
Wang Ruilai: Listening to and Singing the New Willow Branches-Commenting on "Zhang Junji's Edited Schools"丨202402-09 (Total No. 2619)

author:Festive Sunshine Khq

Thanks to Mr. Wang Ruilai for the manuscript

The original article was published in "China Reading News" on January 17, 2024, this is an unabridged version, please indicate the source when quoting

Listen to the singing of freshly turned willow branches

——Commenting on "Zhang Junji's Editing"

Text丨Wang Ruilai

Wang Ruilai: Listening to and Singing the New Willow Branches-Commenting on "Zhang Junji's Edited Schools"丨202402-09 (Total No. 2619)

Picture丨Teacher Wang Ruilai


When it comes to the collation of ancient books, it basically refers to the point correction and proofreading of the existing ancient books that have been solidified into books, and by extension, it also includes proofreading and annotations, and the compilation of ancient books certainly belongs to the category of ancient book collation. However, most of the compilations are supplements to the missing parts of some ancient books, and of course there are also entire compilations of deceased books, such as Mr. Li Yumin's "Yang Wen Gong Tan Yuan Collection" belongs to this category. The newly published "Zhang Junji Edited by Chen Xifeng" by Chung Hwa Book Company is also a genus of compilation, but it is different from the previous compilations. This is a new ancient book.

The compilation of books by the ancients, especially the compilation of other collections, was either by the author's own hand or by the hands of posterity. For example, Ouyang Xiu's anthology includes both the "Collection of Lay Scholars" compiled by Ouyang Xiu himself, and the more complete "Ouyang Wenzhong Public Collection" compiled by Zhou Bida of the Southern Song Dynasty. The complete works of Ouyang Xiu edited by Zhou Bida include a compilation. Those who came out of the hands of posterity also came from works hundreds of years later. For example, the Qing Dynasty repaired the "Siku Quanshu", and the Siku Pavilion officials compiled a large number of Song poems and texts from the "Yongle Canon" and compiled many separate collections of the Siku Collection. The Song people's special collections compiled in this way, either with or without original books, are collected by the authors and named because of the bibliographic descriptions.

The compilation of the writings of the predecessors by later generations has increased the variety and quantity of ancient books. However, the era limit of this kind of work is basically the lower limit of the definition of ancient books, that is, to the end of the 19th century. Therefore, in today's collation of ancient books, it is rare to include the newly compiled ancient books that "made out of nothing" into the firing range. As far as personal works are concerned, the compilation and collation of today's people are mostly reflected in the new collections, such as "The Whole Song Dynasty", "The Whole Song Poems", "The Whole Yuan Texts", "The Whole Yuan Poems", etc., while the new editions of other collections are relatively rare. In fact, the compilation of ancient books by the new stove should also be included in the scope of the compilation of ancient books, just as the compilation of works by later generations for their predecessors in the past. In this way, it will not only benefit the academic research of knowing people and discussing the world, but also enable the ancient books to be passed on in a complete form of enrichment.


In this sense, "Zhang Junji's Edited Edition" is a pioneering work that broadens the scope of ancient book collation. At the moment when the new "living" ancient books have been published and published, in the era of big data where various databases exist, there is no need for the hard work of "going up to the poor and falling into the Yellow Spring", and it has become relatively easy. For example, as far as Zhang Jun's poems and essays are concerned, there has been a basic accumulation from "Song Shu Wen Collection" to "All Song Texts" and "All Song Poems". In this way, is it easy to "live" the homework of ancient books?

Wang Ruilai: Listening to and Singing the New Willow Branches-Commenting on "Zhang Junji's Edited Schools"丨202402-09 (Total No. 2619)

[Southern Song Dynasty] written by Zhang Jun and edited by Chen Xifeng

Chung Hwa Book Company, October 2023


It seems easy but hard. The new "living" ancient books are not as simple as extracting and compiling the results of the existing collections. On this point, we can clearly observe from the operation process of Chen Xifeng's "Zhang Junji Editing".

