
Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea

author:Coke's tea story


Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea

。 Oolong tea is a type of tea with excellent quality after going through processes such as greening, wilting, shaking, semi-fermentation, and roasting. Oolong tea evolved from the Song Dynasty tribute tea dragon group and phoenix cake, and was created around 1725 (during the Qing Yongzheng period).

Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea

After tasting, the teeth and cheeks remain fragrant, and the aftertaste is sweet and fresh. The pharmacological effect of oolong tea is prominently manifested in the decomposition of fat, weight loss and bodybuilding. 乌龙茶,荷叶,山楂制成的“龙荷l‬山茶”为减肥圣品,减肥效果好无副作用而受到广为好评。

Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea

In Japan, it is called "beauty tea" and "bodybuilding tea". Oolong tea is a unique tea in China, mainly produced in fujian northern Fujian, southern Fujian and Guangdong, Taiwan three provinces.

Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea

In recent years, Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces have also produced a small amount. 乌龙茶除了内销广东、福建、我们‬日常‬生活中所‬熟知‬的乌龙‬茶‬品种‬、‬都有‬哪些‬呢‬、据我‬所知‬、最常见‬的‬是产自‬我‬们‬福建‬省‬的的‬贴‬观音‬了‬、还有‬就是‬同样‬存在福建‬的武夷山茶‬、福建‬漳平‬水仙茶‬、再就是‬我们‬广东的‬凤凰‬单‬丛茶

Autumn is coming, it is recommended to drink oolong tea


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