
Glory of Kings: Facing the monkey at no point, these three will help you solve the trouble in seconds and let it hang up and beg for mercy

author:Sword Wind King Small Class
Glory of Kings: Facing the monkey at no point, these three will help you solve the trouble in seconds and let it hang up and beg for mercy

Hello everyone, I'm Jian Feng.

The problem we are going to solve here today is a headache for all Honor of Kings players, and that is how to face the monkey - the Monkey King. We all know that Monkey King's agility and powerful damage often make us doubt life. However, in this world of laws, there is always some kind of rule that can be broken. Let's take a look at those three heroes who can make the monkey hang up and beg for mercy.

Glory of Kings: Facing the monkey at no point, these three will help you solve the trouble in seconds and let it hang up and beg for mercy

First of all, we want to talk about Liu Bei. When it comes to Liu Bei, you may think that he is just an ordinary general, however, for Sun Wukong, he is a big threat. Liu Bei's skills are like being born to restrain Sun Wukong, his high damage in close quarters, combined with the ultimate move to solve control, can always give Sun Wukong a cold arrow at a critical moment.

Glory of Kings: Facing the monkey at no point, these three will help you solve the trouble in seconds and let it hang up and beg for mercy

Next, let's talk about Han Shin. Han Shin's high mobility and powerful damage are like a nightmare for Sun Wukong. Han Shin's ultimate has a hegemonic body, which can resist Sun Wukong's powerful attacks, and his displacement skills can also easily avoid Sun Wukong's attacks. So, if you meet Monkey King in the game, choosing Han Shin is definitely a wise choice.

Glory of Kings: Facing the monkey at no point, these three will help you solve the trouble in seconds and let it hang up and beg for mercy

Finally, let's talk about Xiahoudun. Xiahoudun's meat shield characteristics and strong survivability made him Sun Wukong's mortal enemy. His skills include shields, control, and recovery, and restraining Sun Wukong is simply handy.

Overall, if you can master the skills of these three heroes, then Monkey King will no longer be a problem in front of you, but a little monkey that can be easily solved. If you have any other good tips for dealing with monkeys, just let me know in the comments section and let's study and share the fun of this game together.

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