
Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

author:Saihan District Office Affairs Center
Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  Ten years ago, on January 22, a new central authority was officially launched.

  On the same day, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and delivered an important speech, emphasizing the need to grasp the overall situation, assess the situation, take into account the overall situation, take into account the overall consideration, and implement it scientifically, and unswervingly move forward towards the goal of comprehensively deepening reform.

  In March 2018, according to the Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Institutions, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform was renamed the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform.

  Reform is only in progress, not complete.

  Over the past 10 years, from the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform to the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over 70 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Deepening Reform and the Central Committee for Deepening Reform, making a series of important instructions on the overall layout, major issues and key links of the reform, leading the reform to achieve historic, revolutionary and groundbreaking achievements.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  In the face of the complex situation and heavy tasks of reform, it is an important methodology that General Secretary Xi Jinping has always emphasized to tightly grasp the key and hold the "bull's nose" of reform.

  In order to grasp the "bull's nose" of reform, it is necessary to grasp not only important areas, important tasks, and important pilots, but also key subjects, key links, and key nodes. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the reform is forced by the problem, and deepened in the continuous solution of the problem, we must always establish a strong sense of the problem, where the contradictions and problems are the most prominent, focus on which reform.

  "Pass!" On the morning of March 10, 2023, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, more than 2,900 deputies to the National People's Congress pressed the voting machine. The First Session of the 14 th National People's Congress (NPC) voted and adopted the decision on the State Council's institutional reform plan.

  Among a series of reforms, the "establishment of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Administration" has attracted much attention. The establishment of the State Administration of Financial Supervision is not a tinkering with the original regulatory structure, but focuses on the overall situation and promotes it as a whole, reflecting the systematic, holistic and reconstructive reform ideas.

  Recently, at the opening ceremony of the seminar on promoting high-quality financial development by major leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial levels, General Secretary Xi Jinping made specific arrangements on how to look at and do financial work in the new era and new journey, one of which is to insist on deepening the structural reform of the financial supply side.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △ State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration

  The problem is the voice of the times and the motivation for reform.

  For the problems existing in economic development, General Secretary Xi Jinping called for supply-side structural reform as the main line, promote the quality of economic development, efficiency change, power change, improve total factor productivity, and strive to accelerate the construction of the real economy, scientific and technological innovation, modern finance, human resources coordinated development of the industrial system. This has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality development of the mainland's economy.

  There are 832 impoverished counties, 128,000 impoverished villages, and nearly 100 million impoverished people. With the strategy of targeted poverty alleviation, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups across the country to win a battle against poverty that lasted for eight years.


  Adhering to the problem-oriented approach has greatly improved the pertinence of comprehensively deepening the reform, and increased the depth, sharpness and overall intensity of the reform.

  Since the beginning of the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has deployed and promoted a series of reform battles, and has played a series of reform "combination punches" in the reform of state-owned enterprises, the reform of the scientific and technological system, the reform of the rural land system, the reform of the ecological civilization system, the reform of the judicial system, the reform of the party building system, and the construction of a new system of open economy.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △On June 27, 2023, in the FAW Jiefang J7 smart factory in Changchun, Jilin Province, intelligent robots carried out vehicle glass assembly and gluing work.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  Just after the beginning of spring in 2023, the seminar on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will open. Focusing on how to "correctly understand and vigorously promote Chinese-style modernization", General Secretary Xi Jinping gave a "key lesson" to the "key minority".

  He emphasized: "To carry out top-level design, it is necessary to have a deep insight into the general trend of world development, accurately grasp the common aspirations of the people, deeply explore the laws of economic and social development, and make the formulated planning and policy system reflect the times, grasp the law, and be creative, so as to achieve the combination of far and near, up and down, and the content is coordinated." ”

  Comprehensively deepening reform is a major strategic deployment that has a bearing on the overall development of the cause of the Party and the country. To answer the question of "how to change", General Secretary Xi Jinping called for the unity of strengthening top-level design and insisting on asking questions from the people, and drawing wisdom from vivid and vivid grassroots practice.

  As a blueprint and guide for reform and development, the preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan is closely related to the production and life of the people, and whether the reform can be forward-looking, targeted and effective. In order to draft the "14th Five-Year Plan" proposals, from July to September 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally presided over seven thematic forums to listen to voices from all sides.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △On September 16, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping had a cordial exchange with the students who were taking ideological and political classes in the first primary school of Wenming Yao Township, Rucheng County, Chenzhou City, Hunan.

  On September 16, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping came to the first primary school in Wenming Yao Township, Rucheng County, Hunan Province for inspection and research.

  "There are teaching buildings, dormitories and canteens in the school, nutritious lunches are free, and the children are very cheerful, which shows that since the reform and opening up, we have basically solved the problem of universal compulsory education, but the problem of unbalanced educational resources has become prominent. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, we should focus on solving this problem and study it well. At the grassroots representative forum the next day, the general secretary said.

  We will do a good job in rural education, increase industrial poverty alleviation, support the development of small and micro enterprises, and implement the rural revitalization strategy...... At the meeting, the general secretary conscientiously listened to the opinions and suggestions put forward by representatives of village party secretaries, rural teachers, poverty alleviation cadres, and peasant workers from the grassroots level on these aspects. He affirmed: "There is abundant wisdom and boundless creativity in the masses of the people. The speeches were very vivid and in line with reality. ”

  It is precisely in the process of asking the people for advice and gathering the wisdom of the people again and again that the reform has found the key to solving the problem and gathered a consensus to forge ahead.

  Comprehensively deepening reform has been incorporated into the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, personally presided over 40 meetings of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform and 30 meetings of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, strengthened the top-level design of reform, and conducted in-depth investigation and investigation in various localities and departments to investigate the actual situation, listen to the voices of the people, and seek good policies...... Under the guidance and promotion of General Secretary Xi Jinping, the mainland has implemented a series of reform plans, weaving a dense people's livelihood security network from clothing, food, housing and transportation, education, medical care, pension and other links.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △On October 17, 2023, staff served the elderly at the Home Care Service Center in Yuexiu Road Street, Hexi District, Tianjin.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  In February 2016, at the 21st meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the report on the implementation of 10 reforms, and said three "grasps" in a row at the meeting - "staring at the grasp, repeatedly grasping until the results are achieved".

  The first meeting of the 20th Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform held in April 2023 also made arrangements for "increasing the implementation of reforms" and "promoting the implementation of reform measures".

  "Grasp the implementation of reform in the spirit of nailing, grasp the key, make precise efforts, dare to gnaw hard bones, stare at grasping, and repeatedly grasp until the results are achieved" is the general secretary's consistent requirement for doing a good job in comprehensively deepening reform.

  The Yangtze River Economic Belt straddles the east, the middle and the west, and connects the north and the south, and is the main battlefield for the mainland's ecological priority and green development, the main artery for unblocking the domestic and international dual circulation, and the main force leading the high-quality economic development.

  On the afternoon of October 12, 2023, in Nanchang, Jiangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △On October 12, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a symposium on further promoting the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province and delivered an important speech.

  In 2016, it was in Chongqing, in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, in 2018, in Wuhan, in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, and in 2020, in Nanjing, in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River...... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has presided over four symposiums around the major regional strategy of the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. From "promoting", "in-depth promoting", "comprehensively promoting" to "further promoting", the theme of the conference has deepened step by step with the development of the times.

  At the symposium held in Nanchang, General Secretary Xi Jinping reviewed the development process of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and said with emotion: "To do it well, we must do it well, and we must do it firmly." Do not slack off, be consistent, and work for a long time. ”

  In 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized this methodology during local inspections -

  In May, in Xiong'an New District, Hebei Province, the general secretary exhorted "neither to be impetuous, nor to wait for the need, but to work hard and work for a long time." In November, in Shanghai, the general secretary stressed: "As long as we recognize the right thing, we will continue to do it consistently and unremittingly, and we will never give up halfway, never go in the opposite direction, and never turn back and regress...... The simple words contain the way of reform to the end, and the profound truth that only by "grasping the implementation of reform in the spirit of nailing" can the grand blueprint be turned into a beautiful reality.

Micro-observation of current affairs丨We will carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end

  △ Lighthouse Square, Binjiang Park, Yichang City, Hubei Province. The plaza was renovated from an old wharf after the implementation of comprehensive measures such as shoreline greening.

  "With regard to the problems that have arisen and may arise in the process of reform, the difficulties must be overcome one by one, and the problems must be solved one by one. General Secretary Xi Jinping's words at the first meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform 10 years ago still reverberate today.

  To promote Chinese-style modernization, it is necessary to further deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, constantly liberate and develop the social productive forces, and liberate and enhance social vitality. On the new journey, we must gather the majestic strength of hundreds of millions of people, open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the waters, and carry out the comprehensive deepening of reform to the end.

Source: CCTV news client

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