
How to make a big rooster eat free-range? The chef will teach you how to do it in detail and learn to show your hand at home!

author:Allen Cheng
How to make a big rooster eat free-range? The chef will teach you how to do it in detail and learn to show your hand at home!

How to make a big rooster eat free-range? The chef will teach you how to do it in detail and learn to show your hand at home!

In the world of the kitchen, there's a wonderful feeling of bringing fresh ingredients to life. And among all the ingredients, there is one that is known as the holy product of the chef, that is, the free-range rooster. This large rooster meat is tender and delicious, and it is one of the favorite ingredients of many gourmets. However, making it delicious requires some skill and know-how. Today, as a veteran chef, I'm going to share with you my years of experience in the kitchen and teach you how to cook free-range roosters deliciously at home!

The choice of free-range roosters

First of all, in order to make a delicious big rooster dish, it is crucial to choose high-quality ingredients. When choosing a free-range rooster, we should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Shop for freshness: Choose a large rooster with bright color and elastic skin, and avoid chickens with bruises or bad smells.
  2. Pick weight: Generally speaking, large roosters weighing between 2-3 kg are more suitable for cooking, so that the meat is more tender.
  3. Focus on breed: Different breeds of big roosters have different tastes and characteristics and can be chosen according to one's preferences.

Once you've chosen a high-quality big rooster, here's the key to cooking!

Cooking tips: How to make a big rooster tender and juicy

Step 1: Marine

Marinating is a crucial step in making the big rooster more flavorful. Cut the large into cubes or chicken thighs, chicken breasts and other parts, and marinate with salt, pepper, minced ginger and garlic, cooking wine and other seasonings for 20-30 minutes to allow the seasoning to fully penetrate into the chicken.

How to make a big rooster eat free-range? The chef will teach you how to do it in detail and learn to show your hand at home!

Step 2: Process the chicken

Drain the marinated chicken and wipe off the surface with a paper towel to help it absorb the flavor when cooking. In addition, if you are cooking a whole large rooster, you can make a few cuts on the surface of the chicken to help the seasoning penetrate.

Step 3: Choose a cooking method

There are various ways to cook a large rooster, and you can choose different ways such as roasting, frying, frying, and stewing according to your personal taste. For example, you can choose from fried crispy chicken, grilled cumin rooster, pan-fried black pepper rooster, etc., each of which will give you a different texture and taste.

Step 4: Master the heat

No matter which cooking method you choose, getting the heat right is key. Generally speaking, the heat should not be too high when frying, so as not to bake the outer skin and the inside is not cooked, preheat the oven when baking, and adjust the baking time and temperature according to the size and thickness of the chicken, and the heat should be moderate when frying to ensure that the chicken is cooked and not burned.

Step 5: Season to taste

After cooking, you can choose to add the right amount of seasonings such as salt, pepper, cumin powder, coriander, etc., according to your personal taste, to make the chicken more delicious and delicious.

Classic recipe: crispy rooster

Next, I will share with you a classic recipe of big rooster - crispy big rooster. Crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, this fragrant dish is a great choice for family dinners.


  • Free-range rooster (1 rooster)
  • salt
  • Pepper
  • Minced ginger and garlic
  • Wine
  • Essence of chicken
  • Egg
  • flour
  • starch
  • cooking oil


  1. Cut the large rooster into cubes and marinate for 20 minutes.
  2. Prepare a bowl, beat in the eggs, add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, cooking wine, chicken essence, and stir well to form an egg mixture.
  3. Put an appropriate amount of flour and starch in a separate bowl and mix well to form a powder.
  4. Coat the marinated chicken pieces with flour and egg mixture.
  5. Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan, heat until it is 70% hot, and fry the chicken pieces wrapped in flour in the oil pan until golden brown and crispy.
  6. Drain the oil and serve.


Free-range roosters are a delicious ingredient that can be transformed into a variety of delicacies with proper selection and cooking. I hope today's content can help you and make it easy for you to make delicious big dishes at home and show off your cooking skills!

How to make a big rooster eat free-range? The chef will teach you how to do it in detail and learn to show your hand at home!

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