
It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

author:Director Lu of the Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Last month, a patient came to the outpatient clinic, and as soon as she entered the door, she said that she had a thyroid nodule grade 4A in the physical examination, and the doctor said that she had to do surgery to remove it, which scared her legs weak. The first time I heard about thyroid nodules, because my family usually likes to see Chinese medicine for any problems, so I found me.

As soon as I saw that she knew very little about the thyroid gland, I briefly explained it to her. I'll tell you more about it here.

01What is the thyroid gland?

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ of our body, not a disease, it grows in front of our neck, on both sides of the trachea, shaped like a butterfly, it is the largest endocrine gland in our body, which can secrete thyroid hormone and calcitonin, which is an important hormone to maintain the normal metabolism and growth and development of the body.

Therefore, in the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women are often tested for thyroid function to prevent abnormalities from affecting fetal development. If the thyroid hormone is abnormal in children, it can cause cretinism in children.

02What are the common diseases of the thyroid gland?

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

In addition, hypothyroidism, also known as hypothyroidism, can cause symptoms such as cold intolerance, lack of sweating, fatigue, and memory loss. Hyperthyroidism, also known as hyperthyroidism, is mostly manifested as heat intolerance, sweating, palpitation, hand tremors, irritability, etc.

There are various diseases of the thyroid gland, including goiter, thyroiditis, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, thyroid nodules, etc., once an abnormality is found, you must find a doctor for diagnosis in time to avoid delaying the condition.

Thyroid nodules, as the name suggests, are "nodules" growing on the thyroid glands, and the nodules are lumps, which Western medicine calls localized masses formed by abnormal proliferation of thyroid cells. Mostly benign. With thyroid nodules, the patient's body will appear, and we need to adjust in time to prevent the nodules from becoming cancerous, so as not to cause serious consequences.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

03What are the causes of thyroid nodules?

As early as thousands of years ago, our traditional Chinese medicine has a record of thyroid nodules, called "gall disease", Chinese medicine believes that the formation of gall disease is often inseparable from qi stagnation, phlegm coagulation, blood stasis, and spleen deficiency, so it is often treated to regulate qi, dissolve phlegm, disperse stasis, and strengthen the spleen, while taking into account the softness and firmness of the knots.

Because the qi is not smooth, it is easy to stagnate, it is difficult to promote the flow of blood, and over time, qi stagnation and blood stasis are easy to produce phlegm, phlegm and dampness coagulate into nuclei, blood stasis coagulates into lumps, and finally forms what we call nodules and cysts.

Traditional Chinese medicine masters Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Simiao, Li Shizhen, etc. have recorded a lot of prescriptions for regulating gall disease, such as the commonly used Banxia Magnolia Soup, Xiaojian Chest Soup, Coptis Warm Bile Soup, Guizhi Poria Cocos Soup and so on.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

In our daily life, the formation of thyroid nodules is often related to the following factors:

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Some thyroid nodules are caused by unreasonable diet, and in remote areas, insufficient iodine intake can lead to nodules, and excessive iodine intake can also lead to nodules, so it is important to control iodine intake.

In addition, eating cold, spicy and irritating foods can also cause nodules. But this is indirect, these foods first irritate the stomach and intestines, then lead to endocrine disorders, abnormal metabolic environment, which in turn stimulates the thyroid gland, which causes nodules.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules
It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Thyroid nodules are hereditary, and few people know about this. This is mainly due to the lack of enzymes in the body, which can affect the normal synthesis of thyroid hormones and lead to nodules. I have seen many patients who have nodules for themselves and their families, so I would like to remind you that if your family members have thyroid nodules, especially those with thyroid cancer, you should pay more attention to the health of your thyroid gland and do a good follow-up.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules
It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

For example, CT and X-ray, which are included in the physical examination, are ionizing radiation, which has a great impact on nodules. If children do not protect their necks during CT scanning, it is easy to irritate the thyroid gland and are more likely to develop nodules. Or if a person does these check-up items multiple times in a short period of time, then he has an increased risk of having thyroid nodules.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules
It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Thyroid nodules caused by mental state are actually what is called liver qi stagnation in traditional Chinese medicine, which is caused by the vigorous liver fire. We often say that qi gives birth to all kinds of diseases, and a person who is in a negative state for a long time, whether it is angry, depressed, nervous or stressed, will also lead to nodules, which shows how important it is to maintain a good attitude.

04 Can thyroid nodules break up by eating taro?

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Recently, there has been overwhelming news that taro can be dispersed, so I will tell you about it.

Taro is a very common vegetable in life, nutritious and delicious. At the same time, it has the effect of tonifying and invigorating qi, detoxification and laxative, some people say that eating taro can relieve nodules, and then eat a large amount of them every day, but not only the nodules are not dispersed, but they are also bloated and indigestion, and some even have diarrhea.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Here, I want to tell you that food cannot replace medicine, like the dietary taboos that we usually tell you, eat more and eat less food, not that as long as you eat more of these foods, the disease will be cured by itself.

Although there are a large number of trace elements in taro, which can enhance the body's immunity and supplement the calcium, iron, phosphorus and other substances needed by the human body, it does not have an obvious dispersion effect. Friends with thyroid nodules can usually eat in moderation, because it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and invigorating qi, and the production of nodules is related to spleen loss and water abnormality, so spleen-strengthening foods can be eaten in moderation.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

05 This wild vegetable is the "master of scattering"

Having said all this, everyone is more concerned about whether the thyroid nodule can be dissipated?

I'm here to give you an affirmative reply: Yes!

The significance of the conditioning of all kinds of nodules is to control the nodules, not to let it grow any longer, shrink and downgrade at the same time, you think, if a 4A grade nodule facing the danger of surgery, after conditioning the grade is reduced to grade 2, the nodule is reduced to a few millimeters, then there is no need to worry about it.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

To get back to the point, in addition to the daily conditioning of traditional Chinese medicine, what else can help to disperse knots, in fact, it is recorded in the "Compendium of Materia Medica", that is, dandelion. It is known as the "Queen of Herbs", dandelion has many ways to eat, can be cold, make dumpling filling, can also soak in water to drink, Chinese medicine believes that it has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying and dispersing knots.

Here I will share with you another loose knot tea:

Dandelion loose knot tea

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Prepare the ingredients:

Dandelion 5g, longan 5g, rose 5g, red dates 5g, tangerine peel 2g


1. Clean the dandelion and set aside

2. Put the above 5 ingredients together in a pot and add 1000ml of water

3. After the heat boils, turn to low heat and simmer for about 15 minutes

Efficacy: Dandelion clears heat and detoxifies, reduces swelling and dissolves knots, rose warm, relieves depression, invigorates blood and dispels blood stasis, and dandelion can be combined with the effect of soothing the liver and relieving depression several times. Cooked with longan, red dates and tangerine peel, it not only breaks up the knots, but also takes into account the conditioning of the spleen and stomach. Under the combination of a variety of ingredients, the human body can absorb better, and the effect of dispersing knots will inevitably be better than eating dandelions alone.

It is not taro that can dissipate nodules, but this wild vegetable, which can be eaten every day and has great strength to disperse nodules

Reminder: Dandelion is cold, and it is forbidden for people with weak spleen and stomach, menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation

In short, if a thyroid nodule is detected, don't be afraid, and keep a calm mind while recuperating, and further confirm whether the nodule is benign. Usually eat as light as possible, and eat less greasy, spicy, raw and cold food. And it is also necessary to exercise more to enhance the body's immunity, so that the condition can recover faster.

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