
Gu Ailing's father is Google's No. 5 richest man?

author:Celebrities & Finance

Gu Ailing said in an interview with the Associated Press yesterday that she would represent China in the 2026 Winter Olympics, and the issue of her nationality was once again raised by everyone, and at the same time, there was a mystery that has also been concerned for many years, that is, who is Gu Ailing's biological father? The hottest of them is this wealthy American businessman, Google's No. 5 employee Ray Sidney! And when Gu Ailing won the championship at that time, he also deliberately changed his profile picture on social media to a photo of himself holding Gu Ailing when she was a child, accepting everyone's blessings!

Gu Ailing's father is Google's No. 5 richest man?

And what's more interesting is that in addition to being a rich man, this worker Ray Sidney (Ray Sidney) is also fond of sports, is a triathlete and an amateur pilot, which can be said to be very consistent with the sports characteristics of ski champion Gu Ailing, and more importantly, Gu Ailing's face shape is also very similar to him, both have a big long face, so many people think that he is Gu Ailing's biological father.

Gu Ailing's father is Google's No. 5 richest man?

In addition, Gu Ailing's family was born in a famous school, her mother graduated from Peking University and later went to Stanford University to study abroad, Gu Ailing's mother also said on the show that because Gu Ailing was strong since she was a child, she said that her father was from Harvard and she was going to a famous school, so she also went to Stanford University later, and this Ray Sidney (Ray Sidney) graduated from Harvard!

Gu Ailing's father is Google's No. 5 richest man?

但是出人意料的是,雷·西德尼(Ray Sidney)本人很快又回复网友否认了:“也许我应该澄清一下:谷燕(谷爱凌的妈妈)和我曾经约会了几年。 我认识谷爱凌已经很多年了,我为她在雪场内外所取得的成就感到非常自豪。 我是在谷爱凌出生后的某个时候才认识谷燕的。 ”(Perhaps I should clarify: Yan (Eileen's mom) and I dated for several years. I've known Eileen for many years, and I've very proud of all that she's accomplished, both on and off the snow. I did not meet Yan until sometime after Eileen was born.)

Gu Ailing's father is Google's No. 5 richest man?

Therefore, I have never known who Gu Ailing's biological father is, and it also makes many people think that Gu Ailing is a test-tube baby and has no father in the conventional sense!

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