The first is the topic selection. There are works of predecessors that have survived, but there are many works that have not been collected. Later generations will compile and compile new "raw" ancient books, and the most important ones should be selected as the first choice. "Zhang Jun's Collection and Editing" selects Zhang Jun's hand-me-down poems as the object of compilation. Zhang Jun experienced the five dynasties of Zhezong, Huizong, Qinzong, Gaozong, and Xiaozong in his life, and personally participated in the Jingkang Rebellion, the Song Dynasty's Nandu, the Weiyang Rebellion, the Miaoliu Mutiny, the Battle of Fuping, the Baogu Sichuan, the Central Plains of Jintu, the Huaixi Mutiny, the Shaoxing Peace Conference, the Battle of Xinsi, the Longxing Northern Expedition and other major political events. Zhang Junli was the main anti-Jin and the most important anti-Jin main battle figure in the early Southern Song Dynasty. During the period when Zhang Jun was in charge of military affairs, there were three major military defeats, namely, the defeat of Fuping, the Huaixi Mutiny, and the defeat of Fuli, which caused the cause of Zhongxing in the Song Dynasty to suffer serious setbacks and make it difficult. For Zhang Jun, Song Gaozong has a love-hate relationship, and once had such an extreme expression as "I'd rather lose the world than use Zhang Jun". The relationship between Zhang Jun and Huang Qianshan, Li Gang, Qu Duan, Qin Hui, and Yue Fei is also complicated, which makes the praise and demerits surrounding Zhang Jun's personal merits and demerits uninterrupted since the Southern Song Dynasty. However, it is certain that although Zhang Jun gave future generations the impression that he was ambitious and talented, and that scholars were misguided about the country, as a banner, Zhang Jun undoubtedly played an important role in the spiritual tempering of "the remnants endured death and hoped for recovery" during the founding period of the Southern Song Dynasty. And Zhang Jun's political and military actions also profoundly affected the national situation of the Southern Song Dynasty. Decoding the political history of the early Southern Song Dynasty, Zhang Jun is no less important than Gaozong and Qin Hui.

Move away from the perspective of political history and examine the academic dimension. The turbulent times, the stubbornness of the horses, and the mission of saving the dead make it difficult for Zhang Jun, a scholar, to have more energy to devote himself to his study. According to records, although he also wrote Confucian works such as "Analects of the Analects", "Yi Jie", "Spring and Autumn Interpretation", "Zhongyong Jie", and poetry, books, and rituals, the strong political spotlight on Zhang Jun often made people ignore his academic side. Zhang Jun studied under Su Shi in his early years. Later, he became Cheng Yi's second biography, and he was close friends with Zhao Ding and Hu Yin, who were in Luoxue. In the early period of Shaoxing, Zhang Jun, who co-governed with Zhao Ding, introduced Luo scholars such as Hu Anguo, Yin Yan, Zhu Zhen, Fan Chong, etc., and "Yiluo's learning has prospered since then". In Longxingzhong, Zhang Jun re-upheld the government, and recommended Shu Shi Yu Yunwen, Du Xin Lao, Feng Shixing, Ren Duyan, Feng Fang, etc., which also played a role in promoting the spread and development of Shu studies. Zhang Jun and Hu Anguo, Hu Hong father and son and protégé Hu Quan, Li Chun Xiangshan, lived in Hunan for a long time in the middle and late Shaoxing period, and in his later years, he ordered his heir Zhang Yan to learn from Hu Hong, making him eventually become a generation of famous Confucianism and the founder of the Huxiang school.

In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, under the theme of "Yuan You is not Xining", Zhang Jun's understanding of history and scholarship is also quite sober and fair, and he once said that "Yuan You may not be all, Xining may not be all". Zhang Jun's understanding undoubtedly also influenced Song Gaozong. Song Gaozong also said something like this on academic issues: "Wang Anshi and Cheng Yizhi have their own strengths, and scholars should take their strengths and not be obsessed with one bias, but be good at learning." It can be said that Zhang Jun's early paving for later Taoism is also an important contribution that has been ignored by the academic community so far.

The importance of the characters determines the importance of the work. The poems and texts recorded in the "Zhang Jun Collection and Proofreading" are not only of great significance for exploring Zhang Jun's spiritual world, but also have extremely valuable historical value for understanding the details of military and political operations in the early Southern Song Dynasty. So, what is the state of such an important historical figure's hand-me-down writings? Has no one done a collation or compilation before?

Although Zhu Xi's "Wei Gongxing" mentions "ten volumes of anthologies", there is no bibliography of various dynasties, including "History of the Song Dynasty: Art and Literature", which shows that it has not been submitted to the imperial court history museum. In the Southern Song Dynasty, where the printing industry flourished, there was no engraving, and it is estimated that only the compilation was collected at home, and then it died. In the period of the Republic of China, Huang Shangyi, a native of Mianzhu, compiled 25 poems and related texts of Zhang Jun collected in the "(Daoguang) Mianzhu County Chronicles, Art and Literature Chronicles", and compiled them as "Zhang Wei Gongji", which was engraved in 1930. Although the book has been widely circulated, it has received very few articles and has limited practical academic value. The large-scale collection of Zhang Jun's texts began with Mr. Fu Zengxiang's "Collection of Shu Texts in the Song Dynasty", and for the first time, Zhang Jun's sparse performances were collected and sorted out in historical books such as "Three Dynasties and Northern Alliances", "Records of the Years since the Establishment of Yan", "Yongle Canon", "Recitals of Famous Ministers of the Past Dynasties", "Mianzhu County Chronicles" and other historical books, and collected 211 texts. A more comprehensive collection is still the "All Song Texts", "All Song Poems" and "Song Dynasty Shu Wen Collection Preservation and Correction" since the late twentieth century. However, due to the limitations of the poems and texts of "The Whole Song Dynasty" and the "Song Dynasty Shu Texts", which only accept articles, it is still difficult to see the whole picture of Zhang Jun's text. Therefore, it is still necessary to organize and publish an independent and complete collection of Zhang Jun's poems.

