
This is the flowering and long-leaf "water", fed once every ten days, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower buds are bunches

author:Gong Leyi
This is the flowering and long-leaf "water", fed once every ten days, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower buds are bunches

Title: This is the flowering and long leaf "water", fed once every ten days, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower buds are bunches

In the vast countryside, there is a peasant uncle, his name is Li Laowang. Li Lao Wang is not an ordinary farmer, he has a unique set of insights and methods for planting. His crops were always greener than those of his neighbors, and his fruits were always large and sweet. And what he is most proud of is his colorful garden. In this garden, a variety of bright flowers compete to bloom, outlining a gorgeous and colorful picture.

Chapter 1: The Secret of Water

In Li Laowang's garden, the most striking thing is the purple and red flowers. However, what is even more amazing is that these flowers grow so strongly, the leaves are so thick and green, and the buds are hanging from the branches. Li Lao Wang shared his experience in raising flowers: the key is water.

"Water is the source of life for plants, but more is not always better," he said. The key lies in the quality of the water and how it is used. It turned out that Li Lao Wang only watered the flowers once every ten days. This is strange to many people, as it is generally believed that flowers need to be watered frequently to grow luxuriantly. However, Li Lao Wang said that frequent watering will only cause nutrients in the soil to be lost faster, which will affect the growth of plants.

Chapter 2: The Mystery of Fertilizer

In addition to saving water, Li Lao Wang also has a trick, that is, homemade organic fertilizer. He told people that while chemical fertilizers can quickly boost plant growth, long-term use can lead to a deterioration in soil quality, which is harmful to plants and the environment. Therefore, he advocates the use of organic fertilizers and minimizes the dependence on chemical fertilizers.

This is the flowering and long-leaf "water", fed once every ten days, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower buds are bunches

His organic fertilizer is made from poultry manure, straw, vegetable leaves and other farm waste, which is fermented through compost. This fertilizer is not only rich in nutrients, but also able to improve soil structure, increase soil fertility, and improve the disease resistance of plants. Li Lao Wang said that only when the soil fertility is sufficient, can plants grow healthy and lush and produce beautiful flowers.

Chapter 3: The Care of Love

In addition to water and fertilizer, Li Laowang also has an indispensable secret, that is, the care of plants. He often took a leisurely walk in the garden, carefully observed the growth of each plant, and immediately took measures to prevent pests and diseases from destroying his beloved garden.

Li Lao Wang also likes to tell stories to the flowers, and he believes that music and laughter can make plants feel cared for by humans, so that they can thrive. Sometimes, he also puts on some soft music in the garden, so that the plants can enjoy growing in melodious music.

Chapter 4: The Joy of Results

After Li Lao Wang's careful care, the flowers in his garden thrive, colorful and fragrant. Whenever visitors come to his garden, they are shocked by the sight and give them a thumbs up.

Not only that, Li Laowang's planting method has also been affirmed by experts and scholars, who believe that Li Laowang's planting method is not only environmentally friendly and healthy, but also has remarkable effects, which is of great significance for promoting the sustainable development of agriculture.

Conclusion: Inheritance and innovation

Li Laowang's planting experience tells us that traditional planting methods are not necessarily the best choice, and we need to continue to explore and innovate, combine scientific knowledge and practical experience, and find a planting method that is more suitable for the local environment and natural laws. Only in this way can we protect our land and make our garden more beautiful and gorgeous.

This is the flowering and long-leaf "water", fed once every ten days, the leaves are thick and green, and the flower buds are bunches

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