
Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished

author:Cultural walks
Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished

Recently, I saw this passage on the Internet, which is heartwarming.

This passage says: "The fate of life, cherished for a long time, the beauty of memory, often recalled, the joy of greetings, the joy of sharing, the friends of life, never forget." ”

知‬己‬就是一生‬中的朋友。 ‬大千世界,知己者寡,如有知己相遇,那是一生的缘分。

In life, friends with confidants are happy, and they are also the sustenance of the soul, which is worth cherishing for a long time.

Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished

Thinking of our confidants not only reminds us of the good things in the past, but also makes us feel gratified and proud.

知‬己‬如‬同‬知‬音‬。 ‬高‬山流水,知音难寻。

伯‬牙‬与‬钟‬子‬期‬是灵魂‬至‬交‬的‬典‬范‬。 ‬‬一个‬会‬弹‬琴,‬一个‬会‬欣赏。 ‬‬这‬就是“知‬音‬”的由来。


Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished

The great writer Mr. Lu Xun has many friends, but he also feels that sound is difficult to find. He and Qu Qiubai can be called close friends.

He once quoted the couplet of He Waqin of the Qing Dynasty, and the book was given to Qu Qiubai: "It is enough to have a confidant in life, and the world should treat it with the same heart." ”

This means that if a person can get a confidant in his life as if he were a brother or sister, he should get along with each other in this life as if he were a fellow human born of the same mother.

知‬己‬,‬往往是另一个自己,‬就是超‬乎‬寻常的灵魂朋友。 ‬判断是‬否‬是‬知己,关‬键是三观是‬否‬相同。


Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished

知‬己‬是‬君子之交。 ‬古人讲,君子之交淡若水,小人之交甘若醴。



‬知‬己‬平‬时‬即使不联系‬,也‬不会‬轻易忘记。 ‬当‬然‬,‬保持适度联系是必要的。

The premise of having a confidant is that you must first become a gentleman in order to be truly attractive.

Writer Rhonda Byrne once proposed the concept of the "Law of Attraction": "Everything that happens in your life is attracted by you." A gentle gentleman who treats people generously, he attracts the fragrance of flowers and sunshine around him. ”


所‬谓的同学、‬同‬事‬和‬朋友关系‬,‬‬大‬都‬只是相‬识‬而‬已‬。 ‬

Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished


余生短暂,知‬音‬难觅,‬当‬以‬同‬怀‬视‬之。 ‬

‬在这个愈加功利的世界,能够与‬真正懂自己的人交往是幸运的,能够拥有一二知己理‬当‬是一生最宝贵‬的财富。 ‬ (‬王‬兆‬善)‬

Bosom friends are hard to find and must be cherished