
Is it true that the windy "brain gold" DHA, the "algae" supplement is early?

author:Discover today

DHA has always been known as "brain gold", and it has a positive impact on the neurological development and vision development of infants and young children. Because of this, in recent years, DHA nutritional supplements have attracted the attention of parents, who want their children to win at the starting line and not lag behind others. Among them, algal oil DHA is a good choice unanimously recognized by industry insiders and parents, why?

Is it true that the windy "brain gold" DHA, the "algae" supplement is early?

Many pregnant mothers will consider buying DHA during pregnancy, and it is really distressing whether to choose fish oil or algae oil to buy DHA. DHA extracted from deep-sea fish oil inevitably contains EPA, EPA has the effect of reducing blood lipids and diluting blood viscosity, infants and pregnant women are not suitable for excessive intake; It can be seen that the bioavailability, stability and safety of algal oil DHA are higher. In addition, the production process of algal oil DHA is more environmentally friendly, eliminating the need for large-scale fishing, and reducing the adverse impact on the marine ecological environment.

Is it true that the windy "brain gold" DHA, the "algae" supplement is early?

On the other hand, some studies have proven that algal oil DHA is better than fish oil DHA in terms of intelligence and visual development. Algal oil DHA molecule is more stable and easily absorbed and utilized by infants and young children, which improves the bioavailability of DHA. Of course, each baby's physique and preferences are different, and the needs for DHA are also different, and mothers need to make a choice according to the actual situation of the baby. In short, the correct choice of algal oil DHA is conducive to the development of baby's intelligence and vision, and also helps to protect the environment.

Although algae oil is good, parents should not be sloppy in their choice of algal oil DHA brand. There are differences in DHA for different algal oils. In particular, depending on the species of algae, it will affect the purity and other aspects. At present, according to the national new resource food announcement, the only algal oil that can be allowed to be produced as DHA is Schizochytridella, Wuken chytridium, and Cryptodinoflagellates Coleii. Among them, Schizochytrium is a well-recognized high-quality source in the industry, and many studies on DHA at home and abroad have been carried out around Schizochytrid, so it is more reliable in safety and science. It is worth noting that the composition of deep-sea schizottochytrium oil is closer to the fatty acid composition of the cerebral cortex, which is also suitable for children's growth and development.

Is it true that the windy "brain gold" DHA, the "algae" supplement is early?

Among the many algal oil DHA brands, Aolle DHA is more representative. Aole Milk has been adhering to the concept of safety, naturalness and health, and creating nutritional products that reassure mothers and infant families. DHA is Australia's natural deep-sea schizochytrid oil, DHA is purer, purer and purer, and almost no EPA. The design of the capsule coat is also based on the plant concept, and the vegetable capsule coat made of natural tapioca starch is not only stable in structure but also safer, and gets rid of the adverse effects of animal gelatin. At the same time, Aole Milk Children's DHA contains 100mg of DHA per capsule, which can also meet the recommended amount of DHA recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society for children's daily supplementation.

It is not difficult to see that algal oil DHA is indeed more suitable for infants and young children than fish oil DHA, and it has also created its unshakable market position. Of course, parents should not only rely on DHA nutritional supplements for the growth and development of their children, but also cultivate and educate their children from many aspects, which is a better choice.

Is it true that the windy "brain gold" DHA, the "algae" supplement is early?

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