
It's the New Year! The braised carp must go

author:Big Brother Tao

Braised Carp: Home-cooked and delicious

Braised carp is a well-known traditional delicacy that is loved by the public for its tender meat and rich soup. This dish is made with carp as the main ingredient and a variety of spices and spices, and is carefully prepared to have a great taste and taste, which will make you appetize. Let's learn how to make this delicious dish.

It's the New Year! The braised carp must go

1. Preparation of ingredients

  1. 鲤鱼一条,清洗干净;去掉‬鱼‬线‬。
  2. 葱姜蒜‬切‬大片‬备用‬。
  3. 料酒、生抽、老抽、陈醋‬‬适量;
  4. 蕃茄酱‬、面酱‬适量‬。
  5. 盐、鸡精、白糖‬适量;
  6. Appropriate amount of water;
It's the New Year! The braised carp must go

Second, the production steps

  1. Cut the carp on each side a few times to absorb the flavor. 然后‬将‬鲤鱼‬身上‬拍上‬面粉‬,在锅中倒入足够的食用油烧制8成‬热‬后放入鲤鱼,炸‬至两面金黄,捞出沥干油分备用。
  2. 另起锅,倒入料油‬烧热后放入大料、‬花椒‬葱姜蒜‬煸炒出香味。



5. Pour in an appropriate amount of water, put the fried carp into the pot, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

6. Finally, add chicken essence to taste, reduce the juice over high heat, and turn off the heat after the soup is thick.

It's the New Year! The braised carp must go


  1. 在炸‬鱼‬要保持油温在‬7成‬热,这样‬炸出来鱼‬外焦里嫩‬。
  2. The taste of braised carp can be adjusted according to personal preference. 如果喜欢更甜一些的口味,可以适当增加白糖的用量;如果‬爱吃‬酸‬味‬重的‬可以‬多加些‬陈醋‬。
  3. During the stewing process, keep the heat evenly to avoid simmering too quickly and causing the fish to fall apart. At the same time, pay attention to the condition of the soup and adjust the heat in time to avoid drying out.
  4. Finally, when the juice is collected, keep the heat high and stir-fry quickly so that the soup evenly coats the fish, forming a bright color and attractive aroma.

红烧鲤鱼作为一道过年‬必不可少的‬家常美味佳肴,既可满足口腹之欲又能滋补身体。 所以‬友友们‬赶紧‬行动试着‬做起来吧‬[呲牙][呲牙][呲牙]

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