
Gout patients can also enjoy delicious food! Choose the right meat, which is both low purine and nutritious, it is recommended to eat these three categories

author:Dr. Lee speaks of health

At a family gathering, when the delicacies on the menu are served one by one, have you ever hesitated to worry about gout, a disease caused by abnormal purine metabolism in the body, which has become a major problem in many people's lives. Conventional wisdom tells us that people with gout need to stay away from meat, but does that mean they have to insulate themselves from good food and live on just light vegetables? The answer is no. Scientific dietary management can not only help gout patients effectively control their condition, but also allow them to enjoy delicious and nutritious meat products.

Gout patients can also enjoy delicious food! Choose the right meat, which is both low purine and nutritious, it is recommended to eat these three categories

Why is it important to choose low-purine meat?

Gout, an inflammatory disease of the joints caused by high levels of uric acid, often causes severe pain. The main source of uric acid is the metabolism of purines, which are widely found in a variety of foods, especially certain meats. Therefore, for patients with gout, it becomes particularly important to choose low-purine meat reasonably.

Purine and uric acid: a link that cannot be ignored

Purines are metabolized and converted into uric acid, and when uric acid accumulates too much in the body and cannot be excreted properly through the kidneys, urate crystals will form in joints or tissues, triggering gout attacks. Therefore, adjusting the diet, especially the choice of meat, has become one of the key measures to control blood uric acid levels.

Principles for the selection of low-purine meats

General perception of purine content in meat: Not all meats are high in purines, and it is important for people with gout to identify and choose those that are low in purines.

White meat is better than red meat: In general, white meat (e.g., chicken, fish) has a lower purine content than red meat (e.g., beef, lamb). Therefore, gout patients should give preference to white meat when choosing meat.

Part selection: Even if it is the same kind of meat, the purine content of different parts is different. For example, skinless chicken breasts contain less purines than skinned chicken thighs.

Practical advice: Low-purine meats are recommended

Chicken breast: Skinless chicken breast is low in purines and is ideal for people with gout. Not only is it rich in high-quality protein, but it is also low in fat, which helps maintain a healthy weight.

Sea bass: Sea bass is relatively low in purines and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health and are another good choice for gout sufferers.

Turkey meat: Turkey breast, in particular, is another low-purine option that is suitable for people with gout. It is also rich in protein and low in fat.

Gout patients can also enjoy delicious food! Choose the right meat, which is both low purine and nutritious, it is recommended to eat these three categories

There are three types of meat that are recommended to be consumed: both low in purines and nutritious

1. Select chicken breasts: A good source of protein

Chicken breast, with its low-fat and high-protein properties, is an ideal meat choice for gout sufferers. Compared to red meat, chicken breast contains lower levels of purines, which can help control blood uric acid levels and reduce the risk of gout attacks. Importantly, chicken breast is also rich in essential amino acids, which can support the body's muscle building and maintenance, which is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and boosting metabolism. It is recommended to peel the skin during cooking and boil, steam, or roast it to reduce the extra fat intake.

2. Wild freshwater fish: a treasure trove of Omega-3s

Although certain fish species are recommended to avoid due to their high purine content, wild freshwater fish such as salmon and salmon are prized for their rich omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s can help reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially for people with gout. When choosing, preference should be given to wild varieties because they are relatively low in purines and free of antibiotics and other chemicals that can affect health.

3. Carefully selected lean beef: A good source of iron

Lean beef is a good source of iron, especially for individuals who may have iron deficiency. Choose lean cuts, such as tenderloin or leg, as these areas are relatively low in purines and less fat. Lean beef is also rich in protein, vitamin B12, and zinc, which are important for maintaining immune and nervous system health. When cooking, it is also recommended to use low-fat methods such as roasting or boiling.

Gout patients can also enjoy delicious food! Choose the right meat, which is both low purine and nutritious, it is recommended to eat these three categories

Overall dietary recommendations for managing gout

Hydration: Nature's antidote

Adequate hydration is essential for people with gout because water helps dilute the urine and promote the excretion of uric acid, which in turn reduces the concentration of uric acid in the blood. It is recommended to drink 8-10 cups of water per day, which can be increased or decreased according to personal activity and ambient temperature.

The importance of whole grains and fiber

Whole grains and fiber-rich foods such as oats, brown rice, and vegetables should be part of the diet of people with gout. These foods help maintain a healthy digestive system and promote satiety, which can help with weight control and reduce the intake of high-purine foods.

Limit sugar and processed foods

Intake of high-fructose corn syrup and other simple sugars has been linked to high uric acid levels, so the intake of these foods, including sweetened beverages, sweets, and processed snacks, should be minimized. Processed foods, which often contain high purines and high sodium, should also be limited.

The relationship between vegetable intake and gout

While certain vegetables such as spinach and cauliflower contain higher purines, studies have shown that purines from vegetable sources do not significantly increase the risk of gout attacks. Therefore, people with gout do not have to avoid these vegetables altogether, but should focus on a balanced and varied overall diet.

Restriction of alcohol intake

Alcohol, especially beer and spirits, can significantly increase uric acid levels, so people with gout should try to avoid or limit alcohol consumption. Red wine may be a better choice than other alcoholic beverages if you choose to drink it, but you should still limit your intake.

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