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

Yes, everyone has been busy for a year, isn't it just this occasion at the end of the year, as long as the program can bring happiness to everyone, it is a good program, and as long as the actor can bring happiness to everyone, it is a good actor.

And Xiao Ni happened to become such a "good actor" by mistake, because he is not a real actor and is in the game, this kind of dramatic conflict and contrast just made him.

And Liu Qian has also become a hot topic for a while, and after five years, Liu Qian's heart is actually very complicated, in fact, not many people know what Liu Qian has experienced in the past few years.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

And Liu Qian also said in the show that he may not have much chance to appear on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala in the future, Liu Qian's words are embarrassing, and no one realizes that Liu Qian is 50 years old.

Since Liu Qian appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he has always been a focal point, there is an old Chinese saying: wood shows in the forest, the wind will destroy it, Liu Qian naturally can't escape the law of many people.

After the end of the Spring Festival Gala, in the face of the host's interview, Liu Qian said that every time he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, he was under great pressure, because hundreds of millions of people across the country were staring at him.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

When the host said that his card magic had been cracked this time, Liu Qian smiled slightly and shook his head helplessly, he said that this time the decryption was actually a little slower.

He jokingly said that it is very unfair for him to be stared at by more than a billion people, how can he fight so many people's brainpower, it is enough to be able to bring happiness to everyone.

In fact, Liu Qian was burdened with a lot in those years of disappearance, including being misunderstood and hostile criticism, and he bluntly said that he was very confused at that time, and even wanted to give up the path of magic.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

But in the end, he found that it was impossible for him to leave magic, and even the magic that saved him from the haze in the end, it can be said that he was born for magic.

After the Spring Festival Gala, many netizens said that after the whole show, only Liu Qian's magic trick was the most brilliant among many programs, and everyone said that they and their families were mobilized by Liu Qian.

In this way, the show that made the whole family move also made everyone experience the long-lost flavor of the Spring Festival Gala, and many families followed Liu Qian happily into the unknown magic world and experienced the unique charm of magic.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

And after the end of the show, the vast majority of the audience who followed it not only felt novel satisfaction, but also said that Liu Qian's magic trick would feed a lot of poker manufacturers.

Some netizens bet that most people can't get a complete deck of playing cards at home now, and the topic of Liu Qian's magic became popular on the Internet for a while, and netizens also had a lot of impressions of Liu Qian.

And Xiao Ni also successfully got out of the circle because of this live broadcast "accident", and for a while the limelight overshadowed other masters, and it was really popular, but it was a mistake that created a win-win situation.

Xiao Ni has been autistic for 3 days and read the comments of netizens, and only then did he understand that what Zhao Benshan said was true

Finally, I also wish the two of them to continue to flourish in their respective circles, and I also wish all the officials and gentlemen that they can achieve their wishes and be happy physically and mentally in this new year.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or human infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible!

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