If it is said that it is only a compilation of all the existing compilation results, such an operation is too simple, and it will not surpass the existing achievements in terms of compilation and proofreading. However, when we carefully read this "Zhang Junji Collection", in fact, it is not only a new "Zhang Junji", but also a lot of meticulous sorting work.


According to my observations, Chen Xifeng's "Zhang Junji Edited and Edited" mainly did the following important work.

First, there is a gain in the series. A total of 498 Zhang Jun's poems and essays were compiled from various historical documents such as "Manuscripts of the Song Society", "Yongle Canon", "Recitals of Famous Ministers of the Past Dynasties", "Collected Works of Mr. Hui'an", "Zhongxing Preparation", "Records of the Years since the Establishment of Yan", "Compilation of the Northern Alliance of the Three Dynasties", "Chronology of the Zhongxing and Two Dynasties", "Zhongxing Rite Book", "The Complete Texts of the Five Hundred Families of Bofang", and various historical documents such as chronicles, notes, anthologies, book collections, and Zen quotations, and divided into 24 volumes according to the order of the common stylistic categories of the Song Dynasty anthologies. Among them, volume 1 is poetry, volume 2 to 17 is music, volume 18 to 20 is Zhongxing preparation, volume 21 is edict, pardon, order, list, table and table, volume 22 is book and enlightenment, volume 23 is notes, prefaces, prologues, lines, and sacrificial texts, and volume 24 is proverbs, inscriptions, treatises, titles, and miscellaneous records. This is the most complete and well-organized collection of Zhang Jun's essays to date.

2. Re-take the Long March. Although the existing compilation is also occasionally proofread, the work of "Zhang Junji Editing and Proofreading" is not just a simple transcribing by chance, but a painstaking re-examination of the Long March, and all the compilations are re-checked and proofread according to the original documents. In addition, the original documents with different versions are searched and compared as much as possible. For example, according to the "Bibliography of the Compilation of Schools" attached to the book, it can be seen that the "Records of the Years since the Establishment of Yan" uses the copy of Wenyuange's "Siku Quanshu" and the old Qing manuscript of Zhou Xingyi in the Taiwan Library; the "Compilation of the Three Dynasties and the Northern Alliance" also uses the Ming Wang's Yugang Zhai and the Ming Donghu Jingshe manuscript in the National Library; and Zhu Xi's anthology uses both the Ming Jiajing edition photocopied by the "Four Series of Periodicals" and the Song and Zhejiang engravings in the National Library's collection of "The Rare Book of Chinese Reconstruction." Instead of blindly following the existing proofreading, we refer to the existing texts and start anew, using a variety of versions to re-check, which not only corrects the errors found and ensures the accuracy of the text, but also solves some new problems found in the verification process, so as to make the compilation a higher level in terms of quality. Being diligent in examination not only reflects a rigorous style of study, but also an important method of study. When I first entered the academic field, Mr. Fu Xuancong taught me that everyone can't stand up to scrutiny. No one is an immortal, no matter the ancient or modern people's writings, it is necessary to check them. I have also had a painful lesson about this. In the collation of Zhou Bida's anthology, there are many mistakes that should not be checked, and there are many mistakes that should not be made. Fortunately, Chen Xifeng's "Zhang Junji Edited School" has made a good start.

3. Poetry and literature have a year. "Zhang Junji's Edited Proofreading" has researched the collected texts and made an accurate chronology. In the process of researching the year, the mistakes of the ancient and modern people were also corrected. For example, the Yongle Canon, volume 10876, contains Zhang Jun's "Playing the Capture and Preparing for the Interests and Harms", which can also be found in the "Recitals of Famous Ministers of the Past Dynasties" volume 334 "Yubian". "Recital" was written in June of the fourth year of Shaoxing, and "Song Dynasty Shu Wen Collection" and "Song Dynasty Wen" are therefore. Chen Xifeng researched in "Zhang Jun's Collection of Schools" that in June of the fourth year of Shaoxing, Zhang Junzheng was abolished in Fujian for his crimes, and "closed the door to entertain himself with books and history" ("Wei Gongxing"), and it was impossible to participate in side affairs, and he heard the side newspaper that "the captured soldiers have arrived in Yizhou". In the recital, it is also said that "Shizhong marched into Huaishang" and "our division is from Tunhuai and Chu", which obviously refers to the fact that Han Shizhong entered Tunchu Prefecture in Shaoxing five years to shake Shandong; it is also said that the Jin army "went to the country in frustration last year", which is the obstruction of the southward movement of the Jinqi coalition army in the fourth year of Shaoxing, and because of the correction of the mistakes of the past year, this performance was tied to Shaoxing for five years. It is also called "this great heat", and this performance is specifically set in the summer of the fifth year of Shaoxing. An accurate chronology is not only helpful for understanding people and discussing the world, but also for the study of the political history of the early Southern Song Dynasty.

