
The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

author:Xiaoxin Laboratory
The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

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——【Foreword·】 ——»

In recent years, the film and television drama industry has developed rapidly, and various types of scripts have blossomed, however, there are some screenwriters who ignore the truth and maliciously tamper with history, shaping those characters who are originally extremely guilty into positive images.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

People can't help but wonder: "Is this real history?" Don't worry, let's reveal which historical figures have been seriously distorted in film and television dramas and become "kind" heroes in the fictional world.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

——【·芈月·】 ——»

The hit broadcast of "The Legend of Miyue" allowed us to see a female politician with both wisdom and beauty - Empress Dowager Xuan. Mi Yue on the screen is brave and resolute, kind and dignified, however, the Empress Dowager Xuan in real history is a different scene.

Empress Dowager Xuan, the first woman in history to be called the "Empress Dowager", her political career was full of glory and controversy. She was originally from the Chu State, and was later dedicated to King Qin Huiwen as a concubine and gave birth to King Qin Zhaoxiang.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

After the death of King Qin Huiwen, the young King Qin Zhaoxiang succeeded to the throne, and the Empress Dowager Xuan took the opportunity to listen to the government and control the government. She was quite skilled in politics, supporting her son to ascend the throne and consolidating the position of the Qin state.

However, her private life has been criticized, and she has been messing with King Yiqu for many years, and even fornicating with Wei Choufu, Le Yi and others. During the reign of Empress Dowager Xuan, although she made certain contributions to the Qin State, her decision-making issues also caused many controversies.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

In order to consolidate her dominance, she did not hesitate to sacrifice her personal feelings, which led to tensions between Qin and Han. When the State of Chu sent troops to Korea, the Empress Dowager Xuan failed to properly handle the matter due to her personal emotions affecting her decision-making, which brought a lot of trouble to the State of Qin.

In contrast, King Qin Zhaoxiang showed decisive political talent in dealing with the Korean issue. He acted quickly to resolve the Korean problem, showing a very different political style from that of Empress Dowager Xuan.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

This comparison allows us to see the political shortcomings of Empress Dowager Xuan. In general, although Empress Dowager Xuan has left a strong mark in history, her political ability and decision-making are also worthy of our deep thought.

The multifaceted nature of historical figures tells us that there is a difference between the historical image created by film and television dramas and the actual history. We should look at historical figures rationally, both to see their strengths and to recognize their shortcomings.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

——【Princess Taiping·】——»

In Chinese history, Wu Zetian is the only woman to hold the position of emperor. A skilful and wise ruler, she achieved many political reforms during her reign and made the country prosperous.

However, as her only daughter, the story of Princess Taiping is no less compelling. Princess Taiping was born during the reign of Wu Zetian, and she was pampered and watched since she was a child. This special status gives her an arrogant and self-righteous character.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

However, the cute image in the play does not fully correspond to the real situation of Princess Taiping in history. Wu Zetian had to sacrifice Princess Taiping for power, which made her full of guilt and doting on her daughter.

Princess Taiping's first marriage did not bring her happiness. Her husband was executed by law enforcement on suspicion of treason, which caused her great pain.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

In order to make up for the loss of Princess Taiping, Wu Zetian not only rewarded her with precious items, but also increased her fiefdom and arranged for her to remarry. However, Princess Taiping discovered Wu Zetian's cold side, and her heart was full of fear and hatred.

Gradually, Princess Taiping began to imitate her mother, colluding with ministers among the people, and becoming obsessed with fun and power.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

Although she showed some talent in politics and assisted Li Longji in eradicating hostile forces, her thirst for power never stopped, and she even tried to rebel and ascend to the throne.

However, Princess Taiping's plot was eventually discovered by Li Longji, who was forced to commit suicide. Overall, Princess Taiping's life experience is full of ups and downs and setbacks.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

She carries the powerful influence of her mother, Wu Zetian, but her actions and choices also show her unique personality and ambition.

The story of Princess Taiping leaves a lot to ponder for future generations and gives us a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between the thousand-year-old female ruler and her daughter.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

——【Zhu Qizhen·】——»

Zhu Qizhen, whose name appears frequently in recent film and television works, has been portrayed as an image of a wise gentleman who worries about the country and the people, and is wise and brave. However, when we turn the page of history, we see a different picture.

Zhu Qizhen, the sixth emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has a diametrically opposite evaluation in history, and he is considered a typical representative of mediocrity and incompetence, and disaster to the country and the people. So, is Zhu Qizhen a good emperor?

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

During the reign of Zhu Qizhen, he took the initiative to ask for an expedition, which led to the fiasco of the Tumubao Incident. In this battle, the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty were almost completely annihilated, and Zhu Qizhen himself was captured by Wara.

This incident not only dealt a huge blow to the national strength of the Ming Dynasty, but also displaced the people and made their lives difficult. After Zhu Qizhen returned to power, he carried out a brutal liquidation of those ministers who had opposed him.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

Especially Yu Qian, the secretary of the military department, he did not hesitate to stand up in order to defend the Ming Dynasty, but in Zhu Qizhen's eyes, he became an enemy who threatened his position. Yu Qian was sentenced to death, which was undoubtedly a great tragedy in the Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Qizhen also seems narrow-minded when he treats his brother Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qiyu was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and was later overthrown by Zhu Qizhen.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

After Zhu Qiyu's death, Zhu Qizhen not only did not give him the respect he deserved, but gave him a derogatory nickname, and even destroyed Zhu Qiyu's mausoleum and asked his concubine to accompany him to the burial. This cruelty raises questions about his moral character.

Politically, Zhu Qizhen was close to the eunuchs and allowed Jinyiwei to brutalize the people. This made the political situation in the Ming Dynasty even more chaotic and the lives of the common people more difficult.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

During Zhu Qizhen's reign, the national power of the Ming Dynasty gradually weakened, which was inseparable from what he did. Zhu Qizhen's evaluation in history is not high. His reign was marked by war, chaos, and the misery of the people.

Although Zhu Qizhen in the film and television drama was portrayed as a Ming monarch, historical facts tell us that he is not a commendable emperor. The name of Zhu Qizhen should be remembered as a historical sinner in the decline of the Ming Dynasty.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

——【·Lu Zhen·】——»

The TV series "The Legend of Lu Zhen" attracted widespread attention in 2013, especially the role of the heroine Lu Zhen was deeply loved by the audience. Zhao Liying's wonderful interpretation makes this inspirational story of growing from a palace maid to a woman of the Northern Qi Dynasty deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, unlike the kind and intelligent heroine portrayed in the play, Lu Lingxuan, the prototype of Lu Zhen in history, is a controversial figure.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

Lu Lingxuan's historical image is very different from the play, her origin is unknown, and there is a lack of records of her birth background in history books. Lu Lingxuan, who was originally a sinner because of her husband's rebellion, became a humble slave in the palace.

However, the gods of fate seem to favor this woman in particular, and she is unexpectedly chosen as the nurse of the young prince Cushman & Wakefield. With Gao Wei being established as the crown prince, Lu Lingxuan's status has also risen.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

After Gao Zhan's death, the young emperor Gao Wei ascended the throne, and Lu Lingxuan's power reached its peak. Not only did she succeed in squeezing out Empress Dowager Hu, but she also extended her influence to the government.

At her instigation, Cushman indulged in fun and abandoned the government, leading the country into crisis. Lu Lingxuan's son Luo Tipo was also reused because of his mother's power, and the mother and son jointly controlled the government, which made bribery in the Northern Qi court prevail and political corruption was serious.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

Over time, the Northern Zhou launched an offensive against the Northern Qi. When the situation was critical, Lu Lingxuan's son chose to betray and surrender to Northern Zhou.

Seeing that the demise of the Northern Qi Dynasty was a foregone conclusion, Lu Lingxuan chose to commit suicide in the palace, ending his dramatic life. Throughout Lu Lingxuan's life, her desire for power and pursuit of power led to personal and national tragedies.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

Although she was once powerful in the palace, she did not escape the judgment of history in the end.

The TV series "The Legend of Lu Zhen" presents us with a completely different image of Lu Zhen through artistic processing, so that the audience can feel the complex and multifaceted nature of historical figures while enjoying the plot.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people


To sum up, the portrayal of historical figures in film and television works often causes controversy because of their dramatization. On the one hand, such an adaptation can really catch the audience's attention and make the stories of historical figures more vivid and interesting.

On the other hand, however, this creative technique may also lead the audience to misunderstand historical figures, or even distort history.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

How should we balance the relationship between historical authenticity and artistic creation while pursuing entertainment effects? This is a question worth pondering.

How to properly treat historical films and television works so that they are both attractive and educational? Perhaps, we need more professionals to participate in the discussion of the answer to this question.

The four "notorious" historical figures were whitewashed by film and television dramas and became good people

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