
Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →

author:Palm Bayannur

Winter is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases

Everyone's "coughing" rose and fell

Many netizens said

I was "tricked" again

It is different from the symptoms of the previous cold

This time, many people reported sore throat and swollen throat

Like a throat "swallowing a blade"......

Related topics also quickly appeared on the hot search

Spark a lot of discussion

Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →
Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →

Sudden onset of laryngitis

What exactly is a virus?

Many netizens posted

Sore throat, throat

My throat was so swollen that I couldn't swallow water

Swallowing saliva hurts like a "pinprick".

All of them were negative!

"My throat was swollen overnight, and at first I thought it was an inflammation of the tonsils, and then I began to have a low-grade fever, and I had no strength all over my body, and my throat was so swollen that I couldn't even swallow water. On January 28, Wang Yuan (pseudonym), who works in Beijing, said that at first she thought she had a new crown or flu, but all of them were "negative" when she checked out, and she began to take anti-inflammatory drugs as soon as her throat was swollen.

There are not a few netizens who have similar situations

Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →
Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →

Hu Yang, deputy chief physician of the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine of Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, said that sore throat is common in acute inflammation of the throat, such as acute tonsillitis, acute pharyngitis, acute laryngitis, etc., which can cause sore throat. This pain is mostly caused by bacterial infection or viral infection, and can also be caused by bacterial and viral mixed infection, which is clinically manifested as sore throat, foreign body sensation in the throat, accompanied by painful swallowing, etc., and sometimes accompanied by systemic symptoms such as fever and fatigue.

Xie Jin, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, believes that some acute pharyngitis is caused by viral infection, and different influenza viruses such as influenza A and influenza B may cause the same symptoms. It may also be common viruses, adenoviruses, etc., and ordinary viruses are sometimes not detectable by testing. Therefore, there will be people with sore throat, and they will go to the hospital to find out that it is not the current epidemic of viruses such as influenza A, influenza B and mycoplasma pneumonia.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis are often acute at first, and the dry, burning dry pain in the pharynx is often more pronounced when swallowing saliva than when eating, and this pain sometimes radiates to the ear, producing reflex pain.

When can I self-medicate?

When should I go to the hospital?

The doctor reminded that not all fever and sore throat are caused by the new crown and flu, and there is no need to be too nervous. When the above symptoms appear, some spicy and cool drugs can generally be used, such as pharyngitis tablets, Lanqin oral liquid, etc. In addition, you should drink plenty of water, try to eat lightly, and develop good eating and living habits.

If you have a swollen throat and severe pain, you can't swallow eating, you can't speak like you are holding a rice ball, or your systemic symptoms are obvious, such as fever, headache, and sore limbs, you should go to the hospital for treatment. In addition, if the cough and phlegm are very severe, then not only the upper respiratory tract, but also the lower respiratory tract, bronchi, and lungs may also have problems, in this case, you have to go to the hospital to see it, and you need to take a film.

Many people have been tricked! swollen throats, swallowing blades... A new virus is coming? Important reminder →

Is it difficult to distinguish pathogens?

Experts list the symptomatic characteristics of different pathogens

Influenza A and B

Influenza A and B are seasonally endemic and highly contagious every year.

Main symptoms: fever, muscle aches and headaches, but also mild respiratory symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc.

common cold

Nearly half of all acute respiratory infections are caused by rhinovirus infections, the common cold, which is more common in children.

Main symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, pharyngeal discomfort, nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, hoarseness, body temperature does not increase or slightly increases, and it is easy to cause complications of sinusitis and otitis media. It can be mixed with children's enterovirus, Mycophelium pneumoniae and other epidemic infections. To date, there is no effective vaccine to prevent infection.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a microorganism that is somewhere between bacteria and viruses.

Main symptoms: more intense irritating dry cough, fever is mostly low-grade fever, a small number of children have high fever, and persistent high fever often indicates a more serious illness. It can be accompanied by headache, runny nose, sore throat, earache, etc. In severe cases, complications such as pneumonia, hepatitis, nephritis, myocarditis, and meningitis may also occur. Antibiotics are completely ineffective against Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and patients should not use them blindly.

Respiratory syncytial virus

Respiratory syncytial virus is an RNA virus that mutates annually and is prone to repeated infections.

Main symptoms: Mild symptoms and early symptoms of infection are similar to the common cold, with symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, sneezing, runny nose, and low-grade fever. As the disease progresses, severe patients will have dyspnea or shortness of breath, wheezing, irritability, loss of appetite, etc., and even respiratory failure, heart failure, etc. People of all ages are susceptible, and there is no vaccine to prevent it.


Adenovirus is a common virus that causes respiratory tract infections in children, mainly in winter and spring, and is easy to circulate in kindergartens and schools.

Main symptoms: cough, nasal congestion and pharyngitis, accompanied by fever, chills, headache and muscle aches, etc., and clinical manifestations such as pharyngitis, pharyngeal conjunctival fever and pneumonia may also occur. Other types of adenovirus can cause gastroenteritis in infants and preschoolers, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even intussusception. Infection is more common in children under 5 years of age, with infants aged 6 months to 2 years being particularly susceptible.

Adenovirus infection is a self-limiting disease, and people with normal immunity can recover spontaneously in about 7 days, and can be treated without medication. People who are immunocompromised, or who have severe symptoms of infection, should be treated with antiviral drugs as prescribed.

Pay attention to these misunderstandings

Autumn and winter are the period of high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases

There are still some misunderstandings among the public

Blindly taking medicines, infusions, etc., the gains outweigh the losses

"Take medication for treatment

to prevent respiratory tract infections."

Many patients will habitually take oral antibiotics to prevent infection, relying on oral antibiotics to prevent respiratory tract infections is a huge misunderstanding, in the absence of infection or in the case of clear etiology, blind medication, not only has no effect on the prevention of infection, but also may cause drug resistance and other problems.

"If you have a cold and fever, you have to get an infusion quickly"

Upper respiratory tract infections alone do not require infusion, infusion will not shorten the course of the disease, only some severe infections, pneumonia and other conditions need to seek medical attention in time, and the doctor will help you determine whether you need infusion.

"Kit test results speak for themselves"

There are also many people who take a self-test by purchasing a kit and do not show a positive result, blindly believing in the self-test result, resulting in a delay in the disease.

Testing is only a clinical adjunct, and even if a virus is positive, the possibility of other infections cannot be ruled out, and the final treatment is based on epidemiology, symptoms, signs, tests, etc.

Source: Guangzhou Daily, Comprehensive Health Times, Shangguan News

Editor: Qiao Hong Proofreader: Chen Long

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