
Be vigilant! Children do not choose shoes well, be careful of causing foot valgus, parents should pay attention!

author:Pediatrician Junjun

In my clinic, there is a heart-wrenching case: 8-year-old Xiao Ming plays football a lot, and his parents carefully selected a pair of seemingly fashionable and sturdy football boots for him. However, it didn't take long for Xiao Ming to start complaining of foot pain, and his feet showed an unnatural valgus posture when walking. Upon examination, it was found that the seemingly perfect pair of shoes were actually the culprit! They not only affected Xiao Ming's gait, but could also affect his long-term foot health. This story reminds us that a child's shoe choice cannot be overlooked, it is related to the healthy development of a child.

Be vigilant! Children do not choose shoes well, be careful of causing foot valgus, parents should pay attention!

The pain of a child's gait: demystifying foot valgus and its prevention

Foot valgus, a foot abnormality commonly seen in children, usually manifests as turning the toes outward when walking. Not only does it affect your child's gait, but it can also cause long-term foot pain and difficulty walking.

Causes and harms of foot valgus

Growth problems: As children grow, an imbalance in the development of foot bones, muscles, and ligaments can lead to foot valgus.

Improper footwear: Wearing ill-fitting or undersupported shoes, especially those that are too stiff or too loose, may exacerbate valgus.

Acquired behavior: Long-term poor walking posture, such as the figure-eight or outer-eight gait, may induce or aggravate foot valgus.

Effects of foot valgus

Abnormal gait: interferes with normal walking patterns and may cause increased strain on the knees and hips.

Pain and discomfort: Long-term foot valgus can lead to foot pain and even complications such as plantar fasciitis.

Preventive and corrective actions

Choose the right shoes: Choose well-fitting and well-supported shoes for your child, especially during their peak of growth.

Correct walking posture: Guide your child to develop a correct walking posture and avoid a valgus gait.

Engage in appropriate exercise: Encourage your child to participate in sports that are beneficial to the development of foot muscles and ligaments, such as running, skipping rope, etc.

Expert advice:

Regular check-ups: Take your child for regular foot health check-ups, especially during their growth spurt.

Timely intervention: Once signs of foot valgus are found, a professional doctor should be consulted in time to take appropriate corrective measures.

Be vigilant! Children do not choose shoes well, be careful of causing foot valgus, parents should pay attention!

The Impact of Shoes on Children's Foot Health: A "Gait Gatekeeper" to be Ignored

During childhood, the growth and development of the feet is the cornerstone of health. Parents often overlook the critical role of shoes in children's foot health. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to abnormal development of foot structures, such as foot valgus. Foot valgus not only affects the way your child walks, but it can also have a long-term impact on overall bone development. The importance of shoes, as a daily necessity, cannot be overlooked.

Shoes and foot valgus: a direct link

Foot valgus is a type of foot posture abnormality in which the foot is turned outward, resulting in difficulty and imbalance in walking. Children's foot structure is not yet fully mature, and wearing ill-fitting shoes for long periods of time, such as shoes that are too narrow, have a hard soles, or do not conform to the shape of the foot, can negatively affect the normal development of the foot. These shoes restrict the natural movement of the foot, leading to the abnormal development of the muscles, ligaments, and bones of the foot.

Choosing shoes for your child is no longer confusing: the key point in choosing children's shoes

Fit is key: The shoe size should fit your child's foot shape. Shoes that are too big or too small can affect the normal development of the feet. It is advisable to leave some room at the front of the shoe to accommodate the natural extension of the toes.

Soft and breathable material: Choose shoes with soft, breathable materials to keep your feet dry and comfortable, and reduce foot problems caused by moisture.

Flexure of the sole: The sole should have some flexure to promote the natural movement of the foot and avoid the adverse effects of hard-soled shoes on the arch of the foot.

Support and protection: Shoes should provide adequate support and protection, especially in the arch of the foot, to promote healthy foot growth.

Be vigilant! Children do not choose shoes well, be careful of causing foot valgus, parents should pay attention!

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