Fourth, from the research into the compilation. Traditionally, the collation of ancient books and academic research have belonged to two fields. The purpose of the former is to enable the complete transmission of ancient books and to provide basic materials for academic research. The latter is an in-depth study of various fields carried out on the basis of the collation of ancient books. Except for traditional research such as notes and annotations, general researchers are rarely engaged in collation operations such as collation and compilation of ancient books. Similarly, compilers of ancient books are less engaged in a wide range of academic research. In fact, there is no clear gap between the collation of ancient books and academic research. Ancient book collators who are engaged in research will be more familiar with historical materials, and having a sense of collation may find another way to solve the problem and mystery, while academic researchers will be more in-depth in the level of historical facts and institutions when they organize ancient books in the field related to their own research. There is no lack of knowledge, and a good knowledge structure should be the grafting of the two. Chen Xifeng took such a path, and it was very successful, and the origin of his "Zhang Junji Compilation" came from his research on the frontier defense and military politics of the Southern Song Dynasty, and realized the importance of Zhang Jun in the history of the Southern Song Dynasty, so he came up with the idea of sorting out Zhang Jun's anthology and compiling Zhang Jun's annals. Editing on the basis of such research will make most of Zhang Jun's text more thorough, so that it can be accurate and meticulous. Let's take a small example. As a result of his research on "Document Transmission and Information Channels" under Professor Deng Xiaonan, Chen Xifeng consciously paid attention to the time lag between the central and local governments. For example, volume 42 of "Records of the Year since the Establishment of Yan": "(February 23 of the first year of Shaoxing) Geng Yin, Zhang Junjuan: 'This division is in charge of Qu Duan since he heard that Wu Jue's soldiers and horses have arrived in the county, and he has a heavy army, and he does not send troops to respond. The edict has been reasoned. In fact, February 23 was not the time when Zhang Jun played the music, but the time when the imperial court received the performance and dealt with it (i.e., "the edict has been acted upon"). At that time, it took three to four months to transmit documents between Sichuan, Shaanxi and the imperial court. According to this calculation, the performance time of this performance was set in the winter of the fourth year of Jianyan. Purely for the collation of ancient books, I am afraid that it will not be understood and dealt with from this perspective. The combination of research and collation will do a solid job in both aspects. In the academic circles, some scholars mainly rely on an anthology, and do a good job of studying the historical figure and era of the author of the anthology, and even make a chronology of the poems and essays in the anthology, but they have not started to organize the anthology, which I think is a pity.

5. See the appendix in detail. The nearly 200-page appendix is divided into three parts, bringing together Zhang Jun's memorial texts, elegiacs, lines, historical biographies, prefaces to his works, and later commentaries. Readers can get a holographic image of the era and characters.


To sum up, "Zhang Junji's Editing and Proofreading" has done a good job, and it is difficult to speak. If it is demanding, under the structure of the anthology classified by genres, it seems that it is more beneficial for readers to attach a chronology of Zhang Jun's poems and essays. In addition, perhaps due to the rule that the anthology does not accept special books, Zhang Jun's one-line "Ziyan Yi Biography" was not included. Without this monograph, this book would not be the complete works of Zhang Jun. Moreover, some of Zhang Jun's texts compiled from the Buddhist Tibetan Zen records are not harmful to be included, but their authenticity seems to be clearly doubtful. In addition, the "Bibliography of the Proofreading" does not list all the relevant documents compiled by today, perhaps it is only for reference, focusing on the examination of the original documents, but it is believed that there must be something allegorical in the process of compilation. Plagiarism thinks that both ancient and modern, should be listed.

Remaining words

A powerful historical figure, left a lot of words, but there is no anthology handed down, nine hundred years later, the text was compiled, compiled into a collection, Chen Xi Fengcheng can be said to be Zhang Jun's hero. This compilation of Zhang Junji is of great historical value for the study of the history of the early Southern Song Dynasty, as the correction of the missing evidence makes the historical materials more accurate and usable, and the detailed chronology provides spatio-temporal clues for in-depth research. In addition to the academic value, the compilation and complete reconstruction of Zhang Jun's anthology is also a useful and successful attempt to broaden the scope of ancient books. "Listen to the singing of newly turned willow branches", this is also said.

1. Song Dynasty History Research Information 1

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