
Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma

author:There are books to read together

There is a sentence in "Xu Teli Education Anthology":

"There is no such thing as a cheap thing in the world, and whoever wants to take advantage of it will suffer. ”

The easy luck is often not a real blessing, it may be a tempting trap or a trap of fate.

In life, many people are confused by the small profits in front of them, and finally fall into a predicament and find it difficult to extricate themselves.

And those who are truly wise never covet immediate gains, but have a long-term vision and deep thinking.

They understand that the human heart in the world is unpredictable, and any selfishness can become a fatal weakness.

No matter how clever the means, ingenuity can be seen through.

You must know that people are not as good as heaven, and behind the surface cheapness, there are huge risks.

Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma

Tempted by consumption to drain your savings

The English writer Adam Smith said:

"Capital increases by saving and decreases by consumption and missteps. ”

In daily life, many people are tempted by business advertisements, which eventually leads to the ruthless draining of their savings.

In 2022, a story in "Xinmin Evening News" made people feel a lot.

Liu Juan, a former security inspector at a rail transit company, earns a meager income.

Since 2019, the temptation of consumption has made her fall into the whirlpool of online shopping, unable to extricate herself.

Her salary could not support her desire to shop, so she frequently used her credit card and Huabei, which led to the rapid accumulation of debts.

And the express packages at home are piled up and cannot be dismantled.

When shopping online, she felt that every expense was not much, and when she repaid the loan, she found that her income could not be repaid at all.

Alone, she turned to her father for help.

Although the father's income is not high, for the happiness of his daughter, he spent all his savings, and even borrowed 400,000 yuan to help her pay off the debt.

However, at this time, Liu Juan was mired in online shopping, and she continued to borrow and consume, causing her debts to snowball.

In order to repay her debts, she borrowed money everywhere, and even continued to borrow online loans to "dig up flesh and mend sores", so that she kept receiving reminder notices.

In the past three years, online shopping has not only squeezed Liu Juan's savings, but also caused a crack in the originally harmonious father-daughter relationship.

In the end, during a dispute over debt repayment, his father accidentally stabbed Liu Juan with a fruit knife.

As a result, Liu Juan unfortunately passed away, and her father was punished by the law.

The temptation of consumption made Liu Juan pay a high price, and it also caused irreparable consequences.

Jefferson, an American educator and philosopher, said:

"Don't buy something you don't need because it's cheap, things you don't need are expensive. ”

In the current era of advertising frenzy, people are often lost in blind consumption.

Tempting low-priced goods are actually a bottomless abyss that devours gold, mercilessly devouring our savings;

Only by rational consumption can savings not be victimized and enjoy a freer life.

Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma
Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma


Someone online asked:

"If there's a shortcut, should you take it?"

There is a memorable answer:

"If you take too many shortcuts, they will become a dead end. ”

A life that is always greedy for shortcuts often bypasses true happiness.

In the book "Anxiety Relief Grocery Store", the story of Harumi Muto touches people's hearts.

As an orphan, she fell into a difficult life in order to repay the kindness of her adoptive parents.

Under the pressure of life, she once fantasized about getting rich quickly through shortcuts.

So, during the day, she was an employee of the company, and at night she became a wine lady, and even considered becoming someone else's lover.

However, this way of taking shortcuts made her gradually lose her dignity and moral bottom line.

When she comes across "Naniya Grocery", she begins to reflect and re-examine her choices.

Through their knowledge of the future, the three thieves tell her not to take shortcuts, but to change her fate through her own efforts.

Harumi took this advice and decided to study hard, and after delving into the real estate and internet industries, she also obtained the corresponding certificates.

Instead of taking the seemingly easy path, she chose a path full of challenges but leading to hope.

In the end, with her own hard work and wisdom, Harumi became a successful entrepreneur and ushered in a happy life of her own.

Mr. Lu Xun once said:

"The shortcut you yearn for in life is actually muddy. ”

There are no shortcuts to success, because there are no shortcuts to success itself.

When you are in a difficult situation, the more you are afraid of difficulties, the more difficulties will bother you;

When you face difficulties head-on, instead of taking shortcuts, you embark on the shortest path to success.

The most reliable thing in the world is to always stick to your heart and seek happiness in a down-to-earth manner.

Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma
Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma


On Douban, there is a "Life List Group", in which there is a topic about "luck".

A Douban netizen said:

"When luck occupies people's hearts for a long time, human selfishness and greed will become accustomed to it......

In this life, smooth sailing is a fluke, and stumbling is the norm.

Always have a fluke heart, once you finally lose control, it is easy to ruin your personal future.

In the second season of the variety show "Heartwarming Offer", He Minzhe once showed his resume.

He graduated from Tsinghua University Law School with an excellent and eye-catching resume.

However, careful netizens found that his resume was suspected of fraud, not only did the internship time not conform to the norm, but it was also impossible to get in touch with the projects mentioned in the resume.

Faced with the doubts of netizens, He Minzhe finally admitted in the show that his resume was indeed fake.

In the program, his internship experience at JunHe was denied by JunHe Law Firm, and his internship evaluation results were cleared.

Off screen, everyone learned that he had poor integrity, and as a lawyer, his career must be very difficult in the future.

At the same time, as a scholar, he originally had a bright academic background, but because of a moment of vanity and luck, he ruined his good future.

Xue Feng has a sentence in the "Anthology of Zen Temple":

"Although there are luck in the world, there must be no luck. ”

With luck, it is like embarking on a seemingly smooth path, but there are hidden risks.

Once you fall into it, you will be like a gambler who has been tricked by fate, and eventually loses all the games, losing valuable opportunities and futures.

Don't rely on luck because luck doesn't always get you away with it.

The glory of life is not an accident, but the inevitability of hard work.

Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma
Behind any shortcut, there is a dilemma

The relationship is consumed by human exchanges

The author @ Moxiaobei, once wrote the story of his friend Xiao Sun.

Xiao Sun wanted to move to a new house, and originally planned to find a moving company to help, but when she called, she was stopped by her husband.

My husband said that he had a group of buddies, and they would come to help him when they made a phone call, so there was no need to spend extra money.

Xiao Sun felt justified after hearing this, so he agreed.

After making phone calls, my friends came.

They were in a hurry to pick up their things, and they were quickly busy.

Xiao Sun and her husband were very grateful and decided to treat everyone to a meal.

However, when it came time to check out, the bill took them all by surprise.

I thought I could save the cost of moving, but I didn't expect to spend more on food.

Xiao Sun was silently distressed, but her husband was complacent that someone would help.

It wasn't until Xiao Sun carefully calculated an account with her husband that he suddenly realized.

Originally, it only took 1,200 to find a moving company, which saved time and effort, but now it cost more than 2,000, and I still owe favors.

My husband finally understood that those seemingly convenient human contacts actually consume not only money, but also the relationship between each other.

Sometimes, people can't teach others, and things are taught once and they are unforgettable.

In life, we often ignore the long-term costs because of the convenience of the moment.

Human contact can be both a lubricant for relationships and a heavy burden later on.

As Albert Einstein said in On Education:

"Sometimes a person pays the highest price for something they get for nothing. ”

The convenience that is exchanged for favors will eventually be repaid in another way.

Favors seem cheap, but in fact they come at a high price.

Those who are self-reliant should avoid easily turning to others for help;

If you can use money, you should avoid using favors easily.

Mr. Mao Dun once said:

"What is too easy to obtain is not valuable. ”

Behind those seemingly cheap, there are actually hidden dangers.

Every choice in life is related to the fate of the future, and where to invest energy determines the trajectory of personal growth.

If you want to take your life to the next level, don't be greedy for small profits in front of you, and don't take shortcuts in everything, so as not to get bogged down.

After all, only by always having a sense of awe and keeping the bottom line of being a man can we achieve steady and far-reaching results.

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