
Can you eat persimmons for weight loss

author:Tachibana Bish-Sui

Persimmon is a delicious and delicious fruit, and it is a temptation for people who want to lose weight, and there may be concerns about consuming persimmons. So, can you eat persimmons during weight loss, and what is the nutritional value of persimmons?

Can you eat persimmons for weight loss

  1. Can you eat persimmons during weight loss?

  You can eat persimmons for weight loss, but you need to eat them in moderation. The principle of weight loss is to control the total calorie intake, increase the calorie expenditure, keep the body in a state of caloric deficit, and thus promote fat burning. During weight loss, if the caloric expenditure is greater than the caloric intake, it is okay to consume persimmons in moderation.

  2. What is the nutritional value of persimmons

  Persimmon contains protein, a small amount of fat, citrulline, pectin, rich in trace elements, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, sodium, iodine and other nutrients, of which vitamin C is 1 to 2 times higher than other fruits.

Can you eat persimmons for weight loss

  Persimmons have the following effects:

  1. On the digestive system

  The pectin component in persimmon is a kind of dietary fiber, which has the effect of moistening the intestines and laxative, can relieve constipation, maintain the normal growth of intestinal flora, and the organic acids in persimmons can also help digestion.

  2. For cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

  Pharmacological studies have shown that flavonoid glycosides extracted from persimmon can reduce blood pressure to a certain extent, and eating persimmon may be able to prevent hypertension, hyperlipidemia and other diseases.

Can you eat persimmons for weight loss

  3. The information and views found

  In the data, traditional Chinese medicine believes that persimmon is sweet and astringent, and has the effects of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, clearing heat and nourishing yin, reducing inversion and relieving vomiting, and softening and dispersing knots.

  It is recommended to pay attention to the matter of eating persimmons, and it is not advisable to eat more on an empty stomach, because the tannic acid in persimmons will form a precipitate after meeting stomach acid, and it is easy to form gastric stones when eaten on an empty stomach. Persimmons should not be eaten after eating seafood, as the calcium in seafood can combine with the tannic acid in persimmons, stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and cause nausea and vomiting.

I often hear a sentence that you can't eat crabs, shrimps and the like after eating persimmons. Don't forget

Can you eat persimmons for weight loss

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