
There are many benefits to eating more tomatoes, but you can't eat them with these 4 delicacies, especially one

author:Dr. Li Xuejun of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tomatoes are an indispensable ingredient on our dinner table due to their bright color and rich nutrition. But did you know that while enjoying the health benefits of tomatoes, there are also some lesser-known dietary taboos that we need to be aware of. There are some common foods that are commonly used in daily life when paired with tomatoes, which can lead to nutrient loss and even affect our digestive system.

There are many benefits to eating more tomatoes, but you can't eat them with these 4 delicacies, especially one

Tomato pairing: four delicacies that should not be eaten together

Tomatoes are widely loved as a frequent guest on the daily table for their rich nutrition and unique flavor. But when enjoying this red delicacy, we also need to be aware that certain foods can pose health risks when eaten with tomatoes. Here are four delicacies to avoid eating with tomatoes, along with a scientific explanation.

Starch meets acidity: the conflict between tomatoes and starchy foods

"The Clash of Starch and Acidity" explains the problems that can arise when the natural acidity of tomatoes is combined with starchy foods such as potatoes and rice. This combination can interfere with the normal digestion process of starch, causing stomach upset such as gas or indigestion. Therefore, in order to ensure that the nutritional value of the food is fully absorbed, while avoiding unnecessary gastrointestinal upset, it is recommended to eat tomatoes separately from starchy foods.

Seafood and vitamin C: hidden risks

The section "The conflict between seafood and vitamin C" describes the potential conflict between vitamin C in tomatoes and seafood. When the two are eaten together, the vitamin C in tomatoes may react with certain substances in seafood in a high-temperature cooking environment, forming substances that are difficult for the body to absorb, which not only affects nutrient intake, but may even cause digestive discomfort, such as diarrhea. Therefore, for the sake of health, it is advisable to avoid eating tomatoes with seafood.

Precipitation of oxalic acid and calcium: adverse reactions of tomatoes and high-calcium foods

In the section "Oxalic acid and calcium precipitation", we discuss the calcium oxalate precipitation that may occur when oxalic acid in tomatoes is eaten with high-calcium foods such as milk and tofu. This precipitation not only affects the body's absorption of calcium, but can also lead to problems such as stones in the long run. In order to ensure the effective absorption of calcium and maintain bone health, it is recommended to pay attention to the combination of tomatoes and high-calcium foods in your daily diet.

Acid-base imbalance: a warning about the combination of tomatoes with high-sugar fruits

In the final section, "pH Imbalance", we draw attention to the problems that can arise from eating tomatoes with fruits with high sugar content, such as apples and pears. The natural acidity of tomatoes, combined with the sugars of these fruits, can lead to excessive stomach acidity, which can trigger stomach upset. To avoid unnecessary stomach burdens, it is advisable to carefully consider the pairing of tomatoes with high-sugar fruits.

While enjoying the health benefits of tomatoes, you should also be aware of the possible adverse effects of tomatoes with other foods. By eating scientifically, we can maximize the nutritional value of each food while avoiding potential health risks. Remember these "four delicacies that should not be eaten together" to make our diet healthier and more scientific.

There are many benefits to eating more tomatoes, but you can't eat them with these 4 delicacies, especially one

Tomatoes: Dietary wisdom that makes delicious and healthy coexist

Tomatoes, as rubies in the kitchen, are loved not only for their bright colors, but also for their unique nutritional value. However, different food combinations can affect the absorption and utilization of nutrients. So, how do you eat tomatoes correctly to make them a great addition to our healthy diet? Here are a few tips that may guide your table strategy.

Avoid eating with starchy foods

When the natural fruit acids in tomatoes meet starchy foods such as potatoes and pasta, they can hinder the normal digestion process of starch. Therefore, when preparing your meal, you can pair tomatoes with vegetables or meat, which not only avoids adverse reactions, but also allows you to enjoy the full absorption of nutrients.

Be cautious when paired with seafood

Eating seafood and tomatoes together may affect the digestion and absorption of protein due to the reaction of certain components in both sides, and in some cases, may even cause discomfort to the body. It is advisable to eat tomatoes at intervals after enjoying seafood, or to eat tomatoes as a stand-alone side dish.

Be careful to eat separately from foods high in calcium

The oxalic acid contained in tomatoes can combine with calcium in high-calcium foods such as milk and soy products to form calcium oxalate precipitate, which not only reduces calcium absorption, but also may increase the risk of kidney stones. It is recommended to avoid tomatoes before and after a few hours of enjoying these foods to maintain a nutritional balance.

There are many benefits to eating more tomatoes, but you can't eat them with these 4 delicacies, especially one

Avoid eating with high-sugar fruits

Tomatoes are slightly acidic, and eating them with fruits with high sugar content, such as apples and pears, may cause excessive gastric acid secretion and cause discomfort. Tomatoes can be enjoyed as an after-dinner fruit on their own or as a salad with vegetables.

Smart choice of cooking style

The nutrients in tomatoes are susceptible to damage during high-temperature cooking. To preserve its nutrients, it is recommended to cook it for a short period of time, such as a quick sauté or eat it raw. At the same time, with the right oil, such as olive oil, it can not only enhance the flavor, but also help the absorption of nutrients such as lycopene.

Innovate and enjoy health

In your daily diet, you can try pairing tomatoes with various vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, etc., to make a variety of salads. Alternatively, adding it to stews and soups not only adds color and flavor to the dish, but also brings multiple nutrients to the body.

Through the above dietary wisdom, we can not only fully enjoy the delicious and nutritious tomatoes, but also ensure that these nutrients are effectively absorbed by the body, which in turn promotes health. Remember, the right food pairing is the science of the table and the art of healthy living. Let's treat every meal with a scientific attitude, so that health and deliciousness coexist.

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