
Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

author:Sharp eyes on the world

"One fruit a day, the doctor stays away from me"

Now, a new study confirms this once again, and despite the fact that the protagonist has shifted from apples to tomatoes, the health message it conveys remains as important as ever. Recently, a study found that consuming one tomato a day not only helped lower blood pressure, but also significantly reduced the risk of high blood pressure. This finding re-underscores the importance of a healthy diet for maintaining good health.

One tomato per day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%

A recent study found that drew attention to tomatoes, showing that consuming one tomato per day significantly reduced the risk of high blood pressure by up to 36%. This finding has important implications for our understanding of the relationship between fruits and vegetables and cardiovascular health.

Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

The findings are based on a follow-up survey of multiple participants. At the start of the experiment, at one- and three-year follow-up, the researchers measured the participants' blood pressure and analyzed the association between their tomato intake and blood pressure and risk of high blood pressure. The results showed that the participants' systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed a clear downward trend.

In patients with first-degree hypertension, tomato intake was significantly inversely correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This means that for those who are just above the standard line for high blood pressure, dietary modification can positively improve blood pressure levels, thereby reducing the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Taken together, the results of the 36% study on a 36% reduction in the risk of high blood pressure provide us with a simple and effective approach to health care. This finding is not only of great significance for patients with hypertension, but also has a positive effect on comprehensively improving people's health awareness and dietary structure.

Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

01 How to eat tomatoes

Tomatoes are not only delicious but also nutritious. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamins and has important health benefits:

Nutritional value: Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps to enhance immunity, promote collagen synthesis and maintain skin health. Tomatoes are rich in β-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A, which helps maintain vision and skin health. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, which helps maintain normal heart function and blood pressure levels.

How to eat healthier?

Cooked to eat: When tomatoes are ripe, lycopene utilization is relatively high, allowing for more antioxidants and nutrients.

Eat them raw: Eating tomatoes raw can get more vitamins and other substances.

Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

How to eat together?

Cooked Pairing: When cooking tomatoes, you can add the right amount of seasonings such as olive oil, garlic, onions, etc., according to personal taste, to increase flavor and improve nutrient absorption.

Raw tomatoes: When eating raw tomatoes, they can be combined with other vegetables to make a salad, or eaten with yogurt, tofu, etc., to increase the taste and nutritional balance.

Tomatoes are highly nutritious, and whether they are eaten cooked or raw, they can bring benefits to our health. In your daily diet, the right combination of tomatoes will help you maintain good health and enjoy delicious food.

02 Ancient Medicine

Ancient medical scientists' views on food were mostly based on natural observation and practical experience, although they may not have directly studied tomatoes, but the concept of health preservation of vegetables and fruits is in line with modern medicine.

The concepts of "suitable diet", "whole grains" and "meat and vegetable mix" advocated by ancient medicine are in line with the balanced diet advocated in modern nutrition. Ancient medicine emphasized that diet should vary from person to person, from time to time, and from place to place, which is in line with the concept of individualized diet advocated in modern health concepts.

Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

In ancient books such as "Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica", although tomatoes are not directly recorded, some ingredients of similar nature are also recorded by ancient medicine. For example, tomatoes, similar to tomatoes, may be associated with some ideas of homology between medicine and food, and were used by paleophysicians to treat certain diseases or to regulate the body. This kind of health preservation concept of using food to cure and prevent diseases is similar to the modern concept of food therapy

Although the specific views of ancient medicine on tomatoes may not be clearly recorded, their concept of healthy diet has certain similarities with modern medicine, emphasizing the importance of food in maintaining health, which provides a historical and cultural reference for us to better understand the health benefits of tomatoes.

03 Health expert advice

Wellness is not limited to a single food intake, but requires a comprehensive lifestyle consideration:

Varied diet: Although a single food has a certain health care effect, it is more important to maintain a varied and balanced diet. Therefore, in the daily diet, you should pay attention to the intake of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, high-quality protein and other foods.

Moderate exercise: Getting a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day can help improve heart and lung fitness, promote blood circulation, and lower blood pressure levels.

Eating one tomato a day reduces the risk of high blood pressure by 36%?

Maintain peace of mind: Wellness is not just about physical health, it's also about mental health. Wellness experts recommend that maintaining a calm mind and staying away from stress and anxiety can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Regular physical examination: Regular physical health check-ups, including blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids and other indicators. Early detection and treatment of potential health problems is an important step in maintaining good health.

04 Epilogue

As a common fruit and vegetable, tomatoes are not only delicious, but also have significant nutritional value, which has a positive effect on the prevention and management of high blood pressure. However, wellness is not limited to the intake of a single food, but also requires a comprehensive consideration of dietary structure, lifestyle and mental health.

In our daily life, we should pay attention to the rational combination of ingredients, maintain a calm mind, stay away from stress and anxiety, and conduct regular physical health check-ups to detect and treat potential health problems early.

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