
The weather is cold, give your child some hot fruits, and your body will be better and less sick!

author:Pediatrician Junjun

In winter, the cold wind is biting, and many parents are worried that their children's resistance will decline and they will be susceptible to colds and illnesses. There is such a true story that allows us to see a simple yet effective solution. In a corner of the town, there is a child named Xiao Ming, who has frequent coughs and colds every winter. His mother, having heard about the concept of "hot fruits" by chance, decided to try a new approach. She began to include a variety of hot fruits in Xiao Ming's daily diet, such as apples and oranges. Surprisingly, that winter, Xiao Ming had many fewer illnesses than in previous years!

The weather is cold, give your child some hot fruits, and your body will be better and less sick!

Warming up in the winter: the mystery of hot fruits

During the cold winter months, many parents are worried about their children's health, especially how to strengthen their physique and immunity through diet. Hot fruits play an important role in this, as they are not only nutritious, but also help the body fight off the cold and strengthen its resistance. This section will delve into the properties of hot fruits and their benefits for your child's health.

Definition of hot fruit

Hot fruits, as the name suggests, are those that produce a warming effect. They are often believed in Chinese medicine to promote the body's thermogenesis and aid blood circulation, thereby enhancing the body's yang energy. This type of fruit is especially beneficial for people who live in cold areas or who are prone to cold during the winter months.

Types of hot fruits

There are several types of hot fruits, including but not limited to the following:

Apples: Rich in vitamins and minerals, they help to improve the body's resistance.

Oranges: A rich source of vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.

Durian: Although it has a strong smell, it has a high nutritional value and provides a lot of energy.

Nutritional value of hot fruits

In addition to providing warmth, hot fruits are rich in a variety of nutrients that are essential for children's development. For example, apples and oranges are rich in vitamin C and fiber, which can help boost immunity and digestive health. While durian may not be everyone's favorite in terms of taste, it is rich in energy and healthy fats, making it suitable for providing the body with extra calories in cold weather.

Health benefits of hot fruits

Hot fruits have many health benefits for children:

Boosts immunity: The rich content of vitamin C and other antioxidants helps to strengthen children's immune systems.

Improves digestion: The high fiber content helps promote your child's digestive health.

Provides energy: The natural sugars and other nutrients in hot fruits can provide children with the necessary energy in cold weather.

The weather is cold, give your child some hot fruits, and your body will be better and less sick!

The health secret of hot fruits: more than just warmth

During the cold season, it is crucial to choose the right food for your child. Hot fruits, due to their natural warm nature, not only bring warmth to children, but also provide a variety of health benefits.

Strengthen immunity and stay away from winter diseases

Hot fruits such as apples and oranges are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants, which are effective in boosting your child's immune system. Vitamin C not only helps fight colds, but also reduces symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness. For example, the bioflavonoids in oranges help boost white blood cell function and improve the body's defenses against pathogens.

Promotes digestion and maintains a healthy weight

Hot fruits are often high in dietary fiber, which not only helps improve your child's digestive system but also prevents common problems such as constipation. Dietary fiber intake also helps maintain a healthy weight and prevent obesity, which is especially important for the growing problem of childhood obesity.

Choose the right thing to eat: the wisdom of choosing and eating hot fruits

When choosing hot fruit for your child, there are a few key points to be aware of to ensure that it both provides the greatest health benefits and guarantees food safety.

Choose fresh, give preference to local

It is crucial to choose fresh hot fruits. Whenever possible, choose local, seasonal fruits, which are not only fresher, but also tend to be more nutritious. For example, choose apples or oranges that are in season instead of fruits that travel long distances.

Mix it up and pay attention to balance

While hot fruits are good for children, excessive consumption of any one of these foods can lead to nutritional imbalances. Therefore, hot fruits should be paired with other types of foods, such as vegetables, grains and proteins, to ensure that your child receives a well-rounded and balanced diet.

The weather is cold, give your child some hot fruits, and your body will be better and less sick!

Safe to eat, pay attention to washing

Before giving hot fruit to your child, make sure the fruit is thoroughly washed to remove possible pesticide residues and contaminants. Also, peel or slice properly to make the fruit easier for children to eat and digest.

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