
The child's adenoidal hypertrophy is actually caused by food accumulation? No need for surgery, you can put away these 2 prescriptions

author:Pediatrician Junjun

In my office, an anxious mother came to see me with her little son. The child snores frequently, sleeps erratically at night, and appears tired during the day. Upon examination, I found that his adenoids were significantly enlarged. But on further inquiry, I noticed one key point: the child's eating habits. Frequent snacking and irregular eating not only affect the child's digestive system, but also indirectly lead to adenoid problems.

The child's adenoidal hypertrophy is actually caused by food accumulation? No need for surgery, you can put away these 2 prescriptions

Overeating: The hidden culprit of adenoid hypertrophy

Food accumulation is often seen as a minor problem with the digestive system, but when it comes to children's health, it can be a potential cause of adenoid hypertrophy. This finding, which stems from my clinical observations and in-depth research, reveals a strong link between adenoid problems and a child's eating habits.

There is a direct link between food accumulation and adenoid hypertrophy

Immune response due to indigestion: Food accumulation is usually caused by indigestion, which can be caused by irregular eating or indigestible food. Indigestion causes the body to develop an inflammatory response that can extend to the throat and affect the normal function of the adenoids.

Increased pathogen burden: Problems with the digestive system can lead to the accumulation of bacteria and viruses that are transmitted through the throat, resulting in increased reactivity of adenoids. Long-term food accumulation can cause the adenoids to remain in a state of activation, resulting in hypertrophy.

The effect of dietary habits on adenoids

Digestive burden of high-sugar and processed foods: High-sugar and processed foods take more time to digest, increasing the risk of food accumulation. These foods can also weaken the efficiency of the immune system, making adenoids more susceptible to infection.

Irregular eating times: Irregular eating times in children can interfere with the normal functioning of the digestive system, leading to food residues and increasing the likelihood of food accumulation.

Prevention and management strategies

Eat a balanced diet: Maintain a balanced diet, avoid high sugar and processed foods, and increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables to help maintain digestive health.

Regular eating time: Make sure that children have a regular eating time to avoid overeating and promote the normal functioning of the digestive system.

The child's adenoidal hypertrophy is actually caused by food accumulation? No need for surgery, you can put away these 2 prescriptions

Radical change – optimize your diet and lifestyle habits

Adenoid hypertrophy is not uncommon in children, and dietary and lifestyle modifications are an important part of treatment. First of all, we need to pay attention to the child's diet. Too much processed food and high-sugar snacks not only affect children's digestion and absorption, but also may lead to internal environmental disorders and indirectly affect adenoid health. Therefore, it is advisable to increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, ensure adequate protein and necessary fatty acids, and reduce refined sugars and fried foods.

Secondly, regular lifestyle habits are essential for your child's overall health. Ensuring adequate sleep and proper physical activity can boost your child's immunity and reduce the discomfort of adenoid hypertrophy. In addition, keeping your child out of a dry, dusty environment for long periods of time and keeping the room well ventilated can also help relieve symptoms of adenoid hypertrophy.

Natural Efficacy - Traditional Chinese Medicine Conditioning Program

In TCM theory, adenoid hypertrophy is often associated with "phlegm dampness" and "liver fire". Therefore, the purpose of traditional Chinese medicine conditioning is to relieve liver depression, dissolve phlegm and reduce fire. In my clinical experience, the following TCM ingredients have been shown to be effective:

Licorice: It has the effect of harmonizing and invigorating qi and harmonizing various medicines, and can relieve throat discomfort.

Skullcap: Clears away heat and dampness, and has a certain relieving effect on sore throat caused by heat.

Platycodon: Clears the throat, helps to dissolve phlegm and relieve respiratory discomfort.

Lily: moistens the lungs and clears the heart, suitable for long-term cough, sore throat and other symptoms.

These herbs can be appropriately matched according to individual conditions. However, it should be noted that TCM conditioning should be carried out under the guidance of a professional physician to avoid the risks caused by self-medication. Each child's constitution and condition are different, and the treatment plan should be individualized.

The child's adenoidal hypertrophy is actually caused by food accumulation? No need for surgery, you can put away these 2 prescriptions

TCM Perspective: Unraveling the Hidden Factors of Adenoid Hypertrophy

In traditional Chinese medicine, adenoid hypertrophy is not just seen as an isolated symptom. Rather, it is often seen as an outward manifestation of the accumulation of "damp heat" and "phlegm" in the body. This understanding provides us with a fresh perspective that focuses not just on the adenoids themselves, but on delving into the imbalance of the entire body system.

First of all, TCM believes that adenoid hypertrophy is closely related to the child's eating habits. Excessive sweets and greasy foods can produce too much "damp heat" in the body, which can easily accumulate in the child's throat area, which in turn can lead to enlarged adenoids. Secondly, irregular eating times and frequent snacking intake can interfere with the normal digestive process, resulting in "phlegm dampness", which is also an important factor in adenoid hypertrophy.

In addition, TCM also emphasizes the impact of emotions on a child's health. Long-term mood swings, such as anxiety and stress, can affect a child's liver qi, which in turn affects the circulation of qi and blood in the body, which may also indirectly lead to adenoid problems.

Therefore, from the perspective of TCM, the treatment of adenoid hypertrophy is not only about prescribing the right medicine, but also requires a comprehensive adjustment of the child's eating habits, emotional management, and overall lifestyle. Through this comprehensive conditioning, not only can the symptoms of adenoid hypertrophy be relieved, but also the overall health of the child will be improved.

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