
Dafang: The reform of "one-window service" promotes the quality and efficiency of convenient services

author:Tianyan News

Since the launch of the "one-window service" reform work in May 2023, the Jiuyi Sub-district Office of Dafang County has adhered to the guidance of serving to ensure high-quality development and optimizing the business and people-friendly environment, with the goal of "entering one door, going to one window, and doing everything", to promote the quality and efficiency of grassroots convenience services, so that the enterprise masses can do things more simply, more conveniently, and faster, and the satisfaction of the masses has been continuously improved.

Dafang: The reform of "one-window service" promotes the quality and efficiency of convenient services

Broaden the service model and make "addition" in the quality of service

While conscientiously doing a good job in offline services, we will vigorously promote services such as "online office" and "handheld office". Relying on the Guizhou government service network, traffic management 12123 and other network service platforms, guide the masses to use mobile APP to realize the "full online office" of simple and high-frequency matters such as social security inquiry, daily payment, and violation handling. For the elderly who do not know how to operate a mobile phone or do not have a smart phone, grid staff and agents provide door-to-door service and use their own mobile phones to help handle it. At present, more than 300 people have been instructed to use the Guizhou Social Security APP, Laolai APP, National Medical Insurance Service Platform APP and other software to do online services, pay fees and inquire.

Through the methods of "grid + project" and "grid + service", the integration of government services, social services and other resources, the implementation of "information collection, problem discovery, task division, collaborative disposal, result feedback" working mechanism, the introduction of Bijie City Social Cooperative Work Service Center, the use of "mass orders, social work volunteers to take orders" method, to carry out services such as helping the elderly, helping children, helping the poor, helping the disabled, teaching assistants, etc., establishing a list of 23 practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and solving more than 200 "small things around the masses" that the masses are most concerned about.

In order to improve the effectiveness of services, we will continue to improve various rules and regulations such as "one-time notification", "time-limited completion", "first question responsibility" and "good and bad evaluation" evaluation of government services, place "good and bad reviews" QR codes, and "scan" the discipline style, etc., so as to facilitate the masses and enterprises to carry out real-time code scanning and evaluation according to the staff's work efficiency, service attitude, handling results and other aspects, establish a work ledger, accurately grasp the demands of the masses, and force the service quality to improve with the supervision and evaluation of the masses, and continuously improve the satisfaction of the masses. At present, the one-window acceptance platform has handled more than 1,000 government service matters, with a negative evaluation rate of 0%.

Implement the "quick do" initiative and do "subtraction" in the approval process

Scientifically plan the functional partitions of window services, waiting services, self-service, etc., and set up 2 comprehensive windows in the window service area according to the "comprehensive window + industry window" model, and set up 1 industry window for human resources and social security and medical insurance, and set up a consultation and complaint window, a provincial (inter-provincial) general office and an assistant agency window. The document clarifies that 3 personnel with high comprehensive quality will be enriched to the comprehensive window to carry out the work of receiving and consulting business, and the implementation of non-discriminatory receipt (handling) of documents. The external service windows of the hall have been reduced from the original 8 to the current 4 windows, which effectively solves the problem of insufficient staffing in the office, less people and more things, and the masses are looking for more than one head, repeatedly looking for things, and running many times, so that the enterprise masses can do things more efficiently and conveniently.

Dafang: The reform of "one-window service" promotes the quality and efficiency of convenient services

Relying on the smart management platform of the Guizhou government service network, a number of non-standard matters and actual unhandled matters are canceled through the association of standardized items, so as to realize the unification of the list of items displayed on the government service network and the list of standard items. At present, 116 service items have been claimed by the street, and 80 standardized government service items have been claimed by the community, realizing the "full collection", and at the same time accurately improving the service guide to ensure the accuracy of the handling process, so that the public can check and apply for matters on the Guizhou government service network.

Explore and carry out simulated handling of government service matters, streamline and optimize the handling materials, handling time limits, and handling processes of 116 government service items claimed by streets, and increase the overall speed of approval matters by more than 20%. At the same time, relying on big data and integrating information resources, ID cards, household registration books, marriage certificates, etc. that can be shared through electronic licenses are exempted from submitting paper license materials, so as to further facilitate the work of enterprises and the masses.

Convenience and benefit the people, do "multiplication" in the service experience

Through the integration of community cadres, building chiefs, grid workers, volunteers and other forces, the sub-district office provides social assistance, public education, labor and employment, medical and health care, pension insurance and other matters for the people in need. In 2023, we will help 2,051 provincial migrant workers out of poverty to apply for one-time transportation subsidies across provinces, and distribute 1.4 million yuan, and help 34 students who are eligible for the "Rain and Dew Plan" to apply for 34,900 yuan of student aid. For special groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, door-to-door agents were adopted to help fill in forms and collect application materials on the spot, so as to achieve "getting things done without leaving home", and a total of 42 door-to-door services were carried out, and 137 matters were handled on behalf of others.

Dafang: The reform of "one-window service" promotes the quality and efficiency of convenient services

For groups with limited service time, the appointment service is launched, and the public makes an appointment by telephone or Guizhou government service network, and the staff informs the handling process at one time according to the appointment item, and assists in guiding them to prepare the required materials, and the public can do it and leave according to the appointment time. At present, 8 cases have been "scheduled".

In order to continuously improve the awareness rate of "noble service", the street cadres through telephone, WeChat, on-the-spot visits, etc., in-depth enterprise publicity policy, listen to the difficulties and needs of enterprises, and help solve them in a timely manner, at present, 490 enterprises in the jurisdiction have been touched, more than 1,000 copies of noble service publicity materials have been issued, and enterprises have been assisted to complete the warehousing of fixed assets 4 times, assisted hotels to apply for special industry licenses 1 time, helped enterprises coordinate and deal with 12 blockages, and solved 3 construction electricity and water problems.

The service is endless, and the satisfaction is endless. Guided by the needs of the masses and the sense of experience, Jiuyi Street in Dafang County will continue to promote the upgrading of government services, make every effort to promote the in-depth development of the reform of "one-window service", continue to enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness and satisfaction, and make every effort to create a more high-quality and efficient government service environment.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Min Jianhua

Edited by Xia Min

Second Instance: Xie Chaozheng

Third trial Li Kai

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