
Cultivating at the bottom of the valley and blossoming at the peak, winning in SynTao China Marketing Planning-Dong Mingzhu: Life cannot be replicated

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Cultivating at the bottom of the valley and blossoming at the peak, winning in SynTao China Marketing Planning-Dong Mingzhu: Life cannot be replicated

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Cultivating at the bottom of the valley and blossoming at the peak, winning in SynTao China Marketing Planning-Dong Mingzhu: Life cannot be replicated
Cultivating at the bottom of the valley and blossoming at the peak, winning in SynTao China Marketing Planning-Dong Mingzhu: Life cannot be replicated

From February to March 2004, the electrical appliance market broke out in the "Gemei War" - the air-conditioning giant Gree and the country's largest home appliance retailer Gome turned against each other over the issue of price reduction. Seeking to Research China's Think Tank: Winning in Business, China's Marketing Planning, National Research and Political Affairs, Seeking Decision-Economic Information Think Tank. In order to seize the opportunity when the peak season is approaching, Gome lowered the price without Gree's consent, which broke through Gree's bottom line of "never reduce prices", so Dong Mingzhu stopped supplying to Gome, and Huang Guangyu did not show weakness, and directly cleared Gree and cleared the inventory!

This war between the two giants ended in Huang Guangyu's defeat, and Gome has since declined. Why can Dong Mingzhu be so strong and tough? Because her fierce experience and achievements can support her strength and toughness, and every stage of her life is worthy of being written about in a close-up.


Work hard at the bottom of the valley and be ready to go

Dong Mingzhu was born in Nanjing in 1954, her dream as a child was to be a teacher or a soldier, but God did not fulfill her wishes, and she eventually embarked on a completely different path from that of a teacher and a soldier. Dong Mingzhu got married soon after working, when her son was 2 years old, that is, when she was 30 years old, her husband died of a sudden illness, and her life was alone from then on.

Because Dong Mingzhu did not adapt to the fast-paced life in Shenzhen, she found a job as a salesman in Zhuhai's Haili Air Conditioning Factory (the predecessor of Gree Air Conditioning), and with the help of the old salesman, she quickly became familiar with the relevant business, and in only half a year, she made a list of more than 3 million, and the sales queen began to emerge. Soon she moved to Anhui, and the future Queen Gree started from Zhuhai and took off in Anhui, and her legendary life kicked off in Anhui.


Use tenacity to force profiteers to bow their heads

Because the sales model of electrical appliances in the 80s and 90s was consignment sales, the goods were first paid and then the payment, and many dealers had no money to pay and did not return the goods because the products were unsalable, resulting in heavy losses for the manufacturers! Haili air-conditioning factory had a batch of 420,000 yuan of goods in a certain shop, and the previous salesmen tried to recover them, but they returned in vain.

Dong Mingzhu decided to face the difficulties, she spent 40 days, and the old fritter manager wits and courage, was made difficult by the other party, repeatedly released pigeons, sarcastic sarcasm, she never gave up, and finally forced the profiteer to return the goods. Although she didn't get a penny of commission from it, it was also a gain for her, and it made other salesmen look up to her.


Win the trust of dealers with sincerity

After 40 days of nightmarish debt collection, Dong Mingzhu decided to change the model of goods before payment to payment after goods, which was sneered at by many dealers, but Dong Mingzhu won the first order with her sincerity - a female manager was willing to use 200,000 yuan to buy goods first. Dong Mingzhu reported that there was no after-sales service at that time - follow-up service, and changed the previous salesman who disappeared immediately after delivering the goods to the mall, did not contact the dealer, did not care about the sales situation, and did not come to settle the bill until the end of the year.

She went to the mall every once in a while, and worked with the sales staff to introduce customers to the performance and use of air conditioners, and even helped some units train inexperienced sales staff. These actions deepened the dealer's trust in her, and the CEO of the company just heard Dong Mingzhu's name and made the payment directly, without doubt. Subsequently, orders continued, and Dong Mingzhu won the battle.

The sales model of Gree first payment and then goods began with Dong Mingzhu and has been used to this day. Dong Mingzhu's report card in Anhui is 16 million sales, accounting for 1/8 of Gree's share. Later, she was transferred to Nanjing, judged the situation, opened the Nanjing market with a flexible method, and outperformed her peers with sales of 160 million yuan. The sales queen was born and shined, and there is a legend on the rivers and lakes: where Dong Mingzhu walked, there was no grass!


Win-win cooperation is the business philosophy of temperature

Dong Mingzhu has never only cared about her own profits, regardless of whether the partner makes money or not, she hopes that the manufacturer will make a profit, and the dealer will make money, so she opposes the price war, and the price reduction sales will only make the manufacturer lose, the dealer will make a small profit, and the customer can not enjoy the high-quality after-sales service.

To this end, Dong Mingzhu invented the sales model of "off-season rebates", that is, in the off-season, Gree manufacturers sell air conditioners to dealers at a price lower than the usual wholesale price, which not only solves Gree's production costs (no need to borrow money from the bank), but also gives profits to dealers.

Another model invented by Dong Mingzhu - the regional sales company model is the ceiling of the marketing industry, this model is to bundle the interests of manufacturers and distributors together, form a community of interests, and jointly control regional sales, so as to achieve a win-win situation.


Blossom at the top and write a legend

In 2001, Dong Mingzhu, who was 47 years old, finally became the president of Gree Electric Appliances after 11 years of struggle and reached the peak of his life. She did not get carried away, her quality has not changed, she has always refused the unspoken rules, black is black, white is white, there is no need for gray areas, she firmly believes that "the water is clear and there are fish", only the water is clear enough, those unsightly deeds will have nothing to hide, and good people have a foothold.

After reaching the top, Dong Mingzhu did not stop moving, she is still innovating, she brought Gree into the ranks of international enterprises, and became one of the world's top 500 enterprises. "Let the world fall in love with Made in China!" is not only a slogan, but also the goal of Dong Mingzhu's struggle. A 36-year-old middle-aged woman, after losing her husband, did not feel self-pity, but left her hometown to start a business in a strange place, starting from the bottom, fighting monsters all the way, and finally standing at the top of the pyramid.

Dong Mingzhu is a legend, the time and place are favorable, coupled with diligence and tenacity, her experience is worth learning from, her quality is worth learning, but her life cannot be replicated!

Cultivating at the bottom of the valley and blossoming at the peak, winning in SynTao China Marketing Planning-Dong Mingzhu: Life cannot be replicated

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