
WeChat grabbing red envelopes in seconds is actually the pot you didn't set up

WeChat grabbing red envelopes in seconds is actually the pot you didn't set up

The Spring Festival is coming again, and it is very appropriate to send paper red envelopes to relatives and children, and with the continuous popularity of mobile payment, the sending and receiving of red envelopes between relatives and friends has also shifted online. Often on Chinese New Year's Eve, family groups will be swiped by red packets sent by relatives and friends. In this case, the most uncomfortable thing is to click on the red envelope and see that "the hand is slow, the red envelope is finished".

Therefore, now many mobile phone manufacturers have launched the "grab the red envelope" function in a targeted manner, and today we will experience it.

1 Android phone: Red Envelope Assistant

If you are an Android mobile phone user, most manufacturers have customized the red envelope assistant function for you. The opening method is also very simple, you just need to enter the settings, look for "red envelope" in the search bar above, and you can see the red envelope assistant. If there is a red envelope in the group chat, the system will quickly prompt us "The red envelope is coming", we only need to click on the system notification, and we can quickly jump to the WeChat red envelope page, avoiding the cumbersome operations such as opening the software and opening the chat interface in the past.

WeChat grabbing red envelopes in seconds is actually the pot you didn't set up

There are also differences in the red envelope assistant functions of different manufacturers,OnePlus Ace 2 in the author's hand is equipped withColorOS system,The system will have a ringtone prompt when it detects a red envelope message in the chat,It also supports automatic jump to the red envelope chat page,But I personally didn't turn on this function,It's still annoying to jump out of the game while playing。

WeChat grabbing red envelopes in seconds is actually the pot you didn't set up

For example, Xiaomi's red envelope assistant, the birth of the surging OS system has also accepted the opinions of many rice fans, and the interesting functions are also richer: the quick grab mode will interrupt the current use of the application, quickly jump to the window, and the official red envelope activities of major platforms also have alarm clock reminders, and there are more custom settings for users to choose.

The red envelope function of other manufacturers is no longer experienced here, and the functions are basically the same.

2 iOS

There is no red envelope assistant in the iOS system, if you also want to grab the red envelope as soon as possible, you can follow the following tips:

WeChat grabbing red envelopes in seconds is actually the pot you didn't set up

First of all, the mobile phone can turn on the 5G network connection, its speed has exceeded the speed of many broadbands, the delay is very small; on Chinese New Year's Eve, you can appropriately turn off the notification permissions of some other applications to ensure the high priority of WeChat red packet push; of course, the speed of grabbing red packets is still the key, after receiving the red packet reminder, quickly unlock the screen and open WeChat to view the red packets is the key to "getting rich".

In the past few years, there has been a popular "automatic red envelope" artifact on the Internet, and at present, such apps have been banned on major platforms, because they often need to obtain higher permissions, such as reading chat records, controlling screen touch, etc., if it contains malicious code or viruses, it will not only violate the user's privacy, but also may lead to account information leakage, theft of funds and other serious security risks.

We also urge you not to try similar "tools", the existence of which will affect normal social interactions and destroy the traditional culture of festive atmosphere and etiquette